watchrepairers / watch repairingWatchmakers please join my mailing list that is restricted to discussion on the following subjects Watch part suppliers Watch parts wanted or for-sale or exchanged Information about watch parts interchange ability. Links to Horological sitesCreated:
146 Members,
306 Topics,
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watchuseekThis group is for watch enthousiasts!Created:
2 Members,
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WaterPlanning group for a new FOSS project…Created:
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waterbirdaircraftThe group for all things related to the waterbird aircraft amphibious seaplane.Created:
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WaterConservation / Water Conservation Through DowsingThis group is to further the advancement of water dowsing to help train people find water underground such as water leaks from domestic water main pipes, water for wells, and/or water leaks from lakes or farm ponds that water animals of both domestic and wild. Our earth needs our help to conserve water, so this group is built to help dowsers add to their knowledge to help others.Created:
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waterfallbandmap / Waterfall BandmapGroup for Waterfall Bandmap software.Waterfall Bandmap (WB) combines a live waterfall display with callsign and frequency spotting information.Created:
708 Members,
172 Topics,
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waterfordkitchensWaterford Employee groupCreated:
5 Members,
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WaterfordParkPlannedCommunityThis group is for Waterford Park Planned Community Neighborhood Association so the neighbors can know each other and collectively solve our concerns.Created:
2 Members,
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waterfordweavers / Waterford Weavers GuildPrivate list for the members of the Waterford Weavers Guild.Created:
26 Members,
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waterfrontchurchmomsOnline community for moms at Waterfront Church in Washington, DC.Created:
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waterfrontmodelingFor model builders who enjoy waterfront scenes. All scales welcome. A family group so keep the language clean. No politics. No religion. Respect all fellow members. Common sense should prevail.Created:
48 Members,
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WaterlandsVillageOwnersForum / WaterlandsVillageOwnersForumThis group is a forum intended to facilitate and encourage discussion among Owners of Cottages in Waterlands Village on Bonaire regarding issues of common interest. This is intended to be the primary way that owners have open discussion, ask and answer questions and generally communicate with each other, as a group, and with the Board who represents the owners in making decisions when required.Created:
13 Members,
7 Topics,
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waterlooregionmusictherapistsA networking group of music therapists in Waterloo RegionCreated:
32 Members,
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waterpavilion / Water PavilionThis group serves as an electronic gathering space to discuss, develop, and implement strategies to create greater connectivity between water and climate.Created:
14 Members,
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waterscapesit's about things etcCreated:
3 Members,
19 Topics,
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WatersideReservePOASite for communication, data, documentation and pictures for owners at Waterside Reserve.Created:
28 Members,
62 Topics,
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watkins / Watkins Owner ForumA group for Watkins sailboat owners to share ideas, information and chat.Created:
99 Members,
89 Topics,
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WatkinsJohnsonThis group is for discussions about the great, old Watkins Johnson radio sets of any description - including the 8600/8700 series, 500 series, S-series, and anything else they ever made. They also did a series of white papers, a lot of work on balanced modulators and low noise front ends, and a bunch of other stuff. Perhaps this list can also serve to buy and sell units, parts and manuals. DRS doe...Created:
288 Members,
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WatsonATCSFor ATCS in general, go to the main ATCS group (found at this link: instead of this group. This group contains ATCS messages for movements between Watson Yard and the Alameda Corridor in the Wilmington/Carson, California area. Information from control point BNSF Xing is used to generate the messages. Server coverage of BNSF Xing is moderate-to-poor, so some messa...Created:
4 Members,
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1 Member,
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