VillageScribes / VillageScribesThe Village Scribe is dedicated to the creative writings of the Village Retirement Center in Gresham Oregon. Most genres are accepted. Send your best work and let’s share our talents with each other for mutual enjoyment and increasing our writing skills.Created:
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VILLARIDES / EAGLE'S PREY: VILLA RIDES Support GroupA groups dedicated to the study and gaming of the Mexican Revolution and EAGLE'S PREY: VILLA RIDES!Created:
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villaromatownhousesThis is a community group for the Villa Roma Townhouses in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. This forum is NOT run by or affiliated with the Villa Roma Condominium Trust as an organization and is solely a group for the condo owners to have a forum open to the community to discuss issues within the community.Created:
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Villarosaninellmondo / Villarosani nell mondoHistorical and genealogical research about Villarosani nell mondo e dintorni too, South Italy All language are accepted.Created:
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villasatmountainwest / Villas at Mountain WestThis is a private listserv for our neighborhood. We're a close knit community and this will serve to keep us informed and entertained!Created:
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Villasofada / Villas of Ada CommunityThis group is for the benefit of the community at "The Villas of Ada" in Ada Michigan. It is to be used for discussion among community members. It also is used for files pertinent to the community, photos, databases, polls, among other features. We are no longer using the Google calendar for community and private events but are now using this calendar for all scheduling. Realico ...Created:
137 Members,
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VillaTivoliComunicación entra residentes y administración del residencial Villa TivoliCreated:
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vinahealth / VinaHealth - Diễn Đàn Sức KhoẻDiễn Đàn Sức KhoẻCreated:
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vinasgroupHi we basically swap atickers and other small paper items..We have a wish group, MOM, and birthday group..If you would like to join we would love to have you..Thank YouVina ( group mom )Created:
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vinduroA group dedicated to the history, data, and all things concerning VINtage enDURO motorcycles. A "vinduro" bike is simply a bike that was equipped with lights (and required/needed appurtenances) in order to be street legal and/or compete in "endurance" and "reliability trial" type events, or, to simply be ridden for recreation as a trail riding motorcycle. Among this genre o...Created:
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VinesDiscussion of Vine and Vines RelativesCreated:
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Vineyard / Vineyard SurnameFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – VineyardCreated:
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VinlandVikingsA group to share information about events that the Vinland Viking Camp is participating in. The Vinland Viking Camp is a volunteer living history re-enactment and study group concentrating on all aspects of Viking life from the 700s to 1200s operating under the auspices of the Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia, Ltd.Created:
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vinnyVince Gill fansCreated:
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vinny-news-updates-vp / Vinny News/Updates (VP)Vinny News/Updates (VP) This list group is a continuation of the Vinny News announcements list group at Yahoo Groups that was operated by Vinny Pinto for 15+ years until the Oct. 2019 down-scaling of Yahoo Groups. Vinny is a mystic, spiritual teacher/guide, spiritual healer, and a multi-disciplinary consulting and R&D scientist/engineer. The primary focus of this list group is to share ...Created:
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Vintage-Amateur-Radio-Restoration / Vintage Amateur Radio RestorationThis is a group for discussion of vintage AMATEUR RADIO (ham radio) restoration, repair, and modification. The radio needs to be used in the amateur radio service to be discussed. You may discuss any amateur radio tube equipment here. You may also discuss older transistorized equipment. Equipment still being serviced by the manufacturers is considered too new to be considered vintage. FOR SALE IT...Created:
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Vintage-Lunches-Welsh-MarchesA group of old car owners and drivers based in the Welsh Marches to the west of Leominster, UK. We meet (rules permitting) for regular lunches and evening meals at local pubs. No other club membership is required, and 'old' in our terms means pre-WWII.Created:
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Vintage-Military-RADARPlaceholder for vintage Military RadarCreated:
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Vintage-RecipesFor all those inherited, older recipesCreated:
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vintage60Strat-O-Matic Basketball Draft LeagueCreated:
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