OKISand / OKISandOKISand is a discussion group focused on beach renourishment and funding issues for Oak Island, N.C.Created:
157 Members,
131 Topics,
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OKITGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons who may have had a life event in the State of Oklahoma and/or Indian Territory. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list OKIT.Created:
12 Members,
0 Topics,
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OKIwritersOhio/Kentucky/Indiana writers group founded in the diaspora of the great RWA contraction. Formerly OVRWA (Ohio Valley Romance Writers of America)Created:
9 Members,
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OklahomaGenealogy research in OklahomaCreated:
34 Members,
19 Topics,
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OklahomaRomanceWritersofAmericaMembers of OKRWACreated:
16 Members,
69 Topics,
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okmwlegGroup for members of the NACPM OK Legislative Working CommitteeCreated:
1 Member,
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OKPoly / OKPolyA discussion list for those in and around Oklahoma interested in Polyamory and various forms of non-monogamy. This is not a meet market or swingers site. Males, females, singles, married, triads, moreads, hetro, homo, and bisexuals all welcome. Discuss with others who are interested in alternatives to marriage in its traditional form.Created:
22 Members,
2 Topics,
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okpsug / Oklahoma Powerschool User GroupA place for Oklahoma PowerSchool users to collaborate, cooperate and shareCreated:
102 Members,
1,306 Topics,
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Oktraders / OKTRADERSGroup's purpose is for selling and trading Amateur Radio Equipment and stuff associated with the Amateur Radio Hobby. You may List free itemsCreated:
159 Members,
699 Topics,
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okulkutuphanecileri / Türkiye-Okul Kütüphanecileri listesi..Okul Kütüphanelerinde çalışan kütüphaneci veya diger çalışan görevlilerin tartişma ve bilgi alma listesi. Grupta yayınlanan yazılardan sadece yazarı sorumludur. Diğer grup üyeleri ve moderatörler sorumlu tutulamazlar. Grup üyeleri uye olmakla bu şartı kabul etmiş olurlar.Created:
50 Members,
33 Topics,
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OkvdtestRoller derbyCreated:
1 Member,
1 Topic,
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OKVHF / Oklahoma VHF+ and Rovers Amateur RadioThis group is for amateur radio enthusiasts who support Oklahoma VHF and up radio activity as well as the rovers who work these bands in the field. If it’s 6 meters to microwave to light and related to Oklahoma, this is the place for it. Please be respectful and use this space to encourage the growth of this activity in Oklahoma.Created:
7 Members,
8 Topics,
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okvictorydollsOklahoma Victory DollsCreated:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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ola-is / Online Al-Anon Outreach CommitteeOnline Al-Anon Outreach CommitteeCreated:
14 Members,
5 Topics,
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OLAIPharmacist group to allow for easy communication and national collaboration during the supply issues with olanzapine long acting injection.Created:
36 Members,
130 Topics,
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OLAQ / Ohio LongArm QuiltersPrivate group for members of the Ohio LongArm QuiltersCreated:
25 Members,
394 Topics,
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old-chevy-truck / Old Chevy and GMC Trucks 1941 - 59Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of stock 1941 - 59 Chevy and GMC Trucks. KEEP IT STOCKCreated:
50 Members,
147 Topics,
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old-country-gospel-company / Old Country Gospel CompanyDer Gospelchor im Alten Land.Created:
38 Members,
179 Topics,
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Old-Decos-And-HomersHello there! Do you receive "OLD DECOS" ? Decos that should have been filled and returned home ages ago ? Then this is the group you need! Here there are "NO ORGANIZED SWAPS" - anyone who receives "OLD" decos (at least 4 years old ) may post that they need someone to help finish this deco(s) and return it to the owner. All decos SENT to someone in this group MUST send it ...Created:
47 Members,
8,071 Topics,
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old-english / OLD-ENGLISHA mailing list for deciphering and interpreting old documents in English. Formerly hosted by Rootsweb, it is intended for genealogists, family and local historians, and anyone else who uses or is interested in old documents.Created:
75 Members,
28 Topics,
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