nchs70 / NCHS '701970 graduates of Norfolk Catholic High School. Norfolk VA.Created:
62 Members,
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NCHSClassOf1970 / New Canaan High School Class of 1970Chat group for members of the New Canaan Connecticut High School Class of 1970Created:
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ncilug / North Central Illinois LUGNorth Central Illinois Linux Users Group We meet monthly in Mt. Morris on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM. The location is Disciples United Methodist Church at the far west end of Mt. Morris on IL Rt 64 (north side of the road). NOTE that currently we are meeting virtually on the same day and time. Check your email for meeting links. Like Linux, it's FREE! Everyone is welcome - begin...Created:
16 Members,
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NCIS-FansFor fans of CBS's series - NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, and NCIS: New Orleans, as well as JAG.Created:
31 Members,
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NCISocialCello Social for NCI participantsCreated:
20 Members,
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NCLAURELVEA group devoted to promoting no charge amateur radio exams in and around the state of North Carolina and exchanging positive communication and training ideas among Laurel Volunteer Examiners.Created:
42 Members,
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NCLQWA safe and mindful group for women, lesbian, queer, straight - irrespective of sexual preference, to express, give and receive.Created:
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NCM / Net Control ManagerThe Net Control Manager (NCM) program was designed to make Amateur Radio Net check-ins, management of net resources and net reporting easier and more efficient than using pen and paper. This is not meant however to be a replacement for pen and paper, which will always be your best backup should something go wrong. The NCM is designed to make ARES, RACES and other EM net logging and reporting...Created:
114 Members,
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NCMNNational Communications Monitoring Network (NCMN) A group of scanner enthusiasts that are devoted to monitoring communications in the VHF and UHF spectrums to detect illegal and subversive communications in support of clandestine actions against the United States of America by foreign and domestic groups or individuals to destroy our democracy or nation.Created:
1 Member,
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NCMPCMembershipThis listserv is for sending information to the North Cascade Meat Producers Co-op membership.Created:
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NCNG / North Coast Narrow GaugersA webspace for members of the HOn3 model railroad group North Coast Narrow Gaugers.Created:
11 Members,
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NCNG-Op-SessionsGroup for planning and discussing operating sessions on the NCNG model railroad.Created:
19 Members,
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ncngrrNevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad - A group for those interested in the history or the modeling of the NCNG.Created:
20 Members,
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ncns / NCNSThe North Carolina Neuropsychological Society is a profession organization dedicated to ensuring the highest level of neuropsychological services to the citizens of North Carolina. It is focused on the professional, legal, legislative, and insurance issues impacting the professional of neuropsychology in North Carolina. It also serves to provide open communication and debate on professional and po...Created:
78 Members,
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ncnwpa / Northern California-Nevada Regional Affiliate of the Council of Writing Program AdministratorsThe Northern California-Nevada WPA is a local affiliate of the National Council of Writing Program Administrators. We seek to support and improve writing programs throughout Northern California and Western Nevada. Officers (2020-2021): President: Vice-President: Secretary/Treasurer: Liaison to the National Council of Writing Program Administrators: Member Institutions: Ci...Created:
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NCPA conversation, information and action space for members of the New Club of ParisCreated:
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ncpa / Northern California Packet Association (announcements only)This is the main group for the Northern California Packet Association (NCPA). It is used for announcements only. It is a convenient way to send a single announcement to all members of all NCPA subgroups, thereby keeping e-mail traffic to a minimum. Member activities (posting messages, files, etc.) is done in subgroups.Created:
39 Members,
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ncpacket / North Carolina Packet Radio Network and Networking is a non-incorporated group in North Carolina. NCPACKET is building a social network that is entirely OFF of the Internet. We're using ham radio data links based on the TARPN plan. Please use the group for discussing technical issues or non-NC specific topics, and this group for NC-centric meetings, site discussions, link coordination, equipment acquisition fo...Created:
240 Members,
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NCPN / Naturist Campaign for Public NudityThis is a campaigning group to draw attention to the legality of public nudity in UK so as to reduce pointless harassment of innocent naturists. No photos are permitted here which depict nudity because this would infringe terms and they are in any case irrelevant to our purpose. A separate web site is under construction on which a few photos may be placed at some future date. The legal p...Created:
3 Members,
17 Topics,
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NCPTFTechThis is a discussion group for the development of the NCPTF.Created:
7 Members,
5 Topics,
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