lcarapatch / Lake County Amateur Radio Association - The PatchWelcome Founded in 1978 as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization, the Lake County Amateur Radio Association is a group of FCC licensed amateur radio operators located in Lake County Ohio. We are affiliated with the Amateur Radio Relay League (Special Services Club), Amateur Radio Emergency Services (Ohio District 10), and the National Weather Service's "Sky-Warn" Train...Created:
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lcarc / LCARC - Lake Conroe Amateur Radio ClubJust a bunch of Hams having fun with the Amateur Radio hobby! The LCARC is intended to primarily facilitate communications-related activities and promote amateur radio. The LCARC is actively engaging in a variety of activities throughout the year, including contesting, VHF/UHF Operations, antenna building, DIY projects, special event operations, and miscellaneous Public Service activities. ...Created:
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lcarc-info / LCARC Information RequestInformation request for Lake Conroe Amateur Radio ClubCreated:
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LCARCMOWe are a group of ham operators within Lincoln County and surrounding counties that have a common interest in emergency communications for Lincoln County and their respective counties.Created:
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LCARG / Lincoln County Amatuer Radio Group - LCARGLincoln County Amateur Radio Group The Lincoln County Amateur Radio Group (LCARG), located in Libby, Montana-USA, started in the early 1960s with a few like-minded members with a love for amateur radio. It has grown over the years with members ranging from 8-96 years young. We also have a small core of members that are volunteers for emergency communications (EmComm) to help in occasional emerge...Created:
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lcas / Lake County Astronomical SocietyThe Lake County Astronomical Society is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the science of astronomy among its members and the public. Located in Lake County, Illinois.Created:
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lcasipandplaybackstage / LCA Sip And Play Backstage (Email Edition)Planning, logistics, ticketing for LCA + Affiliate Programming for those who don't have access to the Facebook Group...(i.e. Sip And Play Project) For more information, please visit
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LCBahaiAnnounce / Las Cruces Baha'i AnnounceAnnouncements and community info and discussions for the Baha'is of Las CrucesCreated:
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lcc-forum / LCC Community ForumAn online space for members and friends of Ladera Community Church in Portola Valley, CA to share ideas and information.Created:
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lcccThis is a general discussion list for the Low Country Contest Club (NU4SC), an amateur (ham) radio contesting club in the greater Charleston, SC area.Created:
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LCCcompiler / LCC Retargetable C CompilerThe primary focus of this group is porting LCC (a retargetable C compiler) to other platforms, as well as making enhancements and modifications to the compiler and its tools.Created:
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LCCERT / LinnCountyIowaCERTGrantsCommitteeLinn County Iowa CERT Grants CommitteeCreated:
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lccitsaIt student alliance of Lansing Community College.Created:
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lccpsoc / Lewis & Clark Chapter of the Philalethes SocietyThe Lewis & Clark Chapter of the Philalethes Society is a Masonic research organization based in Portland, Oregon. Our purpose is to promote Masonic education by training new Masonic educators and providing speakers on various Masonic topics to lodges in Oregon and Washington. Membership is open to all Master Masons who are members of the Philalethes Society. Learn more at: http://freemasonry....Created:
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LCCwomensnetworkLondon Cycling Campaign Women's NetworkCreated:
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LCECGLeague City Emergency Communications GroupCreated:
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LCGCLAke Chapala Garden ClubCreated:
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LCGC-chitchatThis group is for the Little Compton Garden Club members to share gardening chitchat, such as a pop-up invitation to look at a garden in bloom, ask a question about amending soil, or share info about an upcoming event.Created:
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LChaimShidduchListbs"d Our FREE shidduch list is growing and has been instrumental in helping to build new Torah homes within our beautiful Klal Yisroel! We help with the Hishtadlut required for us to do. You do your part and I'll do the rest says Hashem! If you know anyone looking for a shidduch, please use the link below and enter the required information so we can help facilitate a great match. ...Created:
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LCIACERTA Linn County Iowa CERT Group that is public.Created:
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