Jordan-Family-HistoryFor anyone interested in the family history of Winifred Rose JordanCreated:
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JordanskydellHi, I’m Jordan Skydell. I created this group to provide parents with a comfortable space to share information, connect with others, and build a sense of community. It will also serve as a platform to network, buy, and sellCreated:
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JosCountryKitchen / Jo's Country KitchenHowdy!!!! Welcome!!!! I am so glad that ya'll dropped by!! This is a friendly group where we share all sorts of recipes-from cakes,pies,cookies and breads to family favorites,and vegetarian to meat lovers recipes.I also help locate recipes and list helpful kitchen hints,household tips,craft ideas and freebie offers from time to time. Please note that this is a family-oriented group and ...Created:
86 Members,
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JOSE-editors / JOSE EditorsJournal of Open Source Education editorial boardCreated:
18 Members,
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JosephLinsnerAnything related to JosephLinsner and DawnCreated:
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joshuatechtips712All about trainsCreated:
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JoshyA group for Railway gen and informationCreated:
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JOSLIN-genealogyGroup to discuss, exchange information and ask questions concerning persons surnamed Joslin. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list - JOSLIN.Created:
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Jour22 / CCSF Journalism 22-Feature WritingThis is the e-mail list for Jon Rochmis' Journalism 22 (Feature Writing) course at City College of San Francisco. This is where general announcements will be posted, and it is also a good venue for students to engage in online discussions regarding assignments, news stories, etc.Created:
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Journal / GENESIS EDITORIAL TEAM FOR EGGSAOne port communication between the team working on the genesis. The genesis is the quarterly journal of the eGGSA - virtual branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa. The team is responsible for the genesis publication, evaluating and editing genealogical submission considered for publicationCreated:
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journal-isms / Richard Prince's Journal-ismsOn diversity issues in the news business.Created:
1,032 Members,
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journal-ismsroundtable / Journal-isms RoundtableThe Journal-isms™ Roundtable is a dinner group of more than 50 current and former journalists, authors and editors that meets every month to have lively, informative, educational and sometimes provocative conversations over good food and drink.Created:
373 Members,
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JourneyNoseWork / Journey Nose Work, LLCThis group is for members and customers that have taken K9 Nose Work classes at Journey Nose Work, LLC. We will have discussions on searching, problem solving and announcements about classes.Created:
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jowilsonpta / J.O. Wilson Elementary School PTAJO Wilson Elementary serving PreK 3 - Grade 5 A place for JO Parents, guardians, teachers, staff, and community members with a current and direct link to the school to COMMUNICATE! The site is what YOU make of it. It can be a place to schedule play dates, organize afterschool activities, teachers can request glass jars, ask questions, etc. It's up to you.Created:
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JOYFULThis is an archive of the Joyful from YahoogroupsCreated:
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Joyful-Stonehenge-Living / Joyful Stonehenge Living - Raleigh NCWelcome to Joyful Stonehenge Living. Stonehenge is a subdivision located in Raleigh, NC which has wonderful neighbors and lots of family interactions. This group is for homeowners living in Stonehenge to discuss matters pertaining to the neighborhood, to ask for information and references,other information a homeowner may need help finding, to post items for sale or give away, lost & found pe...Created:
40 Members,
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Joyfulinspiration / Joyful InspirationsWomen's fellowship center. We will share inspiration and creativity. We work with Paintshop and other image platforms. All of our images are done in AI by our women. We do NOT circulate tubes that are from images online, or that belong to someone else. Weekly lessons and challenges, weekend surprises! Plenty of encouragement and assistance for all! Happy to Have YOU!!!! Just a note; if ...Created:
128 Members,
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JoyfulNoiseThis is a group to share Gospel music in wav format. It is the former yahoo group MakeAJoyfulNoiseUntoTheLord We love listening to Gospel music & sharing inspiration themes. Hope to see you join us.Created:
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3 Members,
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1 Member,
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