ddmk / DESERT DESIGNS MACHINE KNITTING GUILDThis group is for dues-paying members of the Desert Designs Machine Knitting Guild in Albuquerque, NM. Dues are $25 per year. DESERT DESIGNS MACHINE KNITTING GUILD meets in members' homes once a month on Saturday at 10:00 am. Contact ddmkabq@gmail.com or (505)750-0684 for dates and locations. Our mission is to help each member become a better machine knitter, to encourage others to become ma...Created:
27 Members,
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DDO-FoDThis is a group about the online multiplayer game Dungeons and Dragons Online, focusing (for now) on establishing and maintaining player groups.Created:
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ddohungerford / Dudes & Dads of Hungerford!Welcome to Dudes & Dads of Hungerford DDOH!Comfortably known as DDOH! For those moments where you were like "damn I wish I could share this beer with a cool brochacho" or "I need to explain why the Nationals are going to take it this year" or just plain cheering "LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOO"... this group is for you. Please post a quick intro for yourself when you join the...Created:
11 Members,
9 Topics,
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ddrhDr. David R. Hawkins based group.Created:
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ddtc / Dayton Dog Training Club, Inc.Dayton Dog Training Club's social media site established to facilitate communication between club members. This is a private site open only to members of the Dayton Dog Training Club.Created:
281 Members,
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DDUtil / DDUtilThe Data Decoder Utility (DDUtil) is a software program designed to enhance the operating experience for Flex Radio users by providing advanced connectivity to peripheral equipment not before available. DDUtil provides the automation required to decode and present transmit frequency data to select frequency sensitive devices such as Linear Amplifiers (Icom IC-PW1, KPA500, SPE 1.3/2k, Yaesu Quadra)...Created:
779 Members,
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De-FaunaAn email list for news and updates on the rpg game "De-Fauna" and other games. Created for the purpose of easier organization (I have too many social media accounts)Created:
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DE-LTC-Medical-Directors / Delaware Long-Term Care Medical Directors ForumThis forum is for Medical Directors serving Delaware's long-term care community to pose questions and share information. It is provided by the Delaware Health Care Facilities Association for the benefit of its providers and the residents/patients they serve.Created:
14 Members,
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Deaclist / DeaclistThis list is primarily for members of the Lutheran Deaconess Conference, a community of the diaconate of the Lutheran Diaconal Association. This is a list where we can share resources, ideas, concerns, ministry trends, etc.Created:
334 Members,
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Dead-PiratesThe Dead Pirates of Sci Fi Fandom has been around for about 25 years. It is dedicated to a group of folks living mainly in the southeastern US centered around Atlanta, Georgia.Created:
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DeadRailBattery Powered Radio Controlled Model Trains and Locomotives. Please go to: BatteryPoweredModelTrains@groups.ioCreated:
22 Members,
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DeadRailSocietyFor modelers interested in Battery Powered Radio Control Model TrainsCreated:
448 Members,
786 Topics,
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dealsA group to share deals and coupons.Created:
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Dealz-n-SquealzGot a deal? Please share! Wanna squeal about your latest deal? This is the place. Looking for fun and friendship, you’ll find it here. We keep the rules simple and the atmosphere moving! Need to vent? Go right ahead we’re all friends here. The only requirement for membership are common sense, a sense of humor, maybe some mildly thick skin and a love to find great deals!Created:
42 Members,
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deanStocker, Fox, Feder and Troisi Family ArchiveCreated:
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Dean-SC-GenealogyOur group will discuss the Dean family of South Carolina. We will share our research with group members.Created:
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DeanAtaxiaSupportGroup / DeanAtaxiaSupportGroup“Dean Ataxia Support Group” to include any family members who are descendants (those with Ataxia & their “care givers”) of “Ora & Ruth Dean” & his brother, John Dean. The purpose of this group is for us to share tips, advice & stories about our lives with Ataxia - those coping with it & those caring for them. Thanks & God bless you!Created:
3 Members,
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DEARBORN-surnameA replacement for the former DEARBORN mailing list hosted by Rootsweb. The topic of discussion is the DEARBORN surname.Created:
4 Members,
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DeardenFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – DeardenCreated:
5 Members,
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DearneValleyRamblers / Dearne Valley RamblersGroup for Dearne Valley Ramblers members. Please note only Ramblers members may join this group. When you apply to join, you should receive an email asking for your membership details. Once we have received your reply, we will be able to approve your membership of this group.Created:
3 Members,
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