R5AUXC / FEMA Region V RECCWG AUXCOMM CommitteeDiscussion and collaboration group for FEMA Region V RECCWG AuxComm committeeCreated:
103 Members,
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R7AUXCOMMS / Region7AuxiliaryCommunicationsRegional communicationsCreated:
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R90SWORLDNET / BMW R90S Motorcycle Enthusiasts - MOVED TO VintageBMW.orgThis has been moved to the VintageBMW.org forums. Please visit us there! Welcome to the R90sWorldnet. (above, Hans Muth, designer of BMW motorcycles R90S, R100RS, R80GS, and R65LS, photo courtesy of Ronald Stone) This group is for devotees of the BMW motorcycle model, R90S, which was produced exclusively from model years 1974 to 1...Created:
254 Members,
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r9500 / Icom IC-R9500 Premium ReceiverThis group is dedicated to the discussion of the new professional/commercial grade receiver from ICOM, the IC-R9500. Hams, SWL's, and others are welcome here. Spammers need NOT apply! Spam, racism, name-calling, vulgarity, religious or political propaganda, personal insults and/or verbal abuse will not be tolerated in this group at any time. Any member posting such material will be placed on m...Created:
118 Members,
149 Topics,
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RA-Infection-ConnectionMessages relating To Inflammation & Infections. Feedback from our two "Infection-Connection" books and for notices for followers of our website: www.ra-infection-connection.comCreated:
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RA-SurvivorsA group for ritual abuse survivors, to get and give support, make friends, talk about the horrors of our past, the ups and downs of daily life, all are welcome, upon joining you'll be sent a screening email that you'll need to reply to, we'll also host zoom chats, and other social hangouts from time to time. So come on in and join this supportive group.Created:
8 Members,
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RAAC-EndgameRAAC Community Theatre Cast and Crew for the production of ENDGAME Sept 2024 PerformanceCreated:
10 Members,
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RAAMSAT / RAAMSATDiscussion group for the not for profit RAAMSAT Project, whose mission is to use Amateur (HAM) Radio to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics education (STEM) to Canadian school kids.Created:
5 Members,
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rabbMailing list for those researching the Rabb surname (including variations in spelling such as Raab, Rabbe, etc)Created:
9 Members,
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RabbiAmbush / Rabbi AmbushThis group is for keeping in touch with my old students and new friends. I will post a few Divrey Torah or videos to the group on occasion IYH. I am willing to try to answer any questions you may have on any subject. Please feel free to invite your friends to join us.Created:
4 Members,
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RabbiVienerShiurPassaicThis is the group for sending updates regarding the Rabbi Viener shiur in PassaicCreated:
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racal1792All about the Racal RA-1792 radiosCreated:
2 Members,
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RacalDana / Racal Dana instruments and test equipmentInformation exchange and meeting place for anyone interested in RACAL Dana or Airmec test equipment. Advice on calibration and tricks and tips to get the most out of equipment. In fact anything at all to do with RACAL DANA and associated test equipment. Note Manuals are generaly no longer kept within this group, and have been submitted to several public websites dedicated to hosting technical docu...Created:
226 Members,
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RacalRA17forumWelcome to the Racal RA17/117 Owners Group The purpose of this group is for sharing information pertaining to, but not limited to the use, repair, maintenance and sources for spare parts for the Racal RA17/117 HF receiver. Additionally this is an open forum for anyone wishing to share their insights, servicing tips and opinions on the Racal RA17/117 or related topics.Created:
212 Members,
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RacalRadio / Racal RadiosThe above picture contains the iconic Racal Syncal 30 and it's associated power supplies. It's original owner was the Iragi Republican Guard. The radio was captured in a bunker south of Kuwait City. It's operator was killed. This group exists to collate information on the range of manpack tactical military radios manufactured in the UK by Racal and it's predecessors and descendants...Created:
605 Members,
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RacalradiosA Group for racal radio Enthusiasts specializing in Tactical equipment such as TRA 931 etc etcCreated:
21 Members,
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raccsGroup for members of the Russian & Abyssinian Cat Club of ScotlandCreated:
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RaceFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – RaceCreated:
3 Members,
3 Topics,
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RacebasePremiere NZ horse racing forumCreated:
18 Members,
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RACESThe Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) is a public service provided by auxiliary emergency communications personnel who are certified by a government Emergency Management Agency (EMA) to perform backup communications on amateur radio frequencies. This mailing list is for members of RACES units and other amateur radio emergency communications organizations. Appropriate discussion topics ...Created:
57 Members,
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