K2DAL / Daleville Area Amateur Radio ServiceDaleville Area Amateur Radio Service www.Daleville.usCreated:
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K2DLL / Saratoga County Amateur Radio AssociationSaratoga County Amateur Radio Association - Discussions among the members to the club, and general information for the members.Created:
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K2EDSAmateur radio operators and emergency communications operators active in the use of the 60 meter allocation of the spectrum. 1 rule. Be nice.Created:
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k2kA repository for the K2K archives from Yahoo groupsCreated:
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k2vn / Nassau Amateur Radio Club (NARC)The Nassau Amateur Radio Club (NARC) - Located at Eisenhower Park on Long Island, NY. is a club dedicated to the advancement of amateur radio technology. The membership is composed of experienced and newly licensed amateur radio operators that operate on all modes on the HF, VHF and UHF bands and experiment with new technology as it becomes available. The membership consists of experienced antenn...Created:
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K3CUJ / Columbia Amateur Radio Association - K3CUJWelcome to the Columbia (Maryland) Amateur Radio Association (K3CUJ) club groups.io page! CARA is the Howard County, MD ham radio club. For more information, please see the club's official website and Facebook page. The purpose of the groups.io Group is to enable club members to easily and informally share hobby-related information with other members. The general notion is to use t...Created:
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K3ML / K3ML Memorial Radio ClubK3ML Memorial Radio Club The Old Friends Amateur Radio Transmitter Society (OFARTS) was founded in 1998 after Hurricane Georges and the failure of another club to properly prepare for after effects and communications needs. The club was founded by CARMELITA GOSSARD (W3YWK), MILFORD GOSSARD (K3ML), CRAIG GOSSARD (N4XHC) and STUART GARRISON (W3HUG) to coordinate hurricane support and communic...Created:
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k3osr / Ockanickon Amateur RadioOckanickon Scout Reservation Amateur Radio OperatorsCreated:
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k3pdr / K3PDR - Philadelphia Digital Radio Association !The Philadelphia Digital Radio Association is an Amateur Radio Club dedicated to the advancement of Digital Modes including D-Star and APCO P25. The Club has proudly set up the first UHF D-Star Repeater System in Philadelphia Pennsylvania operating on 445.18125-. This system project was launched April 1, 2007 and will be the focus of the club, when we will continue to build out a network of remote...Created:
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k3psg / K3PSG -The Butler County Amateur Radio Public Service Group, Inc. - http://www.k3psg.comThis group is being created to have a forum in which to communicate club business, provide technical support for one another and the rest of the community. Currently membership will be restricted to club members. Who is K3PSG? The Butler County Amateur Radio Public Service Group Dedicated to working with Butler County Pennsylvania 9-1-1 Emergency Services Our Purpose Our purp...Created:
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K3SCR / South Central Radio ClubGroup for South Central Radio Club located in South Central PennsylvaniaCreated:
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k3segKirin Chipset & Technology Development Dept, HSCreated:
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K3SMT / Somerset County Amateur Radio ClubThe Somerset County Amateur Radio Club. A group of Ham Radio operators in Somerset County, PA and the surrounding area. The purpose of this email group is to keep all interested parties aware of the SCARC's activities and to promote participation and attendance in these activities.Created:
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k3ur / TEN-TEC Amateur Radio NetThe TEN-TEC Amateur Radio Net Group was formed in April 2012 by K3UR, John Occhipinti, from GA. He is the Group Owner of this TEN-TEC Amateur Radio Net groups.io. This Group is not affiliated with TEN-TEC or any other Amateur Radio Company. All new subscribers are welcome to join this Group. Your Full Name and Amateur Radio Callsign are the basic requirements to join. This TEN-TEC Amateur Radio Ne...Created:
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k3y-0-ops / K3Y/0 AdminWelcome to the administration group for K3Y/0 volunteer operators. I am happy that you are interested in volunteering to be one of the K3Y/0 operators, for the 2020 January K3Y/0 activities. The operator schedule is maintained on the SKCC Event Calendar at: https://www.skccgroup.com/cgi-bin/calendar.pl?year=2020&month=1 All times and dates are in UTC/GMT. (For example, Friday 01:00 U...Created:
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K3Y-3 / SKCC K3Y Area 3 Coordination GroupGroup for coordinating SKCC K3Y Activity in Call Area 3Created:
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K3Y-SKCC / K3Y-SKCCThis email list is for K3Y event managers and support personnel only. If you are looking for a K3Y area-specific group this is not it. Please contact your Coordinator to see if a group has been set up for operators in your area. Contact info is listed on the K3Y event webpage here: Thanks!Created:
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K3YNinersGroup K3YNiners is dedicated to the SKCC K3Y operators in Illinois, Indiana and WisconsinCreated:
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k3ytl / Murgas Amateur Radio Club - K3YTLThe Murgas Amateur Radio Club in Wilkes-Barre, PA We are a diverse group of Amateur Radio operators in Northeastern Pennsylvania. http://murgasarc.org/ The purpose of this group is to disseminate information to members of the Murgas ARC Club and others interested in Amateur Radio in NEPA. Please refrain from posting anything in this group not directly related to The Murgas ARC or Amateur Radio in...Created:
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k4-elecraft / K4 ElecraftOVERVIEW A direct-sampling SDR you’ll love to use Our new K4 harnesses the latest in signal processing while retaining the best aspects of the K3S and P3. The resulting user interface makes the technology transparent, allowing you to focus on working the world. 160-6 meter, all-mode coverage & dual RX The K4 includes dual receive over 100 kHz to 54 MHz. Since it utilizes direct...Created:
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