Updated-Woodland-DriveThis is the updated email directory for Woodland Drive.Created:
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updcs-alumni / Mailing List for UPD Computer Science GraduatesGroup for graduates of UP Diliman Computer Science ProgramCreated:
3 Members,
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UPGoodGov / UP Good GovEmail list for comments on a town manager/administrator issueCreated:
45 Members,
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upitdc-privacytips / Privacy Tips and TricksA mailing list for the University of the Philippines community to discuss online privacy tips and tricks. Please subscribe using your UP Mail or UP Office 365 mail address. Thank you.Created:
262 Members,
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uplands / Uplands Residential Association ForumThe Uplands is a 100+ year old neighborhood in heart of Peoria, Illinois. Our neighbors take pride in our historic homes, tree lined boulevards, diversity of residents, and close knit community. This listserve group is hosted by neighborhood residents for neighborhood residents to enhance communication and exchange of information among residents. Only residents of The Uplands are invited to join. ...Created:
114 Members,
644 Topics,
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uplaw-ipd / UP Law Information and Publication DivisionA mailing list for the University of the Philippines College of Law - Information and Publication Division community to discuss activities and projects. Please subscribe using your UP Mail or UP Office 365 mail address. Thank you.Created:
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UPlistservetestThe list....Created:
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upmpq / Colaboración satélites Radioclub UPM y AMSAT EAGrupo de colaboración entre los alumnos del radioclub de la UPM y AMSAT EA para el desarrollo de satélitesCreated:
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upmu / Uniunea Patriocrată Marea Unire - UPMUUniunea Patriocrată Marea Unire - UPMU Pagina grupului UPMU, ca alternativă FbCreated:
7 Members,
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upouaa2020 / Mailing list for UPOU Associate in Arts Batch 2020Batch Mailing list for UPOU Associate in ArtsCreated:
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upper-mississippi-river-reclaiming / Upper Mississippi River ReclaimingThis is an email list for the Upper Mississippi River Reclaiming community which is part of the Reclaiming Tradition of witchcraft. Think of this list as a cyber-hearth for our community, where we can share ideas, announcements, dream and envision the world in which we want to live, and a place to support each other in that work. The list is open to others not living in the Twin Cities or in Minne...Created:
60 Members,
211 Topics,
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upper-valley-wine-tastingA mailing list for wine enthusiasts in the Upper Valley between New Hampshire and Vermont.Created:
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UpperCheat / UpperCheatRiverA group of concerned citizens in the Upper Cheat River area. Focused on the U.S. Forest Service proposal to clear-cut 3,500 acres in our watershed. The Forest's web page about the project is https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=58364Created:
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UpperDalesFHG / Upper Dales FHGThis Group is for people who have ancestors from the Wensleydale, Swaledale and adjoining areas. The aim is to facilitate research and to enable the exchange of information. The Forum is very active and members have a wealth of knowledge covering many years of research. If you are a new member, please read the forum guidelines before posting your first message.Created:
507 Members,
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UpperDelaware-BuySellTradeFreeFor posting items to sell, trade, or give away.Created:
160 Members,
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UpperDelawareSocialNetworkAs our world is changing, we neighbors of the Upper Delaware River Valley are searching for a place to connect, communicate and and socialize. We welcome all who desire to meet the neighbors! I saw the potential need for another group local to us and our hearts, especially in time of loneliness and isolation. So here goes! I welcome you to join The Upper Delaware Social Network Group, as an adjun...Created:
98 Members,
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UpperDelawareWomensCircleA collection of women living in the Upper Delaware region of Sullivan County, NY, and Wayne County, PA, who want to gather to share social, community, and personal needs.Created:
32 Members,
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UpperFruitvaleFunston / Upper Fruitvale-FunstonSmall, private neighborhood group for social announcements, questions, etc.Created:
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UpperNWThis ad-free public group serves a need in upper NW DC, east and west of Rock Creek Park, to provide an inclusive discussion forum where residents may express their views without ideological censorship and bias. All residents are welcome to thoughtfully, politely, and respectfully engage in matters that affect our community, regardless of where they live.Created:
116 Members,
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UpperValleyGoClub / Upper Valley NH & VT GO ClubThis group comprises those who might play GO at the Hopkins Center Cafeteria at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH, usually on Wednesday afternoon at 2 PM.Created:
17 Members,
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