te-anoiThe group is intended for ministry officers who operate te Anoi or can give decisions on how the boat should operate.Created:
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teachcodingProgramming Teaching and Courses for Blind Students I have developed a number of programming courses teaching computer science and computer programming to blind students. This initiative arose from a discussion with Richard Freeman at Accessibility when he told me that he was being charged around $1000 per day for the development of JAWS scripts. My reaction was to research the topic and put toget...Created:
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teachersgroupemailThis is the teachers group emailCreated:
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teacherstuff / TeacherstuffWe'll be sharing resources for teachingCreated:
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Teaching-literary-translationA discussion group for people involved or interested in the teaching of literary translation.Created:
37 Members,
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TeachingIndigenousLanguages / Teaching and Learning Indigenous LanguagesSharing resources and approaches to teaching Indigenous languages in Alberta, Canada, and (far) beyond.Created:
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TeachingJobsInFrance / Teaching Jobs in FranceThis jobs list sends out periodic offers for jobs teaching English (and other languages) in France, plus occasional information about events relevant to language teaching. This is a FREE service for all teachers and employers. Join this group to receive job offers for teaching English in France, and suggest that your fellow English teachers join, as well as your employers. (It is NOT necessary to ...Created:
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TeachingsOfJesus / Teachings of Jesus study groupA "study group" centered on what Jesus taught, by what He said and what He did. Taking a cue from Quaker "worship sharing," let us share from deep within, listen (read) carefully and attentively, and acknowledge one another without adding our own thoughts on what someone has shared. Current texts as of 12/2023 are the Syriac Infancy Gospel https://web.archive.org/web/20040927133...Created:
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teachtxrxEducators, makers, and moreCreated:
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TeachWCSGroup for teachers of Wildwood Community School. This includes those who teach in the physical location and those teaching online through Wildwood Learning Center. Here we discuss philosophy, methodology, and all the aspects of teaching within a Charlotte Mason paradigm. You can find the teacher handbook (for both positions), forms, teaching aids, resources, etc.Created:
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TeachWithStuff / Teach With StuffBringing together K-16 educators with archives educators, library instructors, and museum educators. More at TeachWithStuff.org.Created:
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teakdoorTeakdoor offline communication groupCreated:
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TealFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - TealCreated:
15 Members,
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team-xcr / Team-XCR Support and ForumSupport for Team-XCR projects. This is a discussion group for the projects. There are no subgroups (maybe someday). Please be helpful and supportive. All posts are public to read. You must be a member to post.Created:
24 Members,
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Team-zatakHi Team, I need one group for team communication, I just check the group is userfriendly. please kindly prove my group for this trial basis. ThxCreated:
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Team4EdG / Team4EdGFriends of Ed GloverCreated:
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team7ksanisidroAlliance of 7000 Prayer Warriors & Ministry Partners of H4J - The Homes for Jesus Network of Global Frontiers Institute.Created:
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teamairway / Team Airway Main GroupTEAM AIRWAY STUDY CLUB (TASC): We are a San Francisco Bay Area group whose goal is to advance theoretic and clinical knowledge, skill, understanding and treatment abilities of practitioners of orthodontic treatment with a focus on increasing airway and overall patient health, including ancillary treatments, and of practitioners in related fields in a collaborative setting with a multi-disciplinary...Created:
77 Members,
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teamCOPC / teamCOPCThis group is for teamCOPC announcements related to the teamCOPC mission with Pelotonia.Created:
194 Members,
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TeamDoubleXLA drinking group with a mountain biking problemCreated:
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