OK-GRADYGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons who may have had a life event in Grady County, Oklahoma. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list OKGRADY.Created:
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OK-NOWATAGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons who may have had a life event in Nowata County, Oklahoma. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list OKNOWATA.Created:
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ok-on-air / Diskusní skupina OK radioamatérůDiskusní skupina, věnovaná všem OK radioamatérům, zaměřená na veškeré radioamatérské informace bez ohledu na téma - například o různých akcích (setkáních, srazech, klubových dnech, výstavách apod.), aktivitách na pásmech, expedicích, diplomech, technických novinkách, nových článcích, o tom, jak co instalovat nebo opravit, zkušenostech s novými produkty a další ...Created:
111 Members,
281 Topics,
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OK-PITTSBURGGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons who may have had a life event in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list OKPITTSB.Created:
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OK-VETERANSA group for anyone with a genealogical interest in Oklahoma veterans from all branches of the armed forces and all wars or other military conflicts. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list OK-VETERANS.Created:
5 Members,
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OK1TCsGroup to simplify communication between Oklahoma TCs within the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program.Created:
5 Members,
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ok2kub / Radioklub OK2KUBInterní diskuzní skupina pro členy a příznivce readioklubu OK2KUBCreated:
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ok5kThe Kinderhook ok5k is a 5k race held in June in Kinderhook, NY. This will be the 22nd annual race. It is sponsored by a 501 (c) non profit organization with funds going to local non profit organizations.Created:
15 Members,
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Okbmw / Central Oklahoma BMW Road Riders groupCentral Oklahoma BMW Road RidersCreated:
6 Members,
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OKCC / OKCCOKCC - Oregon Kayak & Canoe Club - is a group of boaters in the Portland area who have joined together to pursue a common interest in whitewater boating. Our primary focus is to organize river trips at various skill levels. Safety, as well as enjoyment, is considered important on all club-sponsored trips. We are also involved in ocean kayaking and surfing, slalom races, instruction, and river ...Created:
2 Members,
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OKCemeteriesgroupmailing list for volunteers associated with the OKCemeteries website at: https://www.okcemeteries.net/index.htmCreated:
15 Members,
32 Topics,
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OKCHOGCHAPTER / Chapter MembershipOKC HOG Chapter #4029 Ride safe and have fun.Created:
134 Members,
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OKCNP-COVID19A group email to update nonprofits in Oklahoma on COVID19 related issuesCreated:
83 Members,
7 Topics,
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OKeefeFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – O'KeefeCreated:
9 Members,
4 Topics,
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OKeeffeFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – O'KeeffeCreated:
3 Members,
3 Topics,
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OKelleyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – OKelleyCreated:
4 Members,
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okf / Oldenburger KurzwellenfreundeDie Gruppe dient zum Austausch von Nachrichten, Infos, Terminplanungen der "Oldenburger Kurzwellenfreunde". Gegründet von Programmhörer auf Kurzwelle rund um Oldenburg in Oldbg., sind inzwischen alle Hörer aller Bänder (u.a. LW, MW, KW, UKW, VHF, UHF) sowie besonderer Empfangstechnologien (SDR, Sporadic E, usw..). Willkommen seien Gäste bei unserem Stammtisch.Created:
22 Members,
565 Topics,
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okffCzech Flora & Fauna section of WWFF.Created:
4 Members,
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OKHEPFor colleges and corrections partners providing postsecondary education in prison in Oklahoma - inclusive of CTE and Academic programs.Created:
6 Members,
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okieheights / Okie Heights NeighborsOkie Heights, Zilker, Austin Ethel, Jessie, Josephine, Hillmont, Bluff, Juliet from Ethel to Lamar, and the adjoining bit of TreadwellCreated:
46 Members,
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