marceloborba / Marcelo Borba [Partituras]
Contatos de Marcelo Borba
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
MarcelRodriguez / Marcel Rodriguez
Welcome to the official Marcel Rodriguez group on! This group is for and about Cuban-American fitness model Marcel Rodriguez, born September 7, 1982, who is best known for his appearances in Teen Muscle Videos, Vista Video and Marcel has been described as fine wine... in getting better with time. All are welcome to join this group. Members are encouraged to share positive...
135 Members, 34 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
International Marce Society Pregnancy Loss and Newborn Death special interest group. Discussions, Q&A, program planning. Topic threads to increase member engagement across global time zones.
1 Member, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
A Group for posting railway related sightings, train movements and events, on the Welsh Marches Rail Route, all sightings and any information for the Welsh Marches area is welcome. Lets keep each other informed of what's going on and where its at. Areas covered include Chester, Crewe, Shrewsbury, Hereford to Newport(S.Wales) including the Central Wales and Cambrian Routes.
36 Members, 88 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
MarchinginMay / Marching in May for NJRW 2020
Marching in May for NJRW 2020
38 Members, 1,078 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This group is for fans of the Avalon Hill March Madness Basketball Game. It replaces the old yahoo group. To join, you must tell about your experiences with the game so that we know you are a true fan.
32 Members, 7 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
March on Denver
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
marchq / MARC-HQ - Motorcycling Amateur Radio Club
The Motorcycling Amateur Radio Club (or “MARC”) combines the love of motorcycle riding with the powerful capability and convenience of two-way amateur radio. Members donate their time and effort to provide communications at selected charity events in their chapter regions. The MARC group is open to members with and without a motorcycle or a ham radio. There are many roles we provide during ou...
92 Members, 778 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
marclub / Marclub
This email list is for members of the Marshall Amateur Radio Club (MARC) in Marshall, Texas, and others with a general interest in amateur radio. By becoming a member of the list you will be allowed to send email to the account All email that is sent to is copied and sent to all members of the list, including you. This is a great way to send out general informa...
9 Members, 430 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Grupo focado em compartilhar soluções para dúvidas sobre aulas do professor Marco Maddo.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Marconi-Test-Instruments / Marconi Test Instruments
This Group is the successor to the former Yahoo Group of the same name. 90 years of MARCONI Instruments - August 2026 —————————————————————— Anything related to the OLD, but excellent, Test & Measurement Instruments made by the well known British Firm "MARCONI INSTRUMENTS" MARCONI was sold to IFR Systems Inc. (n 1998), then IFR was acquired ...
1,631 Members, 3,166 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
MARCRPi / Mountain Amatuer Radio Club Raspberry Pi Informantion Group
This is a forum to allow and encourage the MARC members to explore the Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer and its User software. It is hoped that new users as well as experienced user will find a common site to ask and answer questions about The Raspberry Pi. To be Verified as holding a FCC Amateur Radio License please include your call sign with your member request. You do not have to be a member...
4 Members, 5 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
20y2 Lion's club.
11 Members, 307 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Twenty-three years have passed since the fall of the Dark Lord. The wizard world struggled to rebuild amid the horror and destruction of the War against Voldemort. It was not easy nor pretty, but deeply necessary. Over time, with old Death Eaters either dead or imprisoned, life resumed a semblance of normalcy. A new generation of students fills the halls of a rebuilt Hogwarts even as a series of ...
8 Members, 22 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Alternative zu timetree?
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A group for information regarding Maremar American Eskimos.
3 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
mares / Milpitas ARES/RACES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service
This is an ANNOUNCE only group. Discussions should take place in the appropriate sub-groups. Purpose: This is the main group for Milpitas, California ARES/RACES. The main group is only used for announcements that are relevant to all Milpitas ARES/RACES members or those with a demonstrated interest in Emergency Communications within Milpitas. The actual group discussions take place in various su...
33 Members, 485 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Groupe de mail des Moroccan Amateur Radio Emergency Services
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
MarFiore / Mar Fiore Homeowners
This group is for HOMEOWNERS at Mar Fiore I, Carlsbad, CA. For homeowners in the Mar Fiore 1 neighborhood, Carlsbad CA No politics, no religion, no personal attacks or comments By invitation, owners only, email to join this group. Thanks, Greg (owner/moderator)
49 Members, 69 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
MargarineArts / Margarine Arts at HB5
This is the listserv/email group for the Margarine Artists Initiative for artists based at the HB55 Kunstfabrik in Lichtenberg, Berlin. The email list is open to both members of the artists collective and those interested in events hosted by the group. These events run throughout the year and include curated exhibitions, music, performances, and discussions on various topics related to the arts. ...
18 Members, 26 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: