johnson-tube-linears / EF Johnson RF Tube LinearsThis group supports older vintage tube RF linear amplifiers made by EF Johnson. Restoration, modifications, upgrades and repairs and spare parts are discussed. Models covered are the Desk Kilowatt, Viking Thunderbolt, 6N2 Thunderbolt , Viking courier and others. == Group owner is Steve KA2PTE who owns a Modified Viking Thunderbolt.Created:
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JohnsonRadiosThis forum is for those who have Johnson Viking 1 and II transmitters, as well as other transmitters and transceivers. If it has Johnson on it, has tubes, then you are in the right group.Created:
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JohnStechschulteThis is a neighborhood groupCreated:
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Johnston-Research-GroupThis group focuses on connecting Johnston of Annandale families back together. Since the Dublin Public Record Office 1922 destruction took most of the records, most of this work is based on DNA matching. But there are records in Northern Ireland and expertise in members of this group who live there. So we also seek to document what can be documented. Many of those in the group have families that e...Created:
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JohnstonMcCulleyZorroThis group is dedicated to the life, career & works of Johnston McCulley (1883 - 1958), creator of 'The Robin Hood of 1820's Spanish California', ZORRO (a.k.a. 'The Fox') ! Zorro made his 1ST appearance in the weekly Pulp Magazine 'ALL-STORY WEEKLY' - Aug. 9,1919 ; the first of a 5 part story, entitled 'The Curse of Capistrano': (Aug. 9, Aug. 16, Aug. 23, Au...Created:
50 Members,
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JohnTaylorBorn1832CorseRelativesFor relatives of John Taylor born 1832 in Corse, Gloucestershire, and married to Ellen Jones of South Cerney in 1855, to discuss and add to their family trees.Created:
3 Members,
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1 Member,
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JohnWesley / John Wesley Discussion GroupDiscussion of the music of artist John Wesley, including his projects and collaborations.Created:
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joinbfrBerkeley Formula Racing RecruitmentCreated:
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JointLineRailfanning / Joint Line RailfanningWelcome to Joint Line Railfanning! This Group is here to serve the needs of everyone who calls the Joint Line their home railfanning line and to those here visiting this historic line! The Joint Line is a jointly owned piece of railroad between the Union Pacific and BNSF Railway running approximately 119 miles between Denver and Pueblo, CO. The line is rich in history and can be traced back to the...Created:
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jojosadsplace / JoJo's Ads PlaceAdvertise your Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, IO Groups, Facebook Groups, AOL Email Lists, Blogs, Websites and Facebook pagesCreated:
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jokes-bawdyA daily (weekdays at least) dose of bawdy jokes.Created:
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Jollyboat / Australian Jollyboat AssociationDedicated to sailing the mighty Jollyboat, an 18ft dinghy designed by Uffa Fox This group is for everyone involved or interested in sailing Jollyboats at Port Melbourne Yacht Club. Members will be notified of Jollyboat meetings and events and an up to date reserve crew list will be posted for easy access by skippers and potential crew during the week. Members are also encouraged to exchange news a...Created:
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JonesJones Family Genealogy ResearchCreated:
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Jones-ARFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. Discussing and sharing of information regarding the Jones surname in Arkansas.Created:
11 Members,
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Jones-OklahomaFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions and sharing of information regarding the Jones surname in Oklahoma.Created:
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JonesCountyARES / Jones County Amateur Radio Emergency ServiceJones County, Georgia Amateur Radio Emergency Service is a multi county group of like minded emergency service radio operators interested in supporting Jones County, their own counties and each other. We meet each Wednesday evening at 2030 hrs lcl on the 443.700 N5BI repeater using a 100 hz tone squelch only.Created:
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jonmodanberodhi / জন্মদানবিরোধWe are a community of Bengali antinatalists who strive to spread the philosophy of antinatalism in the Bengali language. Together, we gather to support introspective thinking within the Bengali community, advocating for a comprehensive reevaluation of the world's natural norms. We believe in questioning the traditional ideas surrounding procreation and fostering an environment that encourage...Created:
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jonquerettes84450this a group of all staying in JonquerettesCreated:
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joplindmrJoplin, Mo DMR ProjectCreated:
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