GAWilcoxGenealogy in Wilcox County GeorgiaCreated:
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GAWilkesGenealogy in Wilkes County GeorgiaCreated:
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GAWilkinsonGenealogy in Wilkinson County GeorgiaCreated:
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gay-male-talk / Gay Male Talk ForumThis forum is a safe place for gay males to chat, make new friends, talk about news or even hookup. Any member that flames will be removed without warning. Remember, if something is not for you, it's OK to not participate.Created:
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GayboykyleFor the closet gay boys. That need to come out and be gay. Trying I'm a submissive sissy bottom and needs to get the thing craving constantlyCreated:
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GayCouplesInMaineAndNewHampshire / Gay Couples In Maine & New HampshireA group for gay couples looking to connect with other gay couples in and close to Maine and/or New Hampshire. This group will especially promote and serve as a meeting space for gay couples 40+ who often find it more difficult to meet new friends once relocating to a new area or just in general. This group is open to gay male couples meeting here to develop platonic friendships as well as for coup...Created:
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gaydadsaustraliaGay Dads AustraliaCreated:
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GayHistory / This Day in Gay HistoryThis is a mailing and archive group for CanadianGay's This Day in Gay History. It is an adult group, because it sometimes deals with male-oriented adult subjects. Members must be male and 18 years of age and older. If you are looking for the CanadianGay Men Group, it has been blocked by Google.Created:
126 Members,
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gaylansThis group is a private group only for owners--past, present, and future--of Gaylan's golden retrievers. Here we can ask questions, stay informed, share brags, celebrate accomplishments and commiserate over losses.Created:
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GayMenPollsGroup created so we can create polls for questions that as gay men we are curious.Created:
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GaynorFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Gaynor Related Ancestry Message Board -
8 Members,
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GayOutdoors / Gay Outdoors - World WideGay Outdoors World Wide This forum is a replacement for, since they are converting to a group for selected East coast states only. We want to become a forum for guys that enjoy the great outdoors (and even the great indoors, sometimes) and like to be with other men for hiking, swimming, camping, etc. Please join us, guys! [Search Keywords: Gay Outdoors, Gay, Outdoor...Created:
226 Members,
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GayShadedThis group is about gay and bi stories, news, commentary and info. Also, we'll have a few pics of beaut men. From time to time. Also sometimes ppl have rants, and throw their toys out of the cot.Created:
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gaysthoa / Gay St Townhouses on the Wall HOAHOA and renters for Townhouses on the Wall, Gay StCreated:
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Gaytheist / GaytheistAn uncensored discussion group for LGBT and straight gay-friendly atheists, agnostics and freethinkers that encourages free debate on all subjects loosely related to being gay and/or being a nonbeliever. This is a continuation of the Gaytheist group formerly hosted on Yahoo Groups since 16 August 2009.Created:
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GayyimDC / GayyimDCIn Hebrew, Gayyim (pronounced gay-eem) means both “proud” and “gay men.” Gayyim DC is a social group for Jewish gay/bi/trans men who live in the Washington DC metropolitan area. Join us to participate in a wide variety of social activities and other events. We're both an on-line and real-world community. Our partner groups: Nice Jewish Boys — ( — Social gro...Created:
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gaziemirsantiyeGaziemir şantiyesindeki gunluk mailleşmeler içinCreated:
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GB-CoachingMensurations périodiqueCreated:
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gb-rail-news / GB Rail NewsWe accept all forms of railway discussion,gen,photos,videos,vacancies and so much more. We are a friendly group that is free has a professional admin team with people from both in and outside the railway industry. _________________________________________ The New group rules 1. No Swearing 2. No Abuse to members on or OFF GROUP!! 3. Please make sure you have permission to forward gen from other gr...Created:
11 Members,
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GB-WWAFor UK discussion and coordination of the Amateur Radio World Wide Award, January 2024.Created:
47 Members,
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