ACONtechFor discussions of ACON technical & management issues.Created:
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ACountryWomenGroup Description Welcome to A Country Women,come on in,sit and relax. We are a group of ladies who share our days with each other. We enjoy sharing books we are reading,crafts we are doing, and things about our families and our lives. We do many things for our homes,canning,food storage,prepping,some decorating,gardening,organizing and decluttering. Come sit down, relax have a cup of coffee,t...Created:
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acoustic-guitar / Welcome to Acoustic Guitar !This group is obviously about playing acoustic guitars, but we also enjoy discussing banjos, mandolins, autoharps, dulcimers, sitars (any acoustic, stringed instrument), and issues related to playing them as well as some non-guitar subjects of interest to members. We also welcome discussions about aspects of songwriting and performing -- however, this does not mean discussions that are fan-based t...Created:
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acousticharmonies / acousticharmoniesA group for sharing thoughts and music of great singer-songwriters old & new such as Bob Dylan, Jackson Browne, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Joni Mitchell, Gene Clark, J.D. Souther, Guy Clark, John Prine, Iain Matthews, Sandy Denny, Dave Mason, Tom Rush, Roger McGuinn, Chris Hillman, Richard Thompson, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Gram Parsons, Van Morrison, Herb Pedersen, Maury Muehleisen, M...Created:
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acozyspaceA Cozy Space for the nicest people, we are a friendly group to make friends, talk and share all sorts of awesome stuff! There are a few rules tho: We are not a psp, or Incredimail group. Absolutely nothing about politics, right wing, anti vaccination, patriot or religion (including footers at the end of your emails) Groups.IO strongly forbids file shares (movies and music) This group is hig...Created:
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acpoirotUn groupe pour les amateurs d'Agatha Christie et de la série "Hercule Poirot" avec David Suchet.Created:
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ACPS / Akita Club of Puget SoundThis is an online group that previously met in person and now will use this group to meet, discuss, and vote on topics of mutual interest.Created:
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acquachiaragruppo / Gruppo AcquachiaranetMailinglist di condivisione di acquachiaranet Ricreare uno spazio di scambio sereno fuori dalla calca dei social testi pensieri e opinioni sulla Vita in questi tempi e le varie implicazioni ma non solo materiali Un angolino per chi ha voglia di riprendere l'attenzione per se stessoCreated:
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ACROSSlexingtonbrochureGroup updating ACROSS Lexington brochure for publication in 2020Created:
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ACS-GH / Auxiliary Communication Service - Golden HorseshoeAuxiliary Communication Service for the Golden Horseshoe. Group discussion concerning the Golden horseshoe Region effecting Emergency CoordinatorsCreated:
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ACS-GH-MEMBERSFor ACS-GH member volunteers. Used for general information discussions etc.Created:
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ACSALThis is the OFFICIAL ListServe Account for the American Counsel of Second Amendment Lawyers. This email ListServe is free for all members to use to communicate with each other on issues of the 2nd Amendment and 2nd Amendment Jurisprudence. It may also be used for any self-defense related matters or cases or discussions of the same. This group does not tolerate name-calling or allow comments of ...Created:
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ACScricket / ACS MembersA forum for members of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians to discuss topics of interest. Views expressed are those of individual members and do not necessarily represent those of the ACS.Created:
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acsm / Astronomy Club of Southern MarylandThe Astronomy Club of Southern Maryland (ACSM) is an informal club whose members are enthusiastic about observing the night sky with amateur telescopes. We enjoy learning more about our universe, and frequently share our hobby with the public at outreach sessions at a number of venues in our area.Created:
14 Members,
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ACSMNutritionThis private group is for members of ACSM and ACSM's Nutrition Interest Group. The goal is to share ideas, job opportunities, research, and nutrition information related to sports and performance.Created:
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acsos-scThis is the new mailing list for the acsos-sc.Created:
12 Members,
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acsr / ORNL Advanced Computing Systems Research SectionORNL Advanced Computing Systems Research SectionCreated:
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ACSTestSandboxI am testing this to see if this might work for a group in the future.Created:
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act-4wd-club-members / ACT 4WD Club Members - Mailing ListClubs group email listCreated:
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