SAPsmalldogsplaySmall Dog Play GroupCreated:
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saqa / SAQA Members-OnlyMembers-only discussion group for Studio Art Quilt Associates ( All SAQA members are invited and urged to join the group and participate in the discussions. Anything SAQA, quilt, art, the business of art, or member related is fine to discuss. You should feel free to send info about any exhibitions you are in, that you suggest others visit or apply to, good fabric stores, member n...Created:
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SAQASouthBayLocal / SAQA South Bay LocalThis is a group for members of the SAQA South Bay Local Connections group to ask questions, share good news, and post information about local resources and exhibitions. The South Bay Local SAQA group is part of the Northern California/Northern Nevada SAQA region. This is an opt-in, optional group. All meeting times and information will still be sent to the email on file in our Google Docs group.Created:
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SAR-Color-Guard-Betterment / SAR Color Guard BettermentSAR Color Guard members concerned about presenting an appropriate American Revolutionary (period correct) impression to the public at our events across America. United We Stand!Created:
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sar-l / sar-l - for fans of South African RailwaysFor fans of South African Railways There are RULES. Please read these before requesting membership. When you join there will be a short wait period while the moderator makes sure you're not going to spam us.Created:
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SAR-Rescue / SAR RescueThe site for members who have an interest in live Search and Rescue incidents, post SAR incident reports, or information on SAR units, bases, aircraft or SAR frequencies. Plus, much much more as time goes on. So, come and join us. Please remember that reception of radio traffic can be an offence under Section(1)(a) of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 and to disclose that information can be an off...Created:
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SARA / Schenectady Amateur Radio AssociationThe Schenectady Amateur Radio Association (SARA) was established in 1930. The Club Station, K2AE, is the Henry Primm Broughton Memorial Station. The Club operates repeaters on 6m (53.57 MHz), 2 m (147.06 MHz), 1.25 m (224.06 MHz), and 70 cm (444.20 MHz) which are located at the top of Crawford Hill in Schenectady County near NY State Thwy exit 26. The Club is an ARRL affiliate and has over 100 mem...Created:
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SaraArt / SaraArtThis is an online group for Sara's art students to post their projects and discuss art while we are all stuck at home. This group is only for current and former students of Sara's Drawing and Painting or Calligraphy classes, and is by invitation only.Created:
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saradioclub / San Antonio Radio ClubHome of W5SC, the San Antonio Radio Club, in San Antonio, Texas, USA.Created:
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SARAham / Stafford Amateur Radio Assoc.Ham radio club located in Stafford, VA.Created:
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SarahBoucherTVSignoffsI uploaded the TV Sign-offs collectionCreated:
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SARAM / Society of Amateur Radio Award ManagersThe Society of Amateur Radio Award Managers (S.A.R.A.M.) is a group for amateur radio award managers from online groups, national societies, and organisations to discuss and share ideas and news about amateur radio operating awards and their management. When subscribing to the group, please provide your name and tell us what club/organisation/national society you are the award manager for.Created:
8 Members,
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SARArocketrySouthern Arizona Rocketry AssociationCreated:
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Sarasota-County-CERTS / Sarasota-County-CERTSThis Group has been established to serve as an email reflector and repository for participants of Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) in Sarasota County in the state of Florida. The group will start unmoderated. If it becomes hacked that may need to change, I encourage those who join to tell us a little bit about their CERT and themselves. Date group set up - May 22, 2023Created:
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sarasotamobilityallianceWe are a group of community members working towards a network of safe, sustainable, and equitable transportation throughout the Sarasota area. We believe moving throughout our beautiful city should be easy and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of what mode of transportation they choose. Together as a community, we can hold officials accountable, and create the political will to transform the way ...Created:
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SarasotaVoices / SarasotaVoices"Communication - Key to Community" As an interested and involved member of our Sarasota County Community, we invite your participation in this effort to build a Sarasota County, Florida e-Community and take advantage of the Information Highway to build Community. Please join with your e-nabled neighbors and help make this effort successful. Address all posts to the group, rather than to in...Created:
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SaratogaAmateurRadioAssociation / MainSaratoga Amateur Radio Association Main Group This is the main group for Saratoga Amateur Radio Association (SARA). It is intentionally designed and structured similar to the Santa Clara County ARES/RACES main group. The SARA main group is only used for announcements that are relevant to all hams associated with SARA. The actual group discussions take place in various sub-...Created:
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saratogaband / FriendsThe Saratoga Community Band is a symphonic band that performs several times a year for the community. The band includes more than 70 San Francisco Bay Area residents -- from students to retired professionals -- who join together under the auspices of the Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation Department to have fun through music. Our Monday evening rehearsals and concerts occur within the academic school y...Created:
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saratogacreeksideThe focus of this group is to provide communications for residents of the Saratoga Creekside community. This is a closed group and only open to residents and owners. If you would like to be removed please send a private message to site owner and/or moderator.Created:
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saratogaflyersGroup for Saratoga Flyers Inc.Created:
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