PassapKnits / PassapKnits
A group devoted to Passap knitters. Content moved from Yahoo.
Created: 7/01/99
455 Members, 19,690 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 9
Newsletters created for Passap Knit Club in Oregon City, but also contain information for all machines.
Created: 10/23/19
105 Members, 7 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 5/02/20
Passapspeedoknit / Passap Speed-O-Knit
Group for all Passap Speed-O-Knit (M201) machines
Created: 10/19/19
19 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
passconsist / Passenger Train Consists
Passenger Train Consists (Passconsist) is a group to facilitate discussions and share consists of passenger trains in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Members of the group generally have an interest in the history of railroad passenger service, and a particular interest in the locomotive numbers, car numbers or car names of specific trains. Appropriate topics include historical and current ...
Created: 4/19/19
360 Members, 1,309 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 13
PassengerCarList / Passenger Car List
Welcome to the Passenger Car List, or PCL. This is the new home for the former Yahoo Groups Passenger Car List - all of the Yahoo PCL posts, photos and files are here.. This forum is devoted to railroad and railway passenger cars - past, current and future. Modeling and prototype discussions are welcome! Messages sent to the list should be restricted to passenger cars and passenger car modeling. C...
Created: 9/08/00
1,750 Members, 47,745 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 16
Group to discuss, exchange information and ask questions concerning persons surnamed Passer. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list - PASSER.
Created: 2/29/20
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
passerdomesticus / Passer Domesticus -- House Sparrows
A group all about the health and well being of House Sparrows (Passer Domesticus) For anyone who loves sparrows, rehabs sparrows or have sparrows as pets. Can be any sparrow type but Passer Domesticus, otherwise known as the English Sparrow or House Sparrow is the main focus. • This group includes archives, messages, history, photos , files and membership of the original Yahoo Passer Domesticus...
Created: 5/03/03
216 Members, 7,006 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Jan 1
Pass Fast is for users of the Pass Fast Licensing and Training manuals. These manuals help you Pass Federal, State, and Industry Licensing Exams Fast. They significantly reduce the amount of time needed to study to Pass the test Fast. They also provide the relevant technical information you need to not just Pass a test Fast but to learn the skills and material needed to utilize the License you get...
Created: 10/18/19
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This forum is about Audio and HiFi, all technical aspects of music lovers who constantly improve their music replay chain / HiFi-system.
Created: 10/27/19
12 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Bienvenu à Passion Cosplay ! Nous avons décidé de mettre en place un cadre de partage, d'échange et de discussion pour les différents thématiques liés au au personnage d'anime, de manga ainsi qu'à ceux des comics et l'univers dans lequel ils évoluent: Leurs cosplay costumes Leur perruque de cosplay Leur caractère Leur attitude La Musique qu'ils écoutent Leu...
Created: 4/28/21
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
passionfordance / passionfordance
This is a student run group serving the Rhythm and Motion dance community. *Welcome posts include those about R&M events, schedule changes, requests for feedback, area R&M related dance events, and news about R&M instructors. *Please do not post items for sale, anything not directly relevant to R&M, and anything political or otherwise controversial. This group is moderated, it ...
Created: 12/02/20
103 Members, 24 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 8
This group is to discuss passive houses, net zero houses, and prefab houses.
Created: 12/02/24
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Jan 16

Created: 1/18/20
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
How to create safely store and remember good passwords (under construction)
Created: 1/06/18
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Official discussion group for Past, the free data analysis software for Windows and Mac.
Created: 12/25/20
111 Members, 17 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Jan 29
pasta-noodle-rice-recipes The ultimate comfort food...who doesn't love it?
Created: 10/19/20
38 Members, 1,458 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 16
PastaAndRiceRecipes / Pasta & Rice Recipes
Any pasta or rice recipe!
Created: 1/24/20
12 Members, 58 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 8/17/24
List for Bettye Binder's group
Created: 11/19/19
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
PastMeetsPresent / Past Meets Present
A Strat-O-Matic retro baseball computer league.
Created: 11/21/22
17 Members, 1,491 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: 12:19am
pastoralcommonroom / The Pastoral Common Room
A Pastoral Common Room for priests of The Orthodox Church in America to share resources, discuss pastoral issues, comment on matters of common interest, exchange liturgical, hagiographic and other texts, vent frustrations in pastoral ministry....
Created: 4/13/06
120 Members, 10,958 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 12