NCABL / NCABLNorth Carolina Action Baseball League - using Action! PC Baseball by Dave Koch SportsCreated:
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NCAChoirThis listerv serves as the platform for group communication for members of the National Conservatory of the Arts' Adult Choir. We're glad you're here!Created:
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NCAmateurRadioOperators / North Carolina Amateur Radio OperatorsA compliment to the North Carolina Amateur Radio Operators Facebook group for those not on Facebook. This mission of the group to bring together all the North Carolina Ham Radio Operators, Ham Radio clubs, Ham Radio pages, Ham Radio Repeaters, and Ham Radio vendors. Join us and let others know about us. Please introduce yourself when you join. If you don't live in the NC you are also welcome ...Created:
20 Members,
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NCARC / Northern Chautauqua Amateur Radio ClubThe home of the Northern Chautauqua Amateur Radio ClubCreated:
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NCARCboard / Northern Chautauqua Amateur Radio Club Board of DirectorsA "reflector" for NCARC board members .Created:
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NCARClub / Northern Chautauqua Amateur Radio Club BoardThe email "reflector" for Northern Chautauqua Amateur Radio ClubCreated:
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ncardinalFWB Lapsit GroupCreated:
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NCAstronomers / Nevada County AstronomersThe Nevada County (California) Astronomy Club is a group of enthusiasts interested in all aspects of astronomy, space science, and related fields.Created:
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ncba-intIntermediate Bee School of Norfolk County Beekeepers AssociationCreated:
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ncbmdr-comtech / North Carolina Baptists on Mission - Disaster Response- Communications and TechnologyOur team is responsible for all communication and technology needs of the North Carolina Baptists on Mission Disaster Response organization. We "get the Message through" using satellite Internet all the way down to a amateur radio. Our Amateur Radio call sign is KJ4DEC, that's King Jesus 4 Disaster Emergency Communications. Our Communications Technology Training Plan is a living doc...Created:
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ncbrsThis group is for families with people officially diagnosed with NCBRS. This group is an alternative to the PRIVATE NCBRS Facebook groups for those that wish to leave or do not use Facebook.Created:
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NCCNorth Coast Contesters was formed in 1987 to further the efforts of contesters interested in the CQWW and ARRL DX contests. The member area of the club is a 175 mile circle that includes major parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania and extends into western New York and a small part of Ontario.Created:
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ncc19NCC 19 geng ncc 19 1992Created:
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nccb / NCCBNorth Carolina Council of the Blind Main Email GroupCreated:
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nccc-blue / NCCC SprintThe NCCC Sprint email reflector is for discussion by anyone (NCCC member or not) of topics pertaining to the weekly NCCC Sprint, or NS, held each Thursday from 0230-0300Z. Please see for more information. Posts are accepted from subscribed email addresses only. If your posts are not accepted, please contact W9RE.Created:
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NCCCIANorth Carolina Concealed Carry Instructors' AssociationCreated:
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NCCConnections / North Chevy Chase ConnectionsThe NCC Connections Group is an email discussion list for members of the North Chevy Chase Connections community. Wondering if you can join North Chevy Chase Connections? If you live within the boundaries on this map, then you can be an NCC Connections member! The purpose of this listserv is to allow its members to share information, post questions and get direct responses from neighbors who live ...Created:
296 Members,
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4 Members,
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nccrbaNegro Leagues Coast-to-Coast Retro Baseball AssociationCreated:
12 Members,
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NCCTR2020Groupe Global FFESSM NCCreated:
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