laxgirlsGirls Lacrosse PlayersCreated:
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LAXNORTHEAST / LAXNORTHEASTLAXNORTHEAST ARES LAX Northeast District "Get the right information to the right people at the right time so they can make the right decisions" Our mission is to support hospital communications during disasters. This LAXNORTHEAST group informs amateur radio operators about events, meetings and training opportunities. Our meetings and nets are open to all! See our Calendar for m...Created:
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Lay-PreachersFormerly Rootsweb. For the discussion and sharing of information regarding ancestors who were ordained as "lay preachers", particularly in rural areas.Created:
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laycontemplative / Lay Contemplative AssociatesOur Way of Life states we are a fellowship of men and women united by their love of God. We are Christ-centered and in harmony with the Cistercian tradition. Lay Contemplative Associates is a community within the International Lay Cistercians and affiliated with the Monastery of the Holy Spirit.Created:
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laydominicanavemariaThis is an email group for the Lay Dominican Group in Ave Maria where members can share and posts anything pertaining to the group. It includes prayer requests, sharing any blessings or graces that can inspire others, any information that will be beneficial for the group and members. If it's your first time, feel free to introduce yourself to the group and what has drawn you into joining the...Created:
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layoutcommandcontrol / The NMRA's Layout Command Control User GroupThis is the NMRA's Layout Command Control User Group This is the official NMRA group where interested people can discuss and participate in the process of reviewing, validating and testing OpenLCB standards, reference hardware and software on layouts to ensure the technology "really does work" before being adopted by the NMRA as "Layout Command Control" (LCC) Standards and Tech...Created:
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LayoutConstruction / Layout Construction for Model RailroadsModel Railroad Layout Construction Everything about Layout Construction. From Track Planning to building benchwork. Got questions or ideas? Want to contribute your knowledge in track planning and layout design. Share tools and techniques? This is the group. Please, no commercial messages. Just Model Railroaders sharing ideas and techniques.Created:
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LazairLazair ultralights www.lazair.comCreated:
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LazairFlyersDiscussion of the Lazair ultralight airplaneCreated:
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LazairUltralights / Lazair UltralightsLazair UltralightsCreated:
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LazarusCitizens / The Citizens of LazarusWelcome to The Court of Lazarus - Citizen only group! This group will contain any and all formal communication, polls, and files that are private amongst our fellow Citizens. Please feel comfortable participating and sharing in ideas.Created:
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lazysusanincrediletters / Lazy Susan IncrediLettersLazy Susan IncrediLetters Receive my fun, family-friendly email stationary I will be the only one posting.Created:
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LB-BookclubLake Barcroft Book Club 2020Created:
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LBARALondon Bridge Amateur Radio Association K7LHC ham radio club in Lake Havasu City. This is a discussion group for members of the club. Keep up to date on club events and projects. Ask questions or help answer the questions of others.Created:
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lbbLB Booster is a powerful tool for Liberty BASIC and Just BASIC programmers. With LBB you can: * Speed up a Liberty BASIC program by up to ten times. * Compile a Liberty BASIC program to a compact, standalone executable. * Overcome many of Liberty BASIC's bugs and limitations. LB Booster is Freeware and may be used to create standalone executables that may be freely distributed.Created:
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lbba / Linn Benton Beekeepers Association (Oregon)Linn Benton Beekeepers Association Our goal is to provide an association of local beekeepers where we can learn, share and have fun. We have both local and national speakers at our monthly meetings providing you with current and relevant subjects to help you with your bees. LBBA also provides outreach to the community by providing educational speakers, swarm removal and public exhibits. A...Created:
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lbblarchiveLBBL archive.Created:
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LBCGolfShedLBC 24/25 Golf Maintenance Shed Painting ProjectCreated:
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LBCHistoricSitePreservationTeamTeam tasked with identifying, assessing, and preserving historic sites in Big Canoe GACreated:
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