GatheringWithAPurpose / Gathering With A PurposeWelcome to Gathering With A Purpose This group is to accompany the Gathering With A Purpose workshop provided by TimeBanks USA. For more on the Gathering, please go to the website Gathering With A Purpose. If you are doing a Gathering With A Purpose as a leader or participant, this group is for you! Use it to share your experiences, feedback, ideas, thoughts and helpful resources. TimeBanks USA ...Created:
10 Members,
2 Topics,
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GAThomasGenealogy in Thomas County GeorgiaCreated:
9 Members,
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Gatwick / The Original Gatwick Spotters ListThe Original Gatwick Spotters List THE ORIGINAL GATWICK SPOTTERS LIST started on 28th Oct'98 on eGroups. In March 2005 we moved to Google Groups, and then to the platform from 1st September 2020. Join us for reports of movements as they happen, heads-ups, airport news and a full movements list the next day.Created:
1,142 Members,
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gatwick-spotters / Gatwick SpottersA group for postings relating to Gatwick airport. Postings should be actual airport movements (MOV), flights over head the airport (OTT), aircraft flying within the reasonable vicinity of the airfield zone (ITZ). Logs from visits to the airport are more than welcome, as is news relating to the airport.Created:
6 Members,
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GATwiggsGenealogy in Twiggs County GeorgiaCreated:
7 Members,
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gatworksIn dieser Gruppe informiert die Gatworks GmbH Ihre Kunden über den Verlauf von Wartungen und StörungenCreated:
27 Members,
22 Topics,
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Gauchaweb / GauchawebMeu grupo para compartilhar meus blogs de conteúdo disponíveis para guestpost.Created:
1 Member,
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gauche-internet / Getting Internet (Fiber Optic) on Gauche RoadCreated:
2 Members,
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Gaucher / Gaucher DiseaseThis group is for networking and communication for people with an interest in Gaucher Disease. In any request to join, potential subscribers need to provide their full names and connections to the Gaucher disease community. This information is necessary for the protection of everyone.Created:
206 Members,
468 Topics,
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gaudiuminveritate / Gaudium in VeritateHomeschool co-opCreated:
15 Members,
176 Topics,
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gauge0membersarchiveThis group is a copy of the old yahoo group and is closed for new messages, please see instead the Gauge0 email group.Created:
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gauge1railways / Gauge One RailwaysWelcome to Gauge One Railways For all Gauge One enthusiasts, with special but not exclusive emphasis on: - making models, -- standard gauge, --- British railways, ---- Live Steam. We are independent and don't discuss any business but our own.Created:
306 Members,
539 Topics,
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Gauge3 / Members Messaging Service - The Gauge 3 SocietyA Private Messaging Service for Members of the Gauge '3' Society. Membership checks are made before access is approved - so there may be a short delay before it's granted. Gauge '3' is the largest standard-gauge 'scenic' model railway and uses a track gauge of 2.5" (63.5mm) and is therefore to a scale of 1:22.6. We operate live steam and battery-electric locomotives...Created:
119 Members,
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GaugeOne3DCircle / The Gauge One 3D CircleThe Gauge One 3D circle is a discussion group for railway modellers working to a track gauge of 1 3/4 inches or 45mm who are interested in modern manufacturing technologies. The group aims are (I) to share expertise in all forms of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing as applied to Gauge 1 modelling, (II) to create a series of freely available high quality parameterised 3D models of Gauge 1 i...Created:
293 Members,
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gavia / Gavia Scuba ClubGavia Scuba Club Member Forum and private email list. Club members only! if you want to join send an email to We have a Monthly Meeting and Presentation at the Twin Dragon Buffet on Tylersville Rd. near the I-75 interchange. 6:30 Dinner, 7:30 Presentation We are not associated with any dive shop and believe you should purchase gear and service at your choice of stores.Created:
38 Members,
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gavia-news / Gavia Scuba Club News feed for non membersGavia Scuba Club Monthly Meeting and Presentation atTwin Dragon Buffet on Tylersville Rd. near the I-75 interchange. 6:30 Dinner, 7:30 Presentation This is a Public news list of the Gavia Scuba Club of Greater Cincinnati, Ohio. No need to be a club member to join. Announcements of events, activities, and meetings. Current active club members may also join the member only discussion list.Created:
9 Members,
384 Topics,
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Gaviota-colecciona-por-tiHola Grupo de envios de materiales solamente. No tienes que enviarnos nada. La moderadoa es la unica que envia el material para tus trabajos de tutoriales.Created:
16 Members,
2,517 Topics,
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GAVSConsiglioDirettivoMailing List del Consiglio Direttivo del Gruppo Amici Velivoli StoriciCreated:
10 Members,
144 Topics,
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GAVSConsultaSezioniConsulta delle Sezioni del Gruppo Amici velivoli StoriciCreated:
16 Members,
102 Topics,
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GAWdiscussion / Gay Authors WorkshopEmail discussion group for the members of the Gay Authors WorkshopCreated:
13 Members,
127 Topics,
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