unmgcyThis is a group to manage the entire major group for children and youthCreated: 12/03/17
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unny-verse / Unny Nambudiripad's monthly blog post email list.Want to know about Unny's monthly blog posts? Subscribe to this! I'll talk about animal advocacy, social justice, sustainable activism, and my journey.Created: 9/02/18
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unobstructedtelescopesHerschelians, schiefspieglers, Yolos and other unobstructed telescopes are discussed here.Created: 9/07/16
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unofficial-planewave-ownersA central store of hints, tips and tricks for the owners of Planewave telescopes, astrographs and mounts - created as an adjunct to the offical Planewave groups.io chat which is ostensibly for astro images only. This group and its content is neither endorsed nor supported by Planewave and any advice or information offered is at the risk of the reader.Created: 8/26/22
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unofficialcfagulfshoreThis is an unofficial group for open discussion among members of CFA's Gulf Shore Region and those interested in the happenings of Gulf Shore Region. This group was formed to allow free discussion. Standard rules apply for civilized behavior - no profanity, no personal attacks, etc. This is purely for discussion and sharing of information pertaining to the Gulf Shore Region and CFA in gener...Created: 11/10/20
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unomasialaene / UNOMASIALAENEIO-Group para los alumnos del curso dictado los Ma y Vi de 3-5 PM de la cátedra "Cálculo Financiero", en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Profesor Adjunto: Act. H. Ricardo Liso .Created: 10/24/19
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unpackingFriends near and far creating a tribe.Created: 6/05/19
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unpackingwhiteprivilegeListserv for the inaugural cohort of the Unpacking White Privilege in the Food Movement project hosted by the hua foundation.Created: 2/25/20
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Unrequited-Love / The Unrequited Love Support CircleFor anyone who has ever felt the pain and rejection of someone who doesn't feel the same way about you as you do about them. We're all in this together to support each other in this tough timeCreated: 11/19/20
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UNSCCA discussion group to discuss issues affecting neighborhoods in Santa Clara County.Created: 10/24/21
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unschoolingcatholics / Unschooling CatholicsThis is a group of Catholic Homeschoolers who are interested in exploring unschooling through the lens of Catholicism.Created: 1/30/06
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Mar 15
unschoolingconnectionsLooking to connect with unschoolers in your area? This is a radical unschooling group to help other radical unschooling families find one another. There are posts around unschooling advice and upcoming unschooling events as well. This is not a homeschooling group. This is a secular group.Created: 11/09/19
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UnsereStadt / Unsere StadtEine Gruppe für die Seiten im Kreis HeinsbergCreated: 10/07/15
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UnsolvedMysteriesThis list is for discussion of all of your Unsolved Genealogical MysteriesCreated: 2/03/20
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UnsolvedProblems / Unsolved ProblemsThis group is for amateurs interested in various unsolved problems in number theory, logic, and cryptography. It serves as a supplement to the Unsolved Problems web site at http://unsolvedproblems.org/.. The web site features details of many such problems, and offers prizes for valid solutions. Problems include: 4D Euler Brick ABC Conjecture Beal Conjecture ...Created: 11/30/06
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UnsolvedProblemsNewThis group is for discussion of the unsolved problems in number theory, logic, and cryptography.Created: 7/04/20
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Unspecified / Unspecified Group NameSaving this group.io post for another group, topic or purpose to be decided in the future. Saving this group.io post for another group, topic or purpose to be decided in the future. Saving this group.io post for another group, topic or purpose to be decided in the future.Created: 4/28/20
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unstrut-saale-elster-mulde-elbeAhnenforschung im Großraum Unstrut-Saale-Elster-Mulde-Elbe, also im heutigen südlichen Sachsen-Anhalt und im nordwestlichen Sachsen. Genealogie, Ahnenforschung, Familienforschung, Stammbaumforschung, Heimatgeschichte Diese Gruppe ersetzt die bisherigen Yahoo-Groups dieses Raums (Familienforscher Halle, Ahnensuche Burgenlandkreis, Döbeln-Genealogie, Ahnensuche Leipzig und Torgau-Oschatz-Genealog...Created: 11/12/20
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Mar 12
UNSWClimateCaucus / UNSW Climate CaucusOrganised by the UNSW Branch of the NTEU, the climate caucus brings together union members, non-union staff, students and friends of UNSW to coordinate UNSW activism on climate, including attendance at the schools strike for climate.Created: 9/04/19
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Unterm-Madamal / Unter dem MadamalDSA Gruppe "unter dem Madamal"Created: 4/24/24
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Mar 14