PartyGirrls / PartyGirrlsPartyGirrls is a transfer from YahooGroups. It is a social network and chat group for women friends in Catron County NMCreated: 10/14/20
17 Members,
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PAS-boardFor use by board members of the Peoria Academy of Science. This is for communicating with the board and for communication between board members.Created: Feb 21
4 Members,
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Mar 11
PAS2000Created: 10/23/19
1 Member,
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pasadenaaudubonPasadena Audubon Society, founded 1904, a chapter of the National Audubon Society. Our mission: to bring the excitement of birds to our community through birding, education, and conservation of bird habitat. We offer classes, frequent field trips,and interesting general meetings on the third Wednesday of most months at Eaton Canyon Nature Center. Also check out our website at www.pasadenaaudubon....Created: 2/07/00
315 Members,
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Mar 15
PasadenaRadioClub / Pasadena Radio ClubThe Pasadena Radio Club. This list (by agreement of the Board) was opened up for all interested in ham radio (primarily in the Pasadena CA area), with moderation for new members. Membership is now $25/year, due in January, and delinquent Apr.1. Pay or renew early, avoid missing your Bulletin. We meet monthly (except December) on the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 PM online, using the Zoom application. An...Created: 11/04/19
160 Members,
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Mar 13
pasadogs / PASAThe Peninsula Australian Shepherd Association known as "PASA" is the ASCA affiliate club in the greater San Francisco Bay Area.Created: 6/09/99
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PASBirdingBird walk reports and other notifications for the Palomar Audubon SocietyCreated: 8/23/22
126 Members,
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PasCoACS / Pasco County Auxiliary Communications ServicePasco County Florida Auxiliary Communication Service. PasCoACS. Serving Pasco County Office of Emergency Management and the residents of Pasco County Florida.Created: 12/20/23
10 Members,
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pascoareswcfPasco County ARES / RACES. Pasco County Florida.Created: 7/22/21
33 Members,
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PaseoPlaza / Paseo Plaza Owners and ResidentsThis group is for all Paseo Plaza homeowners and tenants to share general information with other homeowners and residents. This group is neither the communication vehicle for the Paseo Plaza Homeowner Association (HOA), nor for its Board of Directors, nor for its Management company. Any requests for maintenance within Paseo Plaza or any complaints about rule violations have to be addressed directl...Created: 2/29/16
119 Members,
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Mar 15
pasionporlaastronomiaNovedades sobre Astronomía y Astronáutica.Created: 12/19/20
1 Member,
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Mar 14
PASNYDER / Snyder County, Pennsylvania Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, PASNYDER. We'll We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Snyder County, Pennsylvania including the surrounding region of central Pennsylvania.Created: 1/31/20
25 Members,
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pasolaIn 2018 Sociedad de Operadores Latino Americano was founded after the 2017 Hurricane Maria. PASOLA’s purpose is to handle health and wellness traffic in case of Emergency’s. Please join us every Tuesday night for our traffic net: 10 meter Net info: 7:00 pm EST on 28.320 MHz or Remote operation from RCFORB client please email for permission to use his station. 2 Meter Net in...Created: 6/22/22
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PASOMERS / Somerset County, Pennsylvania Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, PASOMERS. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Somerset County, Pennsylvania including the surrounding region of southwestern Pennsylvania and northwestern Maryland. Also the place to read Somerset's "Newspaper Tidbits". Somerset County is a county located in the U.S. State of Pennsylvania. As of the 2010 census, the popula...Created: 1/31/20
19 Members,
283 Topics,
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Mar 13
pasoroblesrarc / Paso Robles Amateur Radio ClubPaso Robles Amateur Radio ClubCreated: 11/05/20
58 Members,
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Mar 10
paspserv / pasporta servo de Esperanto / pasportaservoDiskut- kaj anonc-grupo por uzantoj de (kaj interesiĝantoj pri) Pasporta Servo, la Internacia gastiga servo per Esperanto. Bonvolu uzi taŭgajn temliniojn (ne uzu la respondbutonon por nova fadeno!) Bonvolu ne resendi antaŭajn mesaĝojn tutaj en respondo, kaj bonvolu ne diskuti aferojn kiuj ne havas rilaton al Pasporta Servo. La mesaĝo-arĥivo ne estas publika, do nur abonantoj povas uzi ĝi...Created: 10/13/20
62 Members,
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PassaicJews / Passaic JewsPassaicJews Welcomes You. Sponsor: NJ Patent & Trademark Lawyers/Attorneys NY - Michael Feigin See the Special Notices, Gas Prices, and the Eruv and Minyan Maps, at How to Post: Post announcements at which will also sends the message to this group, or send an email to . Rules: All messages must be according to Jewish and secular law and not...Created: 3/21/04
2,037 Members,
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PassapClub / PassapClubLessons for beginner Passap Knitters, and general problem solving.Created: 10/16/19
309 Members,
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Jan 23
PassapE8000 / Passap E8000 Knitting Machine Users and DesignersWelcome to this continuation of the PASSAP E8000 Knitting Machine group! This is a new group started to support people using and/or interested in sharing information about the E8000 knitting machine. With an impending change on Yahoo Groups in late 2019, user content on the Yahoo site will be deleted and no longer available to group members. As a member of the group, I have a vested interest in ...Created: 12/09/19
32 Members,
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PassapE8000DesignersandKnittersThis is the original and unique group for anyone interested in the limited edition of the 'Passap E8000 Knitting Machine'. All makers of knitwear and textiles are welcome whether as an amateur or professional. Any design ideas, hints and tips or technical knowledge are welcome, please do not hesitate, join up now! Once you are a member please go to our Files section to see the Lessons Fold...Created: 12/10/19
22 Members,
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