nburlingtonrouteThe N Burlington Route group is a forum for the discussion of modeling the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad in N-scale. Despite an absence from America's rails for nearly 50 years, the Burlington Route maintains a strong following that has justified a formidable presence in model railroad industry. The group was first created as a Yahoo! group in March 2005 and transferred to Groups...Created:
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nbwclub / NBWClubThe Narragansett Bay Wheelmen is a club for riders of all levels of ability. The novice, the commuter, the seasoned veteran and the serious rider will find their special interest in the NBW. As one of the largest clubs in the United States, our diverse membership offers programs for everyone.Created:
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nbwg / Nottingham Bi Women's GroupThis list is for women in or near Nottingham, England, who identify as bi, or who recognise attractions to more than one gender (whether or not they use the label "bisexual"), or are questioning their sexuality. (Here, "bi women" will be shorthand to mean all those people.) Trans women are included. People who used to live around here are welcome to use the list to stay in touch. T...Created:
20 Members,
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NCNominating committeeCreated:
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NC-EdgecombeFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. For anyone with a genealogical interest in Edgecombe County, North Carolina.Created:
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nc-gc-auxcomm / GUILFORD COUNTY AUXCOMMGUILFORD COUNTY AUXCOMM Meets the First Monday of each month at 7 PM local. Our regular meeting location which is at the EMS facility 1002 Meadowood St., Greensboro, NC 27409 Note: To be a member of this group you have to be registered/vetted in the NC AUXCOMM Database.Created:
24 Members,
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nc-ham-mesh / NC Ham MeshThis group was created to allow the exchange of information related to experimenting with Ham Radio-related Mesh/High Speed Networking technology.Created:
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NC-LTRGs / North Carolina Long-Term Recovery GroupsNC Long-Term Recovery Groups A discussion group for individuals, groups, and committees engaged in long-term recovery from disasters. This group is open to novices and experts in long-term recovery. Feel free to ask your questions and share your successes.Created:
189 Members,
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NC-Psychotherapists / North Carolina Community of Psychotherapists (State-Wide) ListservWelcome to the North Carolina Community of Psychotherapists! This group is run by the NC Community of Psychotherapists for any North Carolina-licensed psychotherapist to better facilitate client referrals, foster professional connections, or advertise services and events available for North Carolina psychotherapists. We do not accept students, interns or non-licensed persons (i.e. group practice...Created:
2,293 Members,
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nc-rcvRanked Choice Voting advocacy in North Carolina.Created:
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NC-SHARES-ADMINSThis group is for sharing information between the NC SHARES Admins. Do not add anyone other than admin users to this group.Created:
10 Members,
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nc13colonies / nc13colonies K2Jthis group supports the amateur radio "13 colonies" event in nc. anyone who wish's to assist with this event is invited to joinCreated:
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NC15XdiscussionThis is a discussion group for Cleveland Heights Neighborhood Council 15X. It supplements the Announcement Group. We encourage open and civilized discussion of topics important to our neighborhood. The list is moderated according to 'Be Nice, Be Respectful (BNBR)' principles. Staying on-topic is important and hijacking threads will not be encouraged.Created:
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nc2ec / Nassau County D*Star Gateway - NC2ECNC2EC D-Star Gateway Nassau County's Amateur Radio D-Star Gateway System 2m: 146.670 - Open for Public Linking, local use, and testing 70cm: 448.575 - Linked to REF020A In addition to the Icom G2 Network, we are also running ircDDB on both ports. Amateur Radio Operators who wish to use NC2EC as their home Gateway should register their callsign at: https://dstar.nc2ec.org/Dstar.do You can find ...Created:
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NC4AR / NC4AR Tri-County Amateur Radio ClubThe is the membership email server for the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club NC4AR. We are located in the heart of North Carolina and cover Davidson, Randolph, Guilford, Forsyth and surrounding counties. Our local repeater is 145.290 Mhz with a positive offset and an 88.5 hz tone to access. Our weekly net is held every Thursday evening at 8 P.M. We enjoy rag chewing, DXing, digital modes, contesti...Created:
40 Members,
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nc4ca / Four County ARES / AUXCOMM - NC4CAThis is the group email list for Four County Amateur Radio Emergency Service / AUXCOMM (NC4CA), serving the north central North Carolina counties of Person, Granville, Vance, and Warren.Created:
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NC4ES / NC4ES Repeater SystemThis group is designed for information sharing purposes with the NC4ES repeater link system. System updates and general information will be shared here. Feel free to let us know if any sites are having issues. Most sites are located at regional hospitals and public safety agencies. Generally, coverage expectations are anywhere from a few miles to over 20 on the high sites. The most up to date info...Created:
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nc9rs / NC9RS Repeater GroupThe NC9RS Northern California 900 Repeater System is a group of 900 MHz Amateur repeaters tied together in, but not limited to, the Northern California and Nevada areas. It is an open system to all amateur radio operators. The system is supported by donation only so feel free to donate to the system Paypal address at nc9rs@comcast.net. Feel free to ask questions or post 900 equipment for sale ...Created:
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nc_sandboxThis is my personal sandbox. Probably I'll nuke it later.Created:
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ncaasoftballatcs / Collegiate Softball Athletic TrainersWelcome to the Collegiate Softball Athletic Trainers' Discussion Group! The purpose of this group is to facilitate discussion of current concepts in college softball sports medicine; feel free to discuss anything as it relates to softball sports medicine. Anything related to recent research, best practices, overall networking, job announcements, and advice on complex cases. However, if discu...Created:
39 Members,
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