MansfieldMakerspace / Mansfield MakerspaceMansfield Makerspace group. Purpose to facilitate current and ongoing projects related to the Mansfield Makerspace.Created:
15 Members,
141 Topics,
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manta / Manta OwnersWelcome to the Manta Catamaran Owners Group Welcome to the NEW Manta Owners forums and technical group site. This site was established in October 2021 to replace the aging site. We have moved ALL files, wikis and prior Mantatech forum content to this site and have added many new files. This site is available for all CURRENT and PAST Manta owners only. If you are a prospective buye...Created:
155 Members,
5,025 Topics,
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MantaFledgeDiscussion of early ultralight airplanes called the Manta and FledgeCreated:
6 Members,
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MantellFamilyWelcome cousins! Let's gather here to share our family photos and stories of the brothers and sisters of the Mantell Family! Share the joy in reuniting a very far flung family! Laurie Sisson Great Grand Daughter of Robert Bruce MantellCreated:
9 Members,
406 Topics,
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manthanThis is a group for the Manthan membersCreated:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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MantleFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – MantleCreated:
4 Members,
4 Topics,
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ManualExchange / Manual ExchangeGroup devoted to free exchange of service/user manuals for Instruments and RTX (Amateur/professional). Our group promotes sharing of the Service and Owners' Manuals for radio and Test equipment used to service radios. Members are invited to share their resources and we welcome manuals of all kinds, as long as they are radio and Test equipment related.Created:
2,910 Members,
7,223 Topics,
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manufacturershfqrpcréation de prototypes d'émetteurs et récepteurs QRP radioamateur en analogique et numériqueCreated:
2 Members,
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ManUp / Man Up Bible StudyWe come to together regularly to encourage, inspire, and equip men in the north Denver metro area to live intentionally for Jesus Christ in all areas of their lives. Using the Bible as our compass and authority, Man Up provides practical insights and tools to help Men live with Godly character and purpose. Our goal is to point men to a gospel-centered life and provide a safe place for authentic fe...Created:
21 Members,
430 Topics,
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Manx-BCCFA Manx Breed Council Discussion Group Created for Ethical Breeders and Exhibitors, whose mission is to protect and preserve one of the oldest natural breeds. MANX: An ancient breed that originated on the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, the tailless cats were first recorded in the sixteenth century by visiting sailors. An incomplete dominant gene, it then spread to the other cats on the island. T...Created:
16 Members,
7 Topics,
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manyriversyoga200Information group for Many Rivers Yoga Teacher Training 200 hourCreated:
63 Members,
310 Topics,
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MAP-CBEMR / Mangrove Action Project's 'Community-Based Ecological Mangrove Restoration' GroupA Community-Based Ecological Mangrove Restoration Group. This is a closed group, drawn originally from the attendees of an Community Based Ecological Mangrove Restoration (CBEMR) Workshop which took place in Vijayawada, India, November 2005. Members of this group are concerned with protecting and restoring mangroves around the world. The main objective is to share knowledge, experience and conta...Created:
660 Members,
292 Topics,
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MAP-Research / MAP ResearchThis group is intended for academics interested in research related to the mental health of minor-attracted people (MAPs). It helps researchers network and support each other, and it nurtures a community of researchers in this emerging field.Created:
86 Members,
349 Topics,
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MaPaRailroadThe MaPaRailroad list is for the discussion of the Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad, known as the "Famous Ma and Pa" and its predecessors and successors. Discussion will include current operations, historical questions and answers, modeling information, and activities of fan groups of the railroad, as well as information provided by the Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad Historical Soci...Created:
35 Members,
26 Topics,
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MaPaRR-HistoricalSociety / The Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad Historical SocietyGroup supporting members of the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad Historical SocietyCreated:
1 Member,
2 Topics,
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MapleHillersThe purpose of this group is to allow neighbours in the Maple Hill Estates to contact the group as a whole so they can be notified of items of relevance to the community, such as planned power outages; changes in garbage delivery dates and other notifications from the township; community functions such as bottle drives, golf tournaments, and other events; and to ask about how to address problems l...Created:
65 Members,
184 Topics,
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maplelistThis group is for points of contact from the MAPLE Consortium to contact one another, share best resources, ask their questions, and get some answers.Created:
3 Members,
0 Topics,
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Maples / Maples surname genealogy groupThis group is for the exchange of genealogy information related to the MAPLES family in general. It is intended to provide a replacement for the Maples group on rootsweb when it shuts down.Created:
1 Member,
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maplewood / Maplewood Alta Vista Online (MAVO)An online community group for the Maplewood-Alta Vista neighborhood in Bethesda, Maryland, USA NOTE: Membership in this group is restricted to neighborhood residents, and all prospective members are required to verify their home address. Member contact information will never be shared.Created:
627 Members,
12,830 Topics,
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mapmateusers / MapMateUsersSelf help group for users of MapMate softwareCreated:
85 Members,
59 Topics,
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