bathpeace / Bath Peace and Justice GroupWe are a group of concerned citizens in the Bath, New York area seeking social, political and environmental peace and justice. The group formed in 1984 in response to proposed nuclear waste dumps in the Finger Lakes region. Our primary focus is education. Our monthly meetings usually begin with a potluck dinner, and feature a speaker or video followed by discussion. Speakers and videos examine pas...Created:
37 Members,
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bathramblerscommitteeBath Ramblers committee groupCreated:
8 Members,
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bathsaverit / Bath Saver of PA I.T. GroupCollaborative group for the Bath Fitter of PA I.T. teamCreated:
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BathwargamesclubOne of, it not the oldest wargames club still meeting in the western regionCreated:
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BatonRougeOpenandPolyBaton Rouge Open and Poly. For discussion about ethical non-monogamy, including polyamory and swinging, in the Baton Rouge area. This is a "sister group" to our groups on Facebook and Fetlife.Created:
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batt6hamsThis group is for members of the San Francisco amateur radio community who participate in the NERT Battalion 6 area simplex net.Created:
10 Members,
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BattershellFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BattershellCreated:
5 Members,
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BatteryPoweredModelTrains / Battery Powered Model TrainsBattery Powered Radio Controlled Model Locomotives and Trains. This is also known as Dead Rail, Battery Powered (BP), Power on Board (PoB or POB), Cold Rail, Live Dead Rail, Trickle Charging, etc. Battery powered (BP) locomotives receive their power to move from a battery installed in either the locomotive or a coupled car or wagon. They are either recharged through occasional contact with live v...Created:
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battiatohispano / BattiatoHispanoBATTIATO VIRTUAL FAN HISPANO. BOLETÍN DE ACTUALIZACIONES Y FORUM. Espacio de reunión para todos los fans más allá de su ideología. Para ello se mantendrá un escrupuloso respeto hacia las creencias o conciencias de todos los compañeros. Éste no es lugar para luchas, rabias, mítines o adoctrinamientos de cualquier índole. El incumplimiento de estas condiciones llevará a la expulsión del ...Created:
7 Members,
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BattinFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BattinCreated:
4 Members,
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Battle-of-jutlandAn email group for those with an interest in the Battle of Jutland in the Great War. Please consider posting your interest to the list.Created:
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Battle-Tree-Warden / Battle Tree Warden GroupThis group is for anyone interested in the Trees in the civil parish area of Battle in East Sussex, UK. In 1973 a campaign (plant a tree in 73) resulted in the birth of the Tree Council and national tree week (November) and then the Tree Warden scheme. Dr Andrew Barton is the Battle Tree Warden and you can contact Andrew via this list group or directly at The vision of...Created:
6 Members,
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BattlegroundWW2RulesThis is a fan group devoted to the Battleground WW2 Miniatures Game System published by Easy Eight Enterprises.Created:
39 Members,
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BattleSquadBS Team ChatCreated:
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BattlestarAgamemnon / Battlestar AgamemnonThis is the posting archive for the Colonial Battlestar Agamemnon BSG (Battlestar Group) 81 a Columbia Class (Galactica Type) Battlestar under the command of Commander Thaddeus 'Thumper' Graham. Set in the Re-imagined universe of Battlestar Galactica. The Agamemnon is one of 3 battlestars to have survived THE FALL. The Battle for Survival has just begun....Created:
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battlestargalacticapbem / Battlestar Galactica PBEMCreated:
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battlezonejust for database for ps4 baseball stats.Created:
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BATWorkshopAZ / BAT Reactivity Intensive WorkshopThis workshop provides professional trainers, shelter staff, dog walkers and pet guardians with the hands-on skills to become proficient in BAT. The workshop focuses on the practical skills of BAT 2.0 along with general practices for reducing reactivity.Created:
23 Members,
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baueA California Bay Area based non-profit organization dedicated to the exploration and conservation of our planet's underwater regions.Created:
152 Members,
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bauer / BAUER GENEALOGYA genealogy group dedicated to researchers of the Bauer surname.Created:
4 Members,
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