AceCapitalLandOwners / Ace Capital Land OwnersFor people who brought land through Ace Capital to share information and updates on their land.Created: 11/08/19
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acedpacific / ACED Pacific RegionACEDPacific is a support/communications group for the Association of Conservation Executive Directors (ACED) in the Pacific Region. The Pacific Region includes Alaska, American Samoa, California, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Palau, and Washington. Membership in this group is focused on executive directors of conser...Created: 2/16/23
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acenitdogsportsThis group will be for all the agility students that are working with Melanie Harris.Created: 6/02/23
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Feb 19
AcePawsAgility / Ace Paws AgilityWelcome! This group is set up for announcements about Ace Paws Agility classes and private lessons taught by Anne Graumann, including any seminar announcements and any class cancellations and/or updates. Please do not post any dogs or puppies available for adoption or for sale. Please do not post any items available for sale. Let's keep this group strictly about classes, private lessons, and/o...Created: 5/11/20
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Mar 11
AceRC / Ace Radio Control. WELCOME TO ALL .................................. We are a support/users group for all ACE R/C Electronic Products up to and including the MicroPro 8000. There is also information and support on the MP8K and the MicroStar 2000 (M*2K) available at The purpose is to provide a common internet location for those interested in this subject matter to exchange information and...Created: 12/04/19
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Mar 6
ACESTopics: Fundamentals of Constitutional Government ● Defining Rights ● Forms of Government: Democracy vs. Republic ● Key Sections of the Missouri Constitution ● How to Determine the Constitutionality of Legislation ● How Legislators Undermine the Missouri ConstitutionCreated: 11/22/20
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acesrhetoricandcompositionWelcome to the ACEs and TI-Approaches in Rhetoric and Composition Group. This group is interested in exploring connections between ACEs science and trauma-informed and aware approaches to teaching, curriculum, and assessment practices in the field of rhetoric and composition studies.Created: 3/27/18
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ACF-CCFSignalsSignalling in the ARMY CADETS has been a major feature in the past. Many Cadets went on as Radio Amateur's and into industry and commerce, in this sector. The NATIONAL RADIO NET has a group all of its own with, but covered the whole of the country with HF Radio using the AM Radios of the period. For many this was all the Cadets were about and courses and specialist training continu...Created: 3/02/18
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ACF-CCFSignalsNationalRadioNetACF / CCF Signals group is created to record the past interests and achievements of Cadet force signalling primarily in the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) and formerly in the Officer Training Corps (OTC) and later, mor generally in the Army Cadcet Force (ACF). This archive inclcudes The Natonal Radio HF Network operated for many years linking schools and colleges with a CCF Signals Section and in whic...Created: 6/02/19
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ACFA / American Cat Fanciers AssociationThe American Cat Fanciers Association was founded in 1955. ACFA is known as the Fairest, Friendliest, and most Fun feline association. Our goal is to promote the welfare, education, knowledge, and interest in all domesticated, purebred, and non-purebred cats, to breeders, owners, exhibitors, and the general public. Our Mission - The American Cat Fanciers Association will provide efficient, accu...Created: 12/10/20
257 Members,
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Mar 13
ACFDRetired / ACFD Retired Fire Department EmployeesThis list is for Arlington County Fire Department retired members or their families and will provide a forum for asking questions, posting news, or just keeping in touch. If a member has a question, chances are someone will have an answer. It is a private list and you must request to join. This list replaces the Yahoo ACFD Retired Group.Created: 2/04/02
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acfeA Cigarette for Education is a global initiative to help children deprived of education by collecting funds. The objective of this group is to put in ideas and suggestions, so that we can bring this initiative to action with positive discussions and improvements. Let us make this world a better place.Created: 1/04/17
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acfpabThis group is for members of the Arizona Community Foundation's Professional Advisory Board to connect with other members.Created: 12/20/22
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ACFWbookclubAmerican Christian Fiction Writers is proud to sponsor the ACFW Book Club. Our goal is to connect readers of Christian fiction with today's best and brightest Christian authors. Members are invited to read and discuss the "Book of the Month" here. Announcements will be posted letting members know what book(s) the group is reading and when chats will be held.Created: 2/01/19
146 Members,
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Mar 10
acg-kbbbKBBB leden ACG zonder GSCreated: 8/17/21
12 Members,
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acg-ledenDit zijn alle leden van ACG, incluis de leden vanc de GSCreated: 5/22/21
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Mar 8
acgnjAmateur Computer Group of New Jersey... Computer club... meets evenings several times each month.Created: 2/04/19
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ACH-CoPWe would like to thank all of those who registered and attended the Local Government Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (ACH) Community of Practice (CoP) session on 28 July, 2023. Your enthusiasm and input fully encapsulated the reason for bringing you all together. The ACH team at Aboriginal Affairs are deeply grateful to each of you and are committed to working with you to continue to enhance the wa...Created: 10/05/23
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achamtraineesA group for the trainees of the Australasian Chapter of Addiction MedicineCreated: 4/23/19
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Achromatopsia / Achromatopsia Support GroupFormer yahoo group: achromatopsia-group This discussion forum is for individuals, families, and friends of people affected by the rare vision disorder achromatopsia (sometimes called rod monochromatism) which affects less than 10,000 persons in the United States (about 1 in 30,000). Typical symptoms include severe photophobia (hyper-sensitivity to light), minimal or absent color vision, poor vi...Created: 7/18/01
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Feb 20