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Lovefriendswe teach how you can love yourself & your surroundingCreated:
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RcaroAGENCYWelcome to the HAIRING List community of job seekers, consultants, employers and recruiters! This is the NEW platform since we're moving the community from Yahoo Groups (which ends on 12/15/20). To join the KIT List on our new platform to start getting job emails, just send an email to: and once you reply to a confirmation email from'll be in! To view previously p...Created:
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KneePainNewsDue to lockdown condition am not able to contact I am create new group for contact my friendsCreated:
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hopegod / hope is God ?Hope is the only god can help you in any situationCreated:
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nrieo-brimy-chrme / driny-mera-brizdriny-mera-briz_welcome mailCreated:
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utp1Unify The People - world wideCreated:
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vpogsonwalks / Victor Pogson WalksAn independent group to plan and arrange walks in twos and threes within easy reach of Ripon, North YorkshireCreated:
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Love-Naturals / atgsdfhrtkirtyiktklghjghkfjtyLove Naturals , don't lose natural resources , save water for next generations,plant max trees in your life take its your goal , at least clean your nearest lakes,and canal,Created:
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OnlineTutuorDue to covide19 we are facing lot of problem's in face to face teaching,so with the help of this group we can explore new knowledge.Created:
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WeWillRememberThemdiscussing the legacies of people who we've lost over the years. people like michael jackson, robbin williams, prince, steve irwin, david bowie, etc etc. please: only discussion of people who have passed on. notifications of a celebrity's passing are fine too. then we can talk about them in the groupCreated:
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UF5D-ContestUF5D Contest ClubCreated:
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familyfriendsdiscussion about tour date and amount in this groupCreated:
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teapartyThe Tea Party Mailing List is for those interested in sharing information about: The Internal Revenue Service and Tax Laws, Property Rights and Property Taxes, Social Security Numbers and Laws, Banking w/o SSNs, Travel Rights, Jurisdiction, and Regulation and Licensing. The Tea Party focuses on successful campaigns and strategies in and out of court on these issues, and how people overcome the obs...Created:
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gwc19 / Galactic WisdomGalactic Wisdom ConferenceCreated:
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StAndrewsDerbyAnnouncementsA moderated announcement list for our Church FamilyCreated:
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TalkmasterOriginally a place to discuss Neal Boortz, now a place to discuss political & economic issues that might have graced his show. WARNING: Talkmaster is a Free Speech List A Forum to discuss the Neal Boortz Talk Show AND current events so associated. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members. If you do not like what is being sa...Created:
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Unrequited-Love / The Unrequited Love Support CircleFor anyone who has ever felt the pain and rejection of someone who doesn't feel the same way about you as you do about them. We're all in this together to support each other in this tough timeCreated:
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ilovemyselfTruly healthy people don’t let one week or month or year of bad habits get them down. They also don’t try to change their entire lifestyle all at once, because they know that’s setting themselves up for a struggle.Created:
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