warewulfWarewulf cluster management toolkit.Created:
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WARFAWARFA was formed in 1976 by a group of amateur radio operators who had no only in interest in amateur radio but enjoyed fishing socials. Their motto" Communicating With The World Through Friendship". The group has a radio net on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 8pm PT, standard or daylight on 3908 khz. All licensed radio amateurs authorized to operate on that and surrounding amateur freque...Created:
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Wargame-few-figs-wanted-or-spareWargamers sometimes find themselves with a few spare figures in their lead pile that they'll probably never use, or short of a few figures they need for their army. This typically happens when the number of figures you need for a unit or a base/stand does not exactly match the number that come in a pack, or when you change your army to fit with a new rule set or army list. While some suppliers...Created:
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Wargame-Malouines-ArgentineCe groupe de discussion facilité la préparation du wargame consacré à la guerre des Malouines (équipe argentine). Il abrite les discussions relatives à la préparation de la partie (phase de planification) ainsi que les documents dont vous avez besoin (dossier de scénario, cartes, annexes techniques, etc.)Created:
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WargamersROKPromoting wargaming in in the Land of the Morning Calm. Dedicated to wargaming, including historical, fantasy, sci-fi, and "hypothetical" battle simulations. "The Korean Connection" for International Wargamers. All board and miniature wargamers are welcome! We meet at various venues around the Korean peninsula. Connect with other gamers in South Korea!Created:
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WargamingAWIThis group is for those who war game, miniatures or board, wars fought in America to include French and Indian, AWI, 1812, and everything up to WWI fought in the Western Hemisphere naval and land. No porn and a very minimum of politics. While I normally hate moderation, I will approve all relevant posts to exclude the SPAM. If the topic drifts into other periods that is fine as long as it is ...Created:
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WarGods-FrTransfert WarGods_FrCreated:
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WarhammerQuest-fr / Warhammer Quest FrGroupe français dédié aux dungeon crawlers du monde de Warhammer (ou proche) : HeroQuest [1989-1993] Advanced HeroQuest [1989-1991] Warhammer Quest [1995-1998] Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower [2016] Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal [2017] Warhammer Quest : La Cité Maudite [2021] HeroQuest [Remake2021 – 2021-2022]Voir même : Dungeon Lairs [1987] Dungeon Rooms [1986] Dungeonquest Might...Created:
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Warhounds / West Bay WarhoundsA private group for members of the West Bay WarhoundsCreated:
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WarnerSpringsSoaring / Warner Springs SoaringEmail group used by all glider pilots flying out of Warner Springs, California for discussion of soaring related topics. Most common use should be: - Weather Forecasting - Post Soaring activity planning - Area Knowledge SharingCreated:
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WarnockNeighborsDistribution list for 700-800 s. Warnock streetCreated:
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Warnpasssometime ago there was a yahoo group called warnpass giving people warning of any problems on the railway, so it's time to re invent that group here, derrailments, dewirement bumps et all so lets try to get this group up & running againCreated:
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WarOf1812Discussion about the Anglo-American "War of 1812" (1812-1815) - land and sea. Its interrelationships with the Napoleonic Wars in general. Most members are re-enactors, involved in the "living history" commemoration/demonstration of the events of the War and era, usually in support of historic sites and heritage organizations.Created:
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warp / [Warp]A group of OS/2 Warp, eComStation and ArcaOS users. All Unite !!!Created:
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warpwar / Warp WarA group dedicated to discussions regarding classic games from Metagaming and other companies such as Warp War, Godsfire, Stellar Conquest. Topics include extending/updating the games as well as running some games. Transferred from Yahoo. In announcement-only statusCreated:
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WarreBeekeeping / WarréBeekeepingHow to make and run the 1851 "Peoples' Hive," created by Abby Emile Warré. The Abby ran about 10 each of 35 different hives for 10 years and developed one to meet his less than wealthy constituents' needs. This was to get the away from skeps, which virtually required killing the colony to harvest; a huge waste. The hive is simple and inexpensive to make with the very minimum of to...Created:
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WarreHiveBuzzAn educational and social group for people with Warre-style hives, centered in the Richmond CA area.Created:
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WarrenFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Warren and variations.Created:
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warrenastro / The Warren Astronomical SocietyWho We Are The Warren Astronomical Society, one of Metro Detroit's and Michigan's oldest, largest, and most active astronomy clubs, meets twice monthly to share presentations about astronomy: observations, cosmology, and history. There's a monthly discussion group that covers all sorts of topics (astronomical and otherwise). And, of course, there are observing sessions: one to two pub...Created:
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warrencountydpwsupervisors / Warren County DPW SupervisorsWarren County DPW Supervisors distribution groupCreated:
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