unity71Mailing list for Unity Christian Class of 1971 Unity Christian is located in Hudsonville, MichiganCreated:
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UnityfashioninstituteThis group is for entrepreneurial fashionistas, artists , and business owners . We Entertain, Educate, and Inspire the future fashionistas and leaders of tomorrow with our passion, gifts , talent, and love for the community. We help to promote other artists to thrive using the arts.Created:
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UNiTYstreetband / UNiTY Street Bandthis is a space for the UNiTY Street Band to coordinate and discuss band activities and business.Created:
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universal-access / UniversalAccessGruppo collegato al sito https://universalaccess.it Questo spazio appartiene a tutti coloro che vogliono imparare ad usare i prodotti Apple con lo screen reader voiceover e l’ingrandimento di sistema chiamato zoom!Created:
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universal-platen / Universal Platen GroupThe Rev. Merritt Gally patented his Universal Printing Machine in 1869. It was a vast improvement over the Gordon platens then used for job printing, superior in both inking and impression, and before long, competitors were selling many versions. Most famous in the US was the Colt's Armory, and in Europe the Victoria was perhaps the best known. Once cylinder presses became the most efficient m...Created:
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UniversalPayloadMailing List for Universal Payload discussion. Universal Payload is a common payload handoff interface in between Platform Init and Payload. This specification describes an interface between the Platform Init phase that initializes the system hardware and the Payload phase. It includes how to format and pass parameters to the Payload, Payload image format, Payload boot mode and stack usage, regist...Created:
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universalpillartoolDedicated to the pursuit of building the George H Thomas Universal Pillar Tool Home Page Photo compliments of Michael Ward “Mcgyver”. GHT kits as well as the Long Reach Drill Head are available from Gary Martin . He has available the GHT books as well.Created:
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UniversalScalableFirmwareMailing list for https://github.com/universalscalablefirmware. This allows for discussion and coordination for various activities in this domain.Created:
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universitatogrupo por la agantoj pri Esperanto kaj interlingvistiko en universitatojCreated:
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University-Glen-Pickle-Ball-Group / University Glen Pickle BallersGroup of University Glen Homeowners who play Pickle Ball at the University Glen Park Basket Ball Court Location: https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1643565,-119.0331368,71m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu This forum is moderated and is available for people to communicate and reserve time for members couples/partners to setup court. Please contact Don Conley at donconley06@gmail.com for detailsCreated:
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university-of-hawaii-ee491f / University of Hawaii at Manoa EE491FA support forum for class material on https://ee491f.github.io/course-material/Created:
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UniversitySquareInhabitantsA group for inhabitants of University Square in East Palo Alto to exchange information on a variety of topics. Membership will not be closely screened so this group will not be suitable for discussion of topics that one would not want outsiders to know about. Owners may want to also consider joining the UniversitySquareOwners@groups.io mailing list.Created:
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UniversitySquareOwners / University Square Owners communityForum to facilitate communications specific to homeowners in the University Square development. You must be a University Square homeowner to join this group, as the intention is private discussion on topics relevant to this group.Created:
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UniversityTowers / University Towers Silver SpringThis is the community group for University Towers in Silver Spring, MDCreated:
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UniversityTowers-BK-Residents / University Towers Brooklyn ResidentsThis is a listserv for residents of University Towers, a three-building co-op in Brooklyn.Created:
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Univocracy / Univocracy_NetworkmembershipCreated:
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uniwersal-observatories / Uniwersal astronomical observatoriesHere can you find owners and users of the Uniwersal astronomical domes/observatories. Here can you ask your questions, share interesting experiences, suggestions, succeses, issues... with the Uniwersal astronomical dome. Experiences like using software which must work together with the dome, mount, CCD-camera, cloudwatcher , but also the hardware, like steering, mechanical matter, maintenance and ...Created:
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unlam-bd-2020-1cuat / Base de Datos - 2020 Primer cuatrimestreCatedra de Base de Datos de la UNLAM Primer cuatrimestre del 2020 Curso de Lunes y Jueves a la nocheCreated:
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unlam-bd-2020-verano / Base de Datos - Curso de verano 2020Catedra de Base de Datos de la UNLAM Curso de Verano 2020Created:
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UnlimitedEV / Unlimited EV e-bike conversion kitSelf-support group for purchasers of the Unlimited Ebike Conversion Kit, since UnlimitedEV.com is now defunct.Created:
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