haravבקבוצה זאת תקבלו עדכונים שוטפים על הנעשה בישיבת שובו בניםCreated:
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HarbinersFormerly Rootsweb. For anyone researching the refugees who were stranded in Harbin, China in the late 1920s and 1930s or those non-Chinese who resided in Harbin, or are researching ancestors from the area. Stranded Mennonites and Lutherans came to the United States in church-sponsored groups while others went to South America and Canada. While English is the principle language for the list, posti...Created:
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harborcitychorusMailing list for Harbor City Chorus of Baltimore.Created:
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HarboroughEnergyGroup email for officers and directors of Harborough Energy Ltd.,Created:
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HarborRunGroup for organizing weekly runsCreated:
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Harborview / Harbor View / Vale NeighborhoodNeighborhood announcement and discussion group for residents of Harbor View Avenue (and close by).Created:
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harborvillageE-mail list for the residents of the Harbor Village CommunityCreated:
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HarbourFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – HarbourCreated:
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Harbourfront / Harbourfront Units Main GroupingHarbourfront Units Harbour St WollongongCreated:
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HarbourHouseHarbour House Sea Colony East group for parking space sharing and other communications between owners of Harbour House.Created:
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HarbourHouseCondoTampaFL / Harbour House CondoGroup is exclusively for the use of residents of the Harbour House Tampa Florida.Created:
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HarbourOfSednaFor members of the Harbour of SednaCreated:
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HARC / Hamilton Amateur Radio ClubEstablished in 1932, serving the amateur radio community of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.Created:
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HARC-Advanced2019HARC Advanced amateur radio course 2019. This group site can be used to share information and ask questions of each other. If we work as a group and have a means of asking questions of each other when away from the classroom we can likely make taking this course much more successful. Please post questions, thoughts, feedback using this feature. Submit posts to HARC-Advanced2019@groups.io. de P...Created:
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harc-arednHuntsville Amateur Radio Club discussion group for Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks (AREDN).Created:
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HARC-IN / Hancock Amateur Radio ClubLocated in Greenfield, Hancock County, Indiana, our club was established in 1959 to promote radio knowledge and fraternalism as well as to provide local emergency communication resources. We operate and maintain two repeater systems (2M & 70cm) that use the W9ATG identifier. Both repeaters are used for amateur hobby use, local emergency communications support, and weekly ARES nets. Our meetin...Created:
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harc-potaAnnouncement and discussion group for friends of The Huntsville Amateur Radio Club that participate in Parks On The Air Organize Park Activations. Request Chasers. Spot local VHF/UHF Activations. For North Alabama and Tennessee Valley Amateur Radio Operators.Created:
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HARC-Understanding-APRSThis is to help with understanding YAAC and Direwolf for APRS. YAAC is a very featured software that has a Map you can add waypoint and routes. This includes bike routes or similar. Direwolf is a TNC (Terminal Network Controller) that replaces something like a Kantronnics KP3 or similar.Created:
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HARC-VE1FQ / Halifax Amateur Radio Club - VE1FQ/VE1FO - Established in 1933General discussion groups for the Halifax Amateur Radio Club. This will be a club member's only group, but viewable by all.Created:
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HarChomahThis is a group for residents of Har Chochmah (Chomat Shmuel) to interact with each other, ask questions and share any valuable information.Created:
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