Franklin County Amateur Radio Club located in Franklin County, NC.
153 Members, 3,088 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FCARC-MA / Franklin County (MA) Amateur Radio Club
Franklin County Massachusetts is located on the southern borders of Vermont and New Hampshire. Our VHF repeaters are also accessible from parts of adjacent Berkshire, Hampshire, and Worcester Counties (MA) as well as Windham County (VT) and Cheshire County (NH). Whether you live here or are just visiting or passing through, you are welcome to join our activities. Please contact any of the FCARC ...
64 Members, 1,552 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FCARC-meshnet / FCARC Mesh Net Discussion Goup
Clearinghouse for the planning, implementation and operation of an amateur radio data network for emergency purposes located primarily in the Franklin County, Virginia, area
5 Members, 21 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
fcb1010 / Behringer FCB1010 Users
User group for Behringer's FCB1010 MIDI pedalboard, for exchange of tips, information, Sysex dumps, etc. Please check the Files and Databases areas for lots of helpful hints, and please see FAQ for the FCB1010 Frequently Asked Questions. The Wiki is also a good place to start! When you apply to join this group you will receive an auto response email called: "Your pending membership in the ...
10,081 Members, 7,792 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FCBfriends / Friends of FCB
Falcon Cove Beach neighbors working cooperatively to enhance livability in our Cove and protect our natural environment.
3 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FCBLnews / The Fan's Choice Baseball League Group
The official group list for the Fan's Choice Baseball League, (FCBL), a computer sports league.
12 Members, 2,482 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
fcc / Fairbanks Cycle Club
Fairbanks Cycle Club is a bicycle club in Fairbanks, in the Interior of Alaska. We hold numerous rides and races throughout the year — under the midnight sun in summer, and under the northern lights in winter. Fairbanks is rich with trails suitable for year-round mountain biking, and though many of our roads are hilly and rough-surfaced, we still enjoy our races and group road rides.
179 Members, 445 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FCC-HIclass / FCC Home Inspection Class
For students in the Frederick Community College Home Inspection class, taught by Welmoed Sisson.
19 Members, 16 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FCC-RID / FCC Radio Intelligence Division history mailing list
A forum for people interested in the history of the United States Federal Communications Commission's Radio Intelligence Division ("RID") -- the Primary and Secondary Monitoring Stations locations and operations, personnel, equipment used, etc. Open to current and former FCC personnel, as well as all other interested parties who can follow the FCC RID topic. This is NOT a forum for di...
7 Members, 51 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FCC-Rules / FCC Rules Parts 97, 95, 90 and 22 Discussions
A forum to discuss FCC rules as they apply to the various radio services with emphasis on Part 97, 95 as well as 90 and 22. Other rules sections gladly discussed.
57 Members, 9 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
6G WG: Provide information on the development and deployment of 6G technology, make recommendations and provide technology insights on new developments that need our attention, from the need for more spectrum to the vulnerabilities of supply chain to the changing dynamics of global standards development. How does Open RAN/vRAN continue to benefit 6G technology development and the ecosystem? ...
45 Members, 162 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
A group for those with children from China who reside in Utah/Idaho.
6 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FCCAlistserve / Foxhall Community Citizens Association
The FCCAlistserve is a bulletin board for residents of the Foxhall area represented by the Foxhall Community Citizens Association. Upon joining this group, you agree to abide by the following rules: The group exists to facilitate communication about events and items of interest to the residents and businesses of the FCCA community. We prefer postings that directly concern life withi...
595 Members, 10,334 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
FCCAlumni / Fairport Crew Club Alumni
For the alumni and friends of Fairport Crew Club, Inc., a charitable organization dedicated to high school rowing in Fairport, New York. The Club was founded in 1999 by Bruce and Kim Weick and has a boathouse located adjacent to the Erie Canal in Perinton Park.
92 Members, 19 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Staff at First Congregational Church in Billerica (test)
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Used for First Congregational Church Bristol, Ct.
5 Members, 3 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
fccdexter / First Christian Church Dexter, MO
This Group is for First Christian Church, Dexter, MO. The platform gives our community a place to communicate happenings, concerns and joys.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FCCEB / Friends of Community Cats East Bay
Friends of Community Cats-East Bay This group is for the care and management of homeless cats in the San Francisco East Bay - Alameda and West Contra Costa Counties. (Formerly the Fix Our Ferals Yahoo Groups.)
66 Members, 569 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
fccmdprayer / FCC Prayer Chain
Closed group for prayer requests from the congregation at Faith Community Church.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FCCrowers / Fairport Crew Club
Fairport Crew Club provides opportunities for youth grades 8-12 to learn to row and be part of a competitive rowing team. FCC also offers Summer Youth and Adult rowing opportunities. Fairport Crew Club, Inc. is dedicated to providing an opportunity for high school-aged youth of the Perinton area to learn the sport of rowing. The club fosters a competitive rowing environment and encourages the d...
180 Members, 2,127 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: