EdgeVPN / EdgeVPN.ioEdgeVPN.io is an open source VPN for edge computing Visit us at https://EdgeVPN.ioCreated:
23 Members,
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EdgeVPN-Announcements / EdgeVPN.io AnnouncementsMailing list for announcements of new releases, features, and events related to the EdgeVPN.io softwareCreated:
9 Members,
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edgewatercondosw / Edgewater OwnersThis group is for owners in the Edgewater condominium complex on O st SW washington DCCreated:
18 Members,
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EdgewaterFreecycle / Edgewater FreecycleThe EdgewaterFreecycle group covers Edgewater, Md., from the South River Bridge south, including Davidsonville, Md., to Mayo, Md., and south on Rt 2 to Birdsville Road. South of this area, please apply to Lothian_Freecycle. Anyone who wants to recycle something rather than throw it away, whether it's a chair, fax machine, piano, books, truck cap, clothing, toys, or an old door, feel free to po...Created:
42 Members,
100 Topics,
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edgewatergalleryFor members of the Edgewater Gallery in Ft Bragg, CA, this group is for file storage and acts as a list serve. Again - for members only!Created:
11 Members,
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EDHSHawkTalk / El Dorado High School Video ProductionThis is the online home for El Dorado Video Production students.Created:
30 Members,
216 Topics,
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EDI-L / EDI-L, A discussion list for EDI topicsA discussion list for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and related business to business data interchange. The moderators and owners of this list reserve the right to ban or moderate members memberships and/or posts as they deem necessary. The views expressed on this list are solely those of the author/speaker and do not reflect the views of the moderators or list owners. It is requested that all ...Created:
2,078 Members,
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eDialogue / eDialogue: the written wordeDialogue extends into the written cyber-community the possibility of open, growing, conversation and ideas. Dialogue supports the effort of suspending judgement, listening, identifying one’s own assumptions through inquiry and reflection allowing the process to be in the moment. eDialogue supports connection as an active, organic process that is at the leading edge of communication. We are f...Created:
16 Members,
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Edible-Flowers-Recipes / Edible-Flowers-RecipesThere are so many edible flowers in cooking and decorating that I thought it might be fun to have a place to share and/or find recipes, tips, and advice to do just that!Created:
7 Members,
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Edible-Gifts-and-DIY / Edible Gifts and DIYThis group is for sharing and receiving recipes for edible gifts. Things such as gifts in a jar like cake mixes, cookie mixes, beverage mixes, etc. Of course we would be happy to see some non-edible gift recipes too like bath salt, bubble bath, perfume, etc. And now, introducing to the group, DIY projects! I'm not talking about DIY remodeling. I'm talking about smaller projects, they c...Created:
56 Members,
437 Topics,
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edicoitalia / Edico ItaliaAssistenza per il software Edico in lingua italianaCreated:
69 Members,
97 Topics,
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ediconversationsThis is for past and present attendees of YRL-hosted EDI conversation round tables, as well as any library staff or administrators interested in sharing resources and conversations around library work and EDI.Created:
16 Members,
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edina / Edina MNA private group for neighbors living in Edina MN. To subscribe, please send an email to edina+subscribe@groups.io.Created:
1 Member,
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edinburgh-castlethis group is for friends to chat and make new friends as well as have fun in the Scottish castleCreated:
3 Members,
19 Topics,
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Edinburgh-NXDN-ProjectThis group is to inform and update participants in the Edinburgh NXDN Project about the project and to allow discussion and reporting about the project functioning. It will become a reference point for NXDN radio configuration information and facilitate exchange, sale and updating of radio's related equipment. Participants must comply with the groups standards of conduct and behaviour.Created:
1 Member,
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EdinburghStreetlightingFor the discussion of Edinburgh's streetlighting, past and present.Created:
1 Member,
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edinburghweekendrpgArchive of the old Yahoogroups for the 'edinburghweekendrpg'. RPG network for the Invernessian diaspora.Created:
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EdisonCommunityGardens / Edison Community Garden InitiativeWelcome to the Edison Community Garden Initiative. We are responsible for building and running all the community gardens located in Edison, New Jersey.Created:
250 Members,
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edisonhighlandparkbulletinboardEdisonHighlandParkBulletinBoard@groups.io is an bulletin board for the Jewish community in the Edison/Highland Park area. Message Policy: The followng are examples of messages that would be appropriate. 1- Shiva announcments 2- Looking for/giving rides 3- Selling/giving away goods 4- Looking for items, i.e. sukkah 5- Lost and found items 6- Houses or apartments for sale or rent can only be posted ...Created:
208 Members,
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edithflackackleydollsWelcome! Our small group is a celebration of dollmaker Edith Flack Ackley. Some of us collect old EFA dolls and some of us make new EFA dolls and some of us do both! As a member, you will have access to our files (free patterns!), photos and links. Also, if you like to talk dolls, we do that too! The first picture above is Edith Flack Ackley with some of her dolls. The other three are dolls that ...Created:
31 Members,
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