accessibleonlinegamesThis is for the Accessible Online Games call held on ACB Community. Our primary focus is <a href=""> RSGames </a> and <a href=""> Quentinc's Gameroom </a> and occasionally Dice World. We might look at other platforms as wwell. Please observe the community rules of Safe, Respectful and welcoming.Created:
39 Members,
42 Topics,
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accessiblepcnoIn this group, the accessibility of PC's for the blind and visually impaired people is the main topic. This group is made for Norwegians and Norwegian speaking people.Created:
14 Members,
44 Topics,
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accessibleproductsbyamazonThis group is for the discussion of accessible products for the blind sold and produced by Amazon. While special attention will be given to Fire TV and Kindle products, members are free to discuss other offerings such as microwaves and other products made accessible via Alexa/Amazon Echo.Created:
116 Members,
77 Topics,
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accessidroid / AccessidroidThis is the email version of get tips, tricks, articles, app reviews and so much more from an accessibility blindness perspectiveCreated:
11 Members,
1 Topic,
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accessit-libraryThis is a discussion list for those primarily working in secondary schools to exchange information regarding the Access-It library software, as provided by Access-It Software. This list is in no way connected with Access-It Software and if you require a response to a technical issue please contact their help desk. However, employees of Access-It Software are welcome to join the list and hopefu...Created:
20 Members,
78 Topics,
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accessityAll around Audacity (r) and accessibility. Automatic announcements of updates to the NVDA-addon for Audacity and other resources such as Nyquist plug-ins.Created:
5 Members,
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accessorigami / The Accessible Origami GroupThis group is for all interested in making origami accessible to those who are blind, visually impaired or for any reason unable to make use of visual origami instructions. If you are blind or visually impaired yourself, come and find out more, share your own ideas and find fellow folders. You don't have to be blind to join the group, though. Anyone with a passion for origami is very welcome. ...Created:
20 Members,
185 Topics,
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Accordions / AccordionsThis is the new home for the Accordions Group that was previously hosted on
2 Members,
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accountableto Encourage weight loss and/or healthier food choices. Chat, share information and otherwise be helpful and encouraging as well as being accountable to the group for what one is or is not doing.Created:
10 Members,
16 Topics,
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AccountableOrange / AccountableOrangePrivate Email group for the exchange of ideas and for notifications for land use issues, transparency in government and accountability in Orange County NY. Emails are private and not discoverable. Our interests are the environment, development pressures, local town boards, county and legislature. Please join us with the email you want to use. You may customize email notifications. we will add...Created:
32 Members,
103 Topics,
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accrba / ACCRBAThe Ancient Coast-to-Coast Retro Baseball Association (ACCRBA) is a Strat-o-Matic Retro league which began in 2012. We will be playing approximately 3-4 MLB seasons per year, starting with the 1876 season. We are currently playing the 1908 season. If interested in joining, e-mail Scott Campbell at shcampbell@aol.comCreated:
21 Members,
6,723 Topics,
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accrs / ACCRS Working GroupThis is a working team site for the ACCRS. Membership in this group is moderated and limited to active ACCRS members. The Alameda County Central Railroad Society (ACCRS) is a public service organization that operates HO and O scale model railroads at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton. The two extensive educational model railroad layouts that are open for the public at the Alameda County...Created:
41 Members,
609 Topics,
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AccutronsA friendly discussion regarding Accutrons, (the Bulova Accutron), and other tuning fork movement watches, or occasionally, mechanical or older exotic watches, are welcome. We enjoy discussing watches listed for sale on auction sites. This is a friendly yet outspoken list therefore, no personal attacks will be tolerated against others under any circumstances within this message board, including bu...Created:
517 Members,
7,391 Topics,
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ACCW / Agility Club of Central WyomingThe ACCW is organized exclusively for the purpose of developing dogs and handlers for competition in regional, national, or international sanctioned dog agility trials. The Club's objectives are to: support the sport of dog agility; educate the members and the public about the sport of dog agility; conduct training classes and formal/informal events associated with dog agility; and, to prot...Created:
31 Members,
68 Topics,
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acdla-gaA chat group for members of the Augusta Criminal Defense Lawyers AssociationCreated:
2 Members,
0 Topics,
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ACDRA / Australian Cattle Dog Rescue AssociationThis is the group for the members of the Australian Cattle Dog Rescue Association. We are here to post ACDs in need, transport requests, adoption requests, etc - anything related to our mission of rescuing ACDs. For files, forms and downloads, log in to the Members Only section of, using: member/rescue.Created:
781 Members,
33,995 Topics,
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ACDRA_FilesAdoption applications, references, home visits for ACDRA.Created:
5 Members,
0 Topics,
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ACDRAboard / ACDRA BoardPrivate group for ACDRA board members only. Document storage and internal communicationCreated:
6 Members,
560 Topics,
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ace-highDiscussions for ace high poker and kille eventsCreated:
12 Members,
90 Topics,
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AceauthorsAce of spades authors share ideas.Created:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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