TBNTCThe Bluebonnet Norfolk Terrier Club General Membership groupCreated:
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TBNTCboardThe Blue Bonnet Norfolk Terrier elected Board. Board is elected every 2 years at the annual meeting in odd years.Created:
7 Members,
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2 Members,
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TBR-119This is the User Group for the TBR-119 tactical HF/ VHF/ UHF manpack transceiver manufactured by Guohetec. This text is temporary and will be made more useful during the next few days. When posting it is helpful if you give your country details and a callsign if a Licence is held.Created:
6 Members,
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TBS-Owners / Tahoe Beach and Ski Resort Traditional Deeded OwnersTahoe Beach and Ski Club Owners uniting to promote and preserve the interest of the independent owners that enjoy the benefits of deeded ownership at this resort.Created:
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TBSCapeCoralBoardofDirectorsThis is an email and file group designed for ease in conducting board business through email. It is ONLY for current Tample Beth Shalom of Cape Coral Board of Directors.Created:
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tc / Thaxton Christenberry FamilyDaniel K. & Mary Ellen (Thaxton) Christenberry FamilyCreated:
21 Members,
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tc-a11y / Доступность цифрового контента для людей с ограничениями жизнедеятельности: техника и практика.Created:
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tc-academic-practitioner-bridge / Tech Comm Academic/Practitioner BridgeThis groups helps facilitate collaboration and communication between tech comm academics and practitioners. For example, practitioners can explain research they're interested in or projects they'd like to partner with academics on. In turn, academics can reach out to practitioners to consult on research, gather data, and find other information.Created:
32 Members,
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TC-Finance / Тифлокомп.Финансы — Управление личными финансами.Тифлокомп.Финансы — Управление личными финансами. Обсуждение всех аспектов управления личными финансами: накопление, сбережение, инвестиции с учетом специфики незрячих и слабовидящих пользователей. ПРАВИЛА ...Created:
62 Members,
73 Topics,
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TC-L / TC-ListThe Thompson Contender List. For discussion of Thompson Center Contenders, Encores, and TCR's. New members will be moderated for their first post so we can screen for Trolls and bots.Created:
15 Members,
10 Topics,
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TC-President11A discussion group for Chapter Team Coordinators and Presidents in Sequoia Pacifica Region 11 of Sweet Adelines InternationalCreated:
18 Members,
211 Topics,
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TC-SpHome / Решение бытовых проблем незрячих и слабовидящихОбсуждение бытовых сложностей, возникающих у незрячих и слабовидящих людей в повседневной жизни.Created:
2 Members,
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TC57A group for members of the Trenton Catholic Boys High School graduating class of 1957. Members agree not to send or distribute political messages or opinions to the other members .... violators will be removed from the group.Created:
25 Members,
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tcaa / Twin Cities Amateur AstronomersThis group will be used for TCAA communication purpose.Created:
66 Members,
1,809 Topics,
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tcaa-leaders-2025This group is used for communication for TCAA Leadership for 2025 for planning and other ongoing discussionsCreated:
10 Members,
4 Topics,
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tcagTalpa Communications Action Group - a group dedicated to improving the quality of connectivity for the region.Created:
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TCAMG / Alternate for open minded TCA and other train peopleToy Trains, models. and train related topics Post photos and videos of your layout whether fully done or just beginning the process, for all to enjoy. O Gauge Train Layout Hobbyists is a Facebook group where members gather to collectively discuss their interests in the hobby. On this forum respect for what you think, how you feel, and what you feel the need to express, is what we welcome you to sh...Created:
37 Members,
120 Topics,
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TCAngels1The first TCA fund. No longer investing in new companies but remains active with its portfolio For new applicants the current fund is listed on our website www.TCAngels.comCreated:
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TCAngels3A private group of accredited investors working together thru our Fund Twin Cities Angels III, LLC to help startups in the upper midwest centered around Minnesota but including Wisconsin, Iowa, and North & South Dakota For companies seeking capital, our website has all the instructions for applying: www.TCAngels.comCreated:
50 Members,
276 Topics,
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