managersCommunauté de managersCreated:
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ManagFinONGGrup de discutii referitor la probleme financiare ale ONGCreated:
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ManagingUpSpring2023For members of the Spring 2023 cohort of Terra Firma Leadership's Managing Up Down and SidewaysCreated:
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|"Communication - Key to Community" As an interested and involved member of our Caldwell County Community, we invite your participation in this effort to build a Manatee County, Florida e-Community and take advantage of the Information Highway to build Community. Please join with your e-nabled neighbors and help make this effort successful. Address all posts to the gr...Created:
7 Members,
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Manchester-SPGBEmail discussion list for Manchester Branch of the Socialist Party of Great BritainCreated:
6 Members,
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Manchester-surnameGenealogy and family history research for the surname ManchesterCreated:
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ManchesterEmcommCERTGroup related to meetings of the Manchester CT CERT Emergency Communications TeamCreated:
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manchestermajlisBismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim This is the new manchester majlis email group created in April 2021. Suhba means good companionship. This group is for the Shadhili Derwish of Manchester U.K. We will be using this group to announce any changes in venue and times of the weekly majlis.Created:
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ManchesterSalfordThis list is for discussion of and queries about genealogy, family and local history in and around Manchester and Salford, England, UK. This group replaces the Eng-Manchester mailing list formerly hosted by RootsWeb. Discussion of family history, migration patterns, immigration, historical sketches, census data, wills, vital records (births, marriages, deaths), and web sites relating to Mancheste...Created:
135 Members,
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manchestersuhbaBismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim Suhba means good companionship. This group is for the Shadhili derwish of Manchester U.K. We will be using this group to announce any changes of venue and times of the weekly majlis.Created:
14 Members,
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MANDMaine Association of Naturopathic Doctors. For association members to post clinical questions and other relevant information.Created:
41 Members,
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MandalayThor Fourwinds Mandalay Owners ForumCreated:
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MandalayRV / MandalayRVThis is a forum for Mandalay, Presidio, and Valencia motor home owners and others that might wish to become owners to meet in a common place to share our experiences with each other. It is an informal gathering of fellow owners just sitting around the "campfire" trying to get a better understanding of how things work in our Mandalay product coach This Forum is mot sponsored by or connected...Created:
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MandaRifle / Manda Rifle and Croation Weapons GroupManda Rifle Group is for the discussion and a library of photographs of the Croatian made Manda Rifle.The Manda rifle was armorer built, believed to be less then 200 total rifles produced in between the years 1991~1995. Built on a simple one shot bolt action rifle receiver and using a barrel from an existing .50BMG machine gun. This was an expeditious way to acquire a anti-material sniper rifle si...Created:
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MandarinKidsDCA community of parents in DC raising kids with some Mandarin and Chinese culture in their lives.Created:
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mandmonlineThe group that was formerly Mothers and More in Austin, TX 1999-2005Created:
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MandolinMandolin is a group for to play, practice, listen to, and build mandolins. We also welcome mandolas, mandocellos, mandobases, octave mandolins, and Irish bouzoukis. The group is maintained by Mandolin New England, a non-profit organization based in Granby Massachusetts. We rehearse on Tuesday nights at Sweet Music Studio. If you would like to find out more visit www.sweetmusicstudio.netCreated:
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Manformanmilwaukee / A place for guys in Milwaukee to meet other like minded guys.This is a group for like minded guys to get together in Milwaukee.Created:
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MangelsenGenealogy for Mangelsen family. Main interest descendents in Australia of but all welcome. It's a small world after allCreated:
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MangleTheMemes / Mangle The MemesHi! Welcome to a group with a very big difference - Mangle The Memes! If internet subcultures, and memes AKA chain letters - friendly spam, annoys you, this could be the group for you. When friends, contacts, and other netizens have you screaming inside your head after the 8 zillionth re-share of that viral joke, viral cat video, litany of trivia that may or may actually not be true, p...Created:
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