katytrainclubFor Model Railroaders in the Katy Texas/West Houston area. We exchange experiences and knowledge for all scales of model trains. And we encourage each other in our modeling travails. Only requirement is interest in model trains. Not a site for selling trains. Having a layout is not a requirement.Created:
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Katzen-Alternativ / Katzen AlternativKatzenbesitzer und Züchter unterhalten sich über die gesunde Rohfütterung (BARF) ihrer Katzen. Es werden Tipps gegeben und Erfahrungen ausgetauscht, wie wir unsere Katzen, die als strikte Karnivoren auf kleine Beutetiere spezialisiert sind, ausgewogen und möglichst naturgemäß mit selbst zubereitetem Rohfutter ernähren können. Neben der gesunden Katzenernährung wird die artgerechte Katzenh...Created:
752 Members,
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Katzen-ganz-neu / Katzen ganz neuAlles mögliche um unsere Hauskatzen. Wie man sie bei Laune hält.Created:
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KatzNCatzTagz / KatzNCatzTagzHello and welcome to Katz'N'Catz Tagz! Cassie and I are offering up whatever tags that interest us and get our creative juices flowing. We will offer tags we make, blank tags that someone else has made and Copyrighted tags where either one of us have either purchased the tubes or we have asked the creators permission to use their tubes. It will be a bit slow at first but we will definit...Created:
13 Members,
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kauairailroaders / Kauai RailroadersKauai Railroaders modeling group is a model railroad club on the island of Kauai, bringing together modelers from across the island thru the hobby of model railroading.Created:
4 Members,
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kavanaghballoons / Kavanagh Balloons Technical Support listA Mailing list for Kavanagh Balloons technical documents and product support. Only emails relating to technical documents or urgent safety advice will be circulated on this list. Please subscribe for notification of flight and maintenance manual updates or service bulletin notification. This list will not be distributed or shared, instructions for unsubscribing will be on the bottom of any email...Created:
33 Members,
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KavanaughFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – KavanaughCreated:
7 Members,
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Kawai-K5000 / Kawai K5000This group has been created for owners and fans of the Kawai K5000S, K5000R and K5000W synthesisers, following Yahoo's decision to sunset Yahoo Groups. It is not the "official" migration of the K5000@yahoogroups.com group. All comments, questions etc. are welcome. I (John Pallister) have not yet copied the photos and files from the Yahoo group, but I do intend to do so soon.Created:
113 Members,
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kawartha / KCC EveryoneKawartha Commons CohousingCreated:
8 Members,
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KawcouncilCommunications of and archives of the Kansas Area Watershed Council, a nonprofit bioregional organizationCreated:
60 Members,
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kayakpolobellingham / Kayak Polo BellinghamWhat is Kayak Polo?Kayak Polo is a Co-ed game of passing and blocking similar to basketball and soccer. Our version of "polo" is open to anyone who can follow the rules and keep it fun. All players of various level are playing the same game and having a great time. No paddling experience is necessary—probably half of our regulars learned how to kayak while playing. First-time players t...Created:
56 Members,
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Kayla-James-Author-NewsletterThis is the official author newsletter of Kayla James. You will receive freebies, book news, and author updates.Created:
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kazananlarkulubuKazanmak için ideal adres.Created:
1 Member,
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KB3WLVboricua Link-readinCreated:
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KB4ARS / Beaches Amateur Radio Society (BARS), Jacksonville Beach, FLThe Beaches Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is an association of amateur radio operators living in and around the beaches of Jacksonville, FL. The beaches include Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach and Ponte Vedra Beach. All persons with any interest in learning about amateur radio are welcome to any of our meetings or events!Created:
114 Members,
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kb8srxHow do I get JTalert and Gridtracker to work with WSJTx when they both use the same Port ?Created:
13 Members,
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kbedcirrusOwners and regular pilots of Cirrus SR20/SR22 aircraft at Hanscom Field. Plus a few friends!Created:
21 Members,
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KBlist / Kumāra Bhikkhu Mailing ListThis is mainly for posting Bhante Kumāra's teaching event announcements. Note: This is an Announcement-Only Group, i.e. only moderators are allowed to post; posting by others are bounced by the server. Announcement made here are also made on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kumara.bhikkhu.1.Created:
1,079 Members,
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kbmw / KBMW for Klassic K BMW Motorcyles.An e-mail list for new, old and ancient enthusiasts of BMW's Klassic K75, K100 and K11 motorcycle series. (K12s and others are welcome, just there is not a focus there. The Klassic's don't seem to have any other forums dedicated to them.) If you are interested in riding, wrenching, and meeting other K-bike enthusiasts this is the place. We strive to keep things interesting and light h...Created:
77 Members,
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kburton / MorganOwnersA group for owners of Morgan yachts. Successor to the Yahoo Morganowners group.Created:
10 Members,
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