IdealProteinDietChatGroup for Ideal Protein dieters to help with our journey to weight loss/management for better health. Dieters' tried-and-true recipes encouraged but not from published cookbooks. Owner no longer on FB so has no access to a Network of like-minded dieters, so made this group. Sharing tips of staying on-course. Dieting isn't easy so let's help each other!Created:
2 Members,
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ideasciencetestthis is a test groupCreated:
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IDEAShighschoolIDEAS is an Island Discovery distributive learning program for high school studentsCreated:
5 Members,
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2 Members,
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idefamilyMembers are relatives of Helen and Carter Ide, of Vienna, VirginiaCreated:
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1 Member,
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identitiesCommunity of people who believe in the identity preservation, self determination and self rule of their lives by themselves.Created:
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idevices / iDevices with VoiceoverSupport for Apple devices, iPhones, iPads, iPods and any other device that Apple releases. We also provide information on new apps available for these devices. This group is mainly for those using Voiceover but all are welcome.Created:
534 Members,
8,532 Topics,
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idg / Indexer's Discussion Group (IDG)This group is the new home of Indexer's Discussion Group (formerly Indexer's Discussion List at Yahoogroups). This is a group discussion list for professional indexers and anyone interested in indexing books, journals, and other print and electronic media, the freelance life, and the business of indexing.Created:
841 Members,
17,124 Topics,
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IDHSBoardOfficial Discussion list for the IDHSNA Board of DirectorsCreated:
13 Members,
20,724 Topics,
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IDHSHamTeamCommunications system for Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) Ham Team. Thanks for your participation in the IDHS Ham Team. Team members maintain active volunteer status by meeting the following requirements : - Minimum age - 18 - Pass background check - Able to commit first priority to IDHS in the event of emergency - FCC General Class or higher amateur radio license - Complete NIMS I...Created:
25 Members,
788 Topics,
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IDHSNA-Hiring-CommitteeA discussion site for IDHSNA Hiring Committee members and file repositoryCreated:
3 Members,
49 Topics,
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IDHSNA-HSI-contractDiscussion group for crafting and negotiating a harmonization agreement with HSICreated:
4 Members,
12 Topics,
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IDHSNAinformationStoring documents for the Irish Draught Horse Society of North AmericaCreated:
74 Members,
15 Topics,
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IDICPathfinder / IDICPathfinder Joint MissionThis is the joint posting group for the IDICPathfinder missionCreated:
13 Members,
369 Topics,
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idimmusix-techWe talk Technology, web development and animationCreated:
1 Member,
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idlerchatter / IdlerChatterFor Rolls-Royce and Bentley car enthusiasts to chat about anything at all.Created:
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39 Topics,
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Idlewild-Road-AustinThis group is for Idlewild residents (property owners and renters). We will use this forum to share, develop, and unify our specific interests for our neighborhood and to help and entertain each other. We will advocate for the needs of Idlewild residents including presenting our needs and recommendations to the Ridgelea Neighborhood Association (RNA), city staff, elected officials, and others.Created:
5 Members,
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IDRCUser group for IDRCCreated:
1 Member,
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IDRRFor users of Interactive Driver Response Research [IDRR]. This is a user forum for discussions related to the behavior and responses by drivers. Users of IDRR may ask questions that are related to drivers' responses and may use this forum to explain how they used IDRR, or may ask how IDRR is best users, not when it should not be used.Created:
6 Members,
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