bas2006bas2006 - A group for b and s to keep in touchCreated:
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basarc / Bay Area Search and Rescue CouncilThe Bay Area Search And Rescue Council (BASARC) was formed in 1990 to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and information, establish working groups to develop common training, communications and management skills, and to promote professionalism in the Search and Rescue community. Made up of the more than 1000 volunteer members, BASARC represents 20 separate Search and Rescue Organizations...Created:
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BASChattanooga / Barnard Astronomical Society of Chattanooga - AnnouncementsBarnard Astronomical Society club related announcements will be placed here. Only moderators and BAS officers can post messages in this group. All replies will go to the moderators rather than the BAS membership.Created:
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BascomFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BascomCreated:
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BASE / B.A.S.EUne équipe de chercheurs, conduite par Jean-Louis HALBWACHS, présente une sélection de 41 binaires astrométriques brillantes de la 3ème publication de données Gaia (Gaia-DR3) qui pourraient également être des binaires à éclipses et des binaires spectroscopiques à double raies (SB2). Des observations photométriques d'astronomes amateurs sont demandés afin de caractériser ces nouve...Created:
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baseball-rostersBaseball RostersCreated:
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baseballsoxGroup for "Do Ya Think I'm Soxy" Yahoo fantasy baseball Keeper LeagueCreated:
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Basenji / Basenji CompannionsThis is the e-mail chat list for members of Basenji Companions, the largest organization of Basenji pet owners in the world. Basenji Companions is dedicated to providing an extended community of care and support for pet Basenjis and their owners. We share knowledge and information about the upbringing, nurturing, training, safety, history and enjoyment of the companion Basenji, a magical, but utte...Created:
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basfa / The Baja Arizona Science Fiction AssociationThe Baja Arizona Science Fiction Association (BASFA) is Southern Arizona section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization whose purpose is to promote Speculative Fiction (Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror genres) in the Southwest US. The purpose of this group is for the sharing of general information of interest to BASFA, and its followers. For TusCon convention information, please visit our home page https:/...Created:
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basfam / Bastille Family ReunionBastille Family Reunion--Friends, Family, and Associates of the infamous event in 1970.Created:
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basharashopVision: Here you'll find a collection of skin solution adapted to specific concerns and situations. Our mission : To help you find get a lasting healthy skin to keep with the harsh weather, the polluted air, the sun, the hormonal changes, .... About us: is owned and managed by Derma Health cosmetics Tr., UAE registered company with over 7 years of presence in the region throu...Created:
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BashawFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BashawCreated:
7 Members,
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BasicSell or buy itemsCreated:
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basiccolorinput / basICColor Input User GroupA place to ask questions, learn and share knowledge about the basICColor input software. I've been struggling to find specific answers to my questions, and I'm sure I am not the only one. Hopefully this space can help.Created:
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BasiccommuniqueOur mission is to serve and support private, Christian, independent home schooling families in California’s mid-Peninsula / South Bay area. Our goal is to provide parents and children a means to fellowship with other like-minded, Christian families, in a needs-driven, private homeschool support focused group, that is dedicated to following Christ. This environment reinforces our core values and ...Created:
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BasingstokeARC / Basingstoke Amateur Radio ClubA club for Amateur Radio enthusiasts based in and around the Hampshire town of Basingstoke.Created:
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basis-dc-listserv / Basis DC ListservThis is a space for the Basis DC Charter School community to share ideas and support our students, teachers and administrators. Please sign your posts, it's friendly and helps build community. This list is sponsored and administered by parent volunteers and the Basis DC Boosters Group. Go Red Giants!Created:
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basiskring6basiskring voor overleg en besluitvormingCreated:
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baskentBaşkent Muh:. L:. GrubuCreated:
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baskentl / Başkent Muh:. L:. Haberleşme GrubuBaşkent'lilerin haberleşme grubu.Created:
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