VesterFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – VesterCreated:
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VeteranBowlers / Veteran BowlersThis Group is intended to permit private email communication amongst bowlers who are veterans of the US military service branches and live/previously lived in Long Island, NY.Created:
9 Members,
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VeteranGolfers / Veteran GolfersThis Group is a private email bulletin board that permits communication among golfers who live on Long Island, NY and who are veterans of the US military service branches.Created:
6 Members,
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veteransden / The Veteran's DenA group for veterans and active military. Further info pending...Created:
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veterinarycannabis / Idea ExchangeConsolidated educational resources to facilitate veterinary professionals' ability to provide scientifically-based & up-to-date harm reduction education to pet parents who elected to utilize cannabis in their animal.Created:
119 Members,
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vetfellowship-all / All members of UW/UCD Shelter Medicine Veterinary Fellowship Program (including alumni)Alumni, mentors, and current fellows of the UW/UCD Shelter Medicine Veterinary Fellowship Program. A separate group exists for just current fellows.Created:
71 Members,
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vetfellowship-current / Current UW/UCD Shelter Medicine Vet Fellows (no alumni)Current fellows and mentors of the UW/UCD Shelter Medicine Veterinary Fellowship Program. There is a separate group that includes alumni.Created:
17 Members,
118 Topics,
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VetfellowshipNT-current / Current NT Shelter Medicine Vet Fellows (no alumni)This group will be used for communication between the Northern Tier Veterinary Fellowship participants.Created:
14 Members,
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vetmanagementThis mailing group has been set up by Wes Borgman, DVM to facilitate the distribution of information useful to Veterinarians and their practice managers. Please feel free to post on any issue that affects veterinarians in practice.Created:
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vetranomedicaldirectionThis group is for members of police, fire, EMS, OEM agencies under the medical direction of Dr. Stephen VetranoCreated:
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VetRehabWelcome to VetRehab. This is a "members only" group for Veterinarians, Veterinary Technicians, Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Osteopaths and Chiropractors interested in working with animals.Created:
1,397 Members,
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VetsLeague / Bangkok Veterans Football LeagueThis group is for the players who are members of the teams competing in Bangkok Veterans Football League. ● If you would like to become a member, please send a request, and mention which Vets League team you are playing for. ● If you would like to enter a team in the monthly tournaments, please send a request, and mention your team name. Links: ● Email: ● Web: http://w...Created:
112 Members,
185 Topics,
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VetsofTomorrow / Vets of TomorrowA 4H group to work on the Vet project.Created:
18 Members,
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VetSurgeryScramble / Opportunities and Positions for Prospective Veterinary Surgery Residents and FellowsAs becoming a veterinary surgeon becomes more and more competitive, prospective surgeons need to consider alternative positions prior to acceptance into a residency program. As there is not a consistent spot where these opportunities re located, and because many surgery list servs are not interested in hosting this information, this email list is to serve as a posting cite or boarrd for various op...Created:
1 Member,
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VettedvolunteersCall to Action campaign bulletin board for volunteers who want to support candidates for parental rights, medical freedom, education choice, and constitutional adherence .Created:
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VetterSideCar / Vetter Terraplane Sidecar FansOwners and others interested in one of America's most original sidecars gather here to exchange technical and social information about operation, maintenance, and restoration. We hope to gather details on mounting, finding parts and finding each other for social activities. Photos, ride reports, and related Vetter accessories are welcome. Please refrain from brand bashing, "what oil is ...Created:
148 Members,
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vettetexOur DCANET is the email list for Desert Corvette Association members and it is for discussions relating to all years and models of Corvettes and related Corvette events and topics. DCANET will also be our sounding board for our club issues and members. DCANET is founded for the good of our Club and to keep our Club Members in touch with each other. DCANET ***You must be a Member of Desert Corvet...Created:
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vetwitness4him / Vet Witness 4 HimThis is a place for those associated with veterinary practice in Texas to discuss anything they wish. Perspective is always the scriptures (Old and New Testament).Created:
60 Members,
147 Topics,
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vex / VEX discussion listDiscussion list for Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX)Created:
2 Members,
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vexillium / Vexillium — ImagiNationsFor players of the geo-fiction game ImagiNations, designed by Edward Mooney, on the fictional planet of Vexillium. Only members approved by the admin may post to the group.Created:
15 Members,
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