Unidenearcat980SSB / Uniden Bearcat 980 SSB CB RadioThis site is for users and those wondering about the Uniden Bearcat 980 SSB CB RadioCreated:
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unifrases / Translate UnifrasesWHAT IS UNIFRASES? Unlike a word translator dictionary, Uni Frases is a Universal Phrase Switch. Each Phrase and their respective translations into the other languages are registered in the system in advance, so that the meaning of these phrases is as close as possible to their translations, which are not done word-by-word, like other translators in the market. IMPORTANT: The use of the ...Created:
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unihigh-chatThis is the spot for chat with your University High School alumni!Created:
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unihigh70-72This has been set up for three graduating classes (1970-1972) from University High School in West Los Angeles, California. Take a little time to actually explore this group and see all of the resources we have -- Databases, Files, Photos, etc.! Yes, you will need to create a sign-in and password. But the guy who created Groups.io is very trustworthy -- after he created eGroups and sold it to Yahoo...Created:
65 Members,
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UnimatGroup for the popular Emco Unimat DB SL and other variants of this lathe. Files and Photos now transferred from Yahoo group.Created:
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Unimat-3 / Unimat 3Group intended for owners and users of EMCO Unimat 3 lathesCreated:
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Unimat-ThreeA group for owners and others interested in the EMCO Unimat 3 lathe and milling machines. No longer made, we will discuss related matters such as accessories and spares.Created:
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Unimat3 / Unimat 3Group intended for owners and users of EMCO Unimat 3 lathesCreated:
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Union-2006Union Self-Help Group (USHG) is a non-profit organization to impart news and information via FM, shortwave, and the internet. Union Self- networks Help Group was founded in 2006. Our programs are the means through which Kenyans entertain themselves and get the daily news, and they also play a proxy role for health clinics, schools, and social support. Our mission at Union self-help group has ...Created:
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union-stewardship / Union Stewardship CommitteeUnion Stewardship Committee notes and membershipCreated:
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UnionClimateA forum for trade-union side environmental activists, advocates, consultants.Created:
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UnionCountyShulsUnion County Shuls is an announcement list for the growing Jewish community in the Union County Area.Created:
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uniondocs-summer-2017Listserv for Podcast School at UnionDocs with Sam Greenspan. August 21-25, 2017.Created:
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unionflatcatFeeders of cat community around Union flatsCreated:
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UnionPacificRRReplacement Group for Yahoogroups Union Pacific GroupCreated:
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unionparishlouisianaThis group is a forum for those interested in the history, culture, or current events occurring in Union Parish Louisiana. This includes historical research, genealogical research into the region's early families, and historical or cultural events occurring within the parish and its main towns of Farmerville, Bernice, Downsville, Marion, or Spearsville.Created:
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unionsailingclubThe informal discussion group of Union Sailing Club, Longmont, Colorado.Created:
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unionsquareMailing list for residents of Union Square HOACreated:
19 Members,
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UnionStBlockUnion Street Block Association A neighborhood association dedicated to the care and improvement of our beloved Brooklyn block — Union St between Nostand and New York Avenues.Created:
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