taylorspodcastsA group that will get my podcasts when i make them.Created:
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taylorstechtalksThis is an announcement only group for the Taylor's Tech Talks Community on YouTube.Created:
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taylorswebsitesthis is a discussion group for my website design company. Please subscribe for special savings and other news.Created:
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tb30 / TB-30 Epsilon OwnersTB-30 Epsilon Owners InformationCreated:
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TBA1987Private use for members of the Triangle Baseball AssociationCreated:
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TBAG / Tampa Bay Area Grotto MembersTampa Bay Area Grotto - Florida Caving Grotto associated with the National Speleological Society (NSS) This Group is open to all current (paid up) members of TBAG.Created:
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TBBAC2CBaseballTBBAC2C is a fantasy baseball league, using APBA card set.Created:
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TBBLThunder Bay Baseball GroupCreated:
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TBBTestTest group for TBB.Created:
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tbcmonlineTheravada Buddhist Council of MalaysiaCreated:
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TBCresidents / TBC Resident ForumThe TBC Resident Forum is an email list for the residents of the Tahoe Beach Club to communicate with each other on a wide range of topics of interest. It was created to help strengthen the bonds of our small community, keep residents well informed, and get them more involved in all the events and issues going on in our community. This is a private group. The Tahoe Beach Club or the Tahoe Beach...Created:
59 Members,
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TBEBrotherhoodMens' Brotherhood at Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor, MI General communications to full membership.Created:
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TBFL / Teabag Folding (TBFL)This group is for people who enjoy making cards and doing teabag folding. Participation is compulsory. Making and exchanging hand made cards of all types. Design and share tiles free of all restrictions. Everyone is encouraged to participate. This is a small, intimate and international group.Created:
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TbiProgramResources for Independence Central Valley’s Heads UP! program provides services and support to individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) including specific screening services, and specialized peer support groups for individuals with TBI, their family members and caregivers. Anyone experiencing TBI symptoms can benefit from RICV’s Heads UP! TBI progr...Created:
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TBITProIT Professionals in the Tampa Bay area come together to share information and help each other in technology.Created:
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TBLPrivate use for members of Triangle Basketball LeagueCreated:
10 Members,
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TBLOVERS2Small but friendly group of patchwork quilters from around the world - please join us for some sewing, swapping & exchanging ideas. We hold monthly block lotteries, fabric postcard swaps & work on BOMs 'together' - despite being physically & geographically apart! 1:1 swaps for such items as table runner, mug rugs, aprons, dotee dolls & cushion covers are always a lot of f...Created:
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TBM-PPP / TBM-PPP Proficient Pilot ProgramTBM Proficient Pilot Program TBM-PPP is a group of Safety Passionate TBM Pilots:• Personal Commitment to learning and flying safe • Strive to operate according to group’s SOP and SMS • Use Flight Data Monitoring (FDM); strive for “Me & My TBM” score of 80+ pct • Create group with no accidents over an initial 3 year period with 100+ members. TBM Pilots were one of the first Genera...Created:
52 Members,
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TBMBiaW / The Beau Monde Book in a Week (BiaW)The Beau Monde Book in a Week sub group of The Beau Monde Regency Romance chapter meets for one week starting the 3rd Saturday of the month to focus on writing with no distractions. Each member will declare their total word count goal for the week. Each member will post to this loop every day (Saturday-Friday) with their daily word count. The Moderator will keep records of the word count and provi...Created:
52 Members,
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