NaturalMakerSpaceCreated: 12/20/19
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NaturalSchnauzersNatural Schnauzers, originally founded by Karen Neal. We're keeping it alive in Karen's honor. Schnauzer health, on topic except on weekends. Discussions welcome. We do disagree sometimes, but attacks, flaming, or other nastiness will get you the boot.Created: 2/22/18
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naturalscienceforwritersForum for resource book titled "Natural Science For Writers" by Ann Bennett. Getting your facts straight to create a better story.Created: 6/29/18
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NaturalSpringsSubdivision / NaturalSpringsSubdivisionA group for residents and property owners of the Natural Springs Subdivision, Hot Springs, Arkansas for communication, discussion, and information exchange about matters concerning the Residents and Property Owners of the Subdivision.Created: 9/15/21
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naturasi / NaturaSiLista je namenjena obveščanju in razpravam v biologiji in naravovarstvu ter oblikovanju kritične misli njenih članov. Deluje kot neformalno zbirališče tistih, ki smo povezani z naravovarstvom ali proučevanjem narave v Sloveniji. NaturaSi združuje posameznike tako iz nevladnih organizacij, vladnih naravovarstvenih ustanov, izobraževalnih zavodov kot tudi posameznike, ki ...Created: 12/08/17
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Mar 3
Nature-Based-Ongoing-Group / The Nature-Based Ongoing GroupThe Nature-Based Ongoing Group Program's vision is to nurture children and their families' awareness and respect for the interdependence and interconnection of all life. Our efforts are intended to support individuals in making choices that protect, conserve, respect and honor the Earth and all living beings. Through service, learning, play and work we create opportunities for our communit...Created: 12/10/20
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naturedaysfloridaNature Days Florida began with a group of moms, who wanted to enjoy nature study with their children. We met on Fridays and explored our local region together. The group grew to over sixty families. In order to reach more families and encourage nature study every day, we have shifted to an online group that provides encouragement and resources for those families who wish to explore nature in ou...Created: 7/25/22
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NaturegroupHomeschool Nature GroupCreated: 8/21/19
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natureinyourneighborhoodGroup for Nature in Your NeighborhoodCreated: 5/30/20
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naturepoemThis group sends out a poem with a Nature theme at most once a day on days when Sam Droege has the time to put one up. There are no discussions, annotations or comments from Sam or anyone else. The poems are there to relieve and support you during the day as a means of connecting you to the poet's spiritual interpretations of Nature, not the scientific presentation of facts. Balance. Membe...Created: 11/14/20
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Feb 26
Naturerecordists / Nature recordists from around the worldThis moderated group is interested in techniques, issues and general discussion of recording natural sounds. Topics include, but aren't limited to, recording techniques and equipment, recording venues and discussions of various animal vocalizations and communication. Other natural sounds, such as water, weather and wind-generated sounds are valid topics. Issues related to computerized editing ...Created: 12/11/19
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Mar 13
naturesaltspring / NatureSaltSpringWelcome! Within the NatureSaltSpring Club, we are a group who are very enthusiastic and curious about nature in all its forms. Whether it be an interesting mushroom, a sighting of a bird difficult to identify, a photo of a beautiful, spring flower you are aching to share with others, even one of a cool looking rock and of course your photos of our remarkable sea shore critters you are seeking help...Created: 8/30/24
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naturesbesthopeGranbyA place to share information about native plants and what we can do in our own yards and neighborhoods to promote biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. Many of us are in Granby, Connecticut, all are welcome. Posts must be kept relevant to this topic.Created: 5/28/21
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Mar 14
NatureTech-SolutionsThis sub-group has been established to disseminate information about the NatureTech.Solutions Caribbean Environmental Technology Innovation Grant program. Details on the program, which is administered as the "Potter Fund for NatureTech.Solutions" through the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI), can be obtained at the program's website, which is https://www.NatureTech.Solu...Created: 1/16/20
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naturists-outdoors / Naturists OutdoorsThis is the Outdoor Recreation Special Interest Group of the Naturist Society Foundation.Created: 12/13/20
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NaturopathicChatThis is a private list for licensed naturopathic physicians, so we have a space to discuss anything regarding our profession: anonymous patient care, philosophy, sales of items, political concerns, discussion of treating various conditions.Created: 10/19/19
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NaturopathicChat2Private email list for licensed naturopathic physicians around the world.Created: 8/15/19
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NaturopathicGIMentorshipNaturopathic GI Mentorship was launched by Dr. Megan Taylor as a resource for discussing cases related to naturopathic gastroenterology. This space is for paying mentees of Dr. Taylor and her team to access her knowledge on case management.Created: 10/31/24
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Mar 14
nauprof / NAU Project OfficeNAU Project OfficeCreated: 3/24/17
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navairdevcen / The Naval Air Development Center GroupThe Naval Air Development Center (NADC), later known as the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) was located in Warminster, Pennsylvania. Because of its proximity to the small village of Johnsville it was often referred to by that name. The base closed in September 1996 and the majority of its activities were transferred to NAWC Patuxent River, Maryland. The location was established by Brewster Aircraf...Created: 10/18/19
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Mar 15