MalleyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – MalleyCreated:
6 Members,
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MallinCam / MallinCam Astronomical Video CCD / CMOS CamerasGROUP DESCRIPTION: Discussion group about video astronomy, live observations video imaging and imaging in general with the MallinCam CCD/CMOS Cameras. Please note: When posting, type your name at the end of each messages. Be kind to others so they know who you are.Created:
1,922 Members,
22,313 Topics,
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MallonFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. For the discussion and sharing of information regarding the Mallon surname.Created:
6 Members,
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mallusatwadia#events#social#resesrch InfoCreated:
0 Members,
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Malo / MALÖ Sailing Yachts Group for owners and enthusiastsA group for owners and those interested in Malö Sailing Yachts, the excellent blue water cruising sailboats from Sweden!Created:
2 Members,
3 Topics,
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MaloneFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Malone surname.Created:
27 Members,
6 Topics,
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MaloyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Maloy, Malloy and any other variationsCreated:
11 Members,
6 Topics,
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malte-genealogie / La Généalogie MaltaiseL'entraide en Généalogie MaltaiseCreated:
2 Members,
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maltepegenclerbirligisporMaltepe Kaymakamlığı tarafından yürütülen Maltepe Gençlerbirliği Spor Klubü projemizin mail grubudur.Created:
10 Members,
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MalteseDogLovers / Maltese Dog LoversWe are a group of people that love our Maltese dogs. We talk about our dogs, past or present and share stories, information and more. As a tribute, our homepage dog pictures are of our pups that are angels now. Our Goals Are To make friends, To express our love and passion for dogs of any kind, To promote responsible Pet ownership by being able to answer questions and to enjoy the little balls ...Created:
13 Members,
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maltoekni / Áhugabólkurin Føroysk MáltøkniEndamálið hjá bólkinum er at vera ein savnandi miðdepil fyri tey sum hava áhuga fyri máltøkni til føroyskt.Created:
12 Members,
12 Topics,
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MalvernbirdsThis group is dedicated to reporting and discussion of the birds of the Malvern Hills and surrounding areas. Discussion of other wildlife is also permitted. The area covered by this group is defined by a distance of 5 kilometres from the ridge line of the Malvern Hills from End Hill in the north to Chase End Hill in the south.Created:
102 Members,
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mam / Microwave and Metalworking: + Wiltron-Instruments + Pantograph-Engravers + 110GHz + Thales25microwave and metalworking is a group that was created to share knowledge about a lot of thems around microwave measurement equpment and metalworking. This group is the successor of some great former yahoo groups and new groups of this topic: >Wiltron_Instruments< Anritsu + Wiltron testequipment >Pantograph_Engravers< Alexander,Deckel,Gravograph, Taylor Hobson, Newing-Hall, H.P.Pre...Created:
1,176 Members,
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MAMA-NYCMembers of MAMA - Mothers Against Media Addiction, NYC/NJCreated:
1 Member,
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mamas-corner / mamas-cornerA list where I, the owner, share recipes with the members.Created:
306 Members,
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MambruiBeachGardensMambrui Beach Gardens InvestorsCreated:
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MAMIDDLE / Middlesex County, Massachusetts GenealogyThis a group for those interested on genealogy research in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. This group is referred from the MAMIDDLE@rootsweb. com discussion list.Created:
24 Members,
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MamServicesThis is a group of Mam service providers in Oakland and Alameda County. We intend to share a directory and a list of interpreters. Members can also send an email to ask questions of others.Created:
1 Member,
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MANA-Boarders / Former Board and Committee Members of the Midwives Alliance of North AmericaEmail list for former MANA Board and Committee membersCreated:
37 Members,
81 Topics,
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MANA-rebirthRebirth of the Midwives Alliance of North America.Created:
49 Members,
76 Topics,
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