ID52a / ICOM ID-52A/E Amateur Handheld TransceiverICOM ID-52A ID-52E VHF/UHF D-STAR Handheld Transceiver ICOM ID-52A/E ID-52A is the USA version, ID-52E is the European version Larger radio, larger color display, and louder audio. The ID-52A is much more than a replacement to the ICOM ID-52A, it's a new way of communicating! Slightly taller and deeper, the ID-52A has a 2.3" color display, 320 x 280 pixel (1.7&...Created:
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id880hThis group is for people interested in the Icom ID-880H 144/440 D-Star radio. STATE YOUR CALLSIGN IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST!!! KEYWORDS: ID880 ID880H ID-880 ID-880H icom dstar D-Star vhf uhf The ICOM IC-880H 2M/440 twin bander has: separate front panel, wideband receive, 3 power settings, built-in CTCSS decode/encode, selectable color display, PC compatibility and 1000 memory channels. The ID-8...Created:
64 Members,
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IDA-Assistive-TechnologyAssistive Technology GroupCreated:
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idachaptersThis group is for chapters of the International Dark-Sky Association.Created:
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idahoIdaho GroupsCreated:
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IdahoGenealogy / Idaho GenealogyFormer Rootsweb group (Idaho (at) devoted to genealogy research in Idaho. This group is for general discussion of family history, genealogical information, and the history of Idaho. Sharing information, events, resources, and queries about family research and genealogy in the State of Idaho is welcome. Please Join the group by clicking JOIN HERE PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE of your fe...Created:
27 Members,
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IdahoLibraryEarlyLearning / Early Learning in Idaho LibrariesThis group is for Idaho library staff who want to create, enhance, expand, or improve library services that promote early learning and school readiness. Public, school, academic, and state library agency staff, as well as those in library school, are welcome to join!Created:
42 Members,
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IdahoLibraryTeenServicesThis is a group where library staff in Idaho can communicate about teen services issues, programs, and all other things related to teens in the library.Created:
84 Members,
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idahorailsIdaho Rails- Idaho railroad news and informationCreated:
20 Members,
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IdahoStateARESnetThis email group is for all amateur radio stations wishing to participate in the Idaho State ARES voice and digital nets. Information regarding the operation of the nets will be posted here. This is an open system and any member can post email. We request that all comments be respectful and that members be civil and follow the amateur code.Created:
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IdahotokensGroup for collectors of Idaho trade tokens and related materialCreated:
14 Members,
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IdahowhitewaterThis group is intended to be a resource for whitewater boaters with a primary interest in running Idaho rivers.Created:
52 Members,
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IdahoWritersGuildNon-profit corporation to support writing and literacy in the State of Idaho.Created:
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idama place to express, share, know & thus to grow as we evolve.Created:
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IDAOhioThis is a discussion group for the International Dark-Sky Association, Ohio Chapter members and friends. This forum will include messages about meetings, news releases, night sky appreciation, and preservation of our heritage of dark skies. The group promotes better outdoor lighting to help control glare and protect the nighttime environment.Created:
6 Members,
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IDCanyonGenealogy research in Canyon County IdahoCreated:
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IDclerksCFA ID Clerking ProgramCreated:
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ideal-game-engineA list for people to discuss ideas and the use of the ideal game engine (
3 Members,
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idealabs / BYU IDeA LabsMain group for the BYU IDeA LabsCreated:
28 Members,
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IDEALCommitteeIDEAL Committee of VisionServe Alliance.Created:
10 Members,
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