Fatima-ProfessionalsListServ for disability-related professionals who volunteer or have volunteered at Camp Fatima of NJ. The message board includes outreach for services, general education or disability-related questions, and a place to share or disseminate resources. If you are interested in joining Fatima Professionals, please contact rsmith@campfatimanj.org for additional information.Created:
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fatstudiesThis email list — which began as a Yahoo! group in June, 2004 — is an online discussion space for people interested and involved in the interdisciplinary field of fat studies.Created:
478 Members,
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fattiretime / Fat Tire TimeMountain Bikers From Northern New JerseyCreated:
4 Members,
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fattycuts / Fatty CutsSupport group for people that eat meat and drink water.Created:
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FAUCC-BoardGroup for Board, Committees and Advisory Board members of the Friends of the African Union Cemetery, Delaware City.Created:
2 Members,
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2 Members,
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FaulkenberryFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Faulkenberry surname.Created:
10 Members,
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FaulknerHillRoadNeighborhood emailCreated:
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FauntleroyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - FauntleroyCreated:
3 Members,
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FauquierFor Fauquier County and Town of Warrenton residents to connect with each other about subjects that interest them such as events of interest, discussions, offers to give items, requests for wanted items, request for referrals, recommendations of local businesses; etc. Please speak up if there is something you would like to add here that isn't listed.Created:
19 Members,
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faviation / Foundation Aviation In AustraliaThis group is for discussion on the Foundation Aviation concept in Australia. The idea being to promote low cost Aviation including electric flight technology to people with an interest in being involved in low cost Aviation to a point of even lobbying for licence and registration free operations as back in the day of the Australian Ultralite Federation. We would like all members to participate ...Created:
2 Members,
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favoritesThis group is for favorite links, software, blogs, podcasts, tips and tricks, helpful hints, etc.Created:
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Fawler / Fawler ResidentsEmail group for residents of Fawler, Oxfordshire. Members of this main group can choose to join topic-based subgroups. If you have any queries about using the email group or you would like to create a new subgroup, please contact main+owner@Fawler.groups.io.Created:
52 Members,
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fawneng630 Union Street Madeline House CondoCreated:
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FayEstabrookA shrine to the one-time movie starlet, Fay EstabrookCreated:
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fayetteares / Fayette ARES - Fayette County, GA, Amateur Radio Emergency ServiceThe email reflector service for the Fayette County, Georgia, ARES group. For more information go to www.fayetteares.orgCreated:
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FayettePAGenealogy / Fayette County Pennsylvania GenealogyFayette County Pennsylvania Genealogy Group is dedicated to the history and families of Fayette County. Created to provide a forum for discussion of genealogy and history of Fayette County, its people, places and stories.Created:
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FayyazmehmoodLearn about Investigative Journalism.Created:
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FB-HD-Info / Info-Verteiler des Friedensbündnis HeidelbergInfo-Verteiler des Friedensbündnis HeidelbergCreated:
14 Members,
702 Topics,
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FBACCommunityPanelThe Community Panel supporting FBAC - people interested in helping move FBAC forward, ex-board members, local business owners, book arts people, community specialists, gallery coordinators, librarians, etc.Created:
5 Members,
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