CAMExComm / Cincinnati Area Mensa ExCommThe official list for the Cincinnati Area Mensa Executive Committee to discuss business between meetings. CAM members who are not seated on Ex Comm are welcome to join the list on a read-only basis.Created:
17 Members,
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caminorealgamersForum and contact point for miniature wargamers in Albuquerque and the surrounding regionCreated:
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CAMMThis group is the "lounge" for members of all of our groups. Membership in this group is required for the other groups. One does not have to be in formation with CAMM to be a member of the lounge group. We ask that contentious discussion be avoided.Created:
34 Members,
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Camolainc / CAMEROONIANS OF LOWELL ASSOCIATION INC.Cameroonians of Lowell Association (CAMOLA) is a registered 501c(3) non-profit organization founded in June 1992. Its membership compromises of Cameroonians and/or friends of Cameroonians by nationality, association, or affiliation who reside in the Greater Lowell area. The organization strives to address issues affecting Cameroonians/ affiliates and Africans in Lowell and surrounding communities....Created:
17 Members,
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campUnplug from technology and reconnect with nature by getting outside and camping together.Created:
2 Members,
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Camp-40-Acres / Camp 40 AcresThis is a public community website and opt-in mail list for the public who wish to learn more about the activities at Camp 40 Acres in Wilmington Massachusetts. Local residents, former scouts and campers; and all area residents interested in learning more are welcome! The camp is public open space adjacent to the Wilmington Town Forest made available for free use by scouting, school and youth gro...Created:
11 Members,
3 Topics,
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campaign-gamesCampaign Games creates tabletop games with a focus on narrative play and history.Created:
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CampanaAltamiraAquĆ se pueden inscribir. La iniciativa es una esfuerzo interinstitucional que tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad de la Campana-Altamira.Created:
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Campbell / Campbell surname genealogy groupThis group is for the exchange of genealogy information related to the CAMPBELL family in general. It is intended to provide a replacement for the Campbell group on rootsweb when it shuts down.Created:
68 Members,
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campbell-CA-ARES / Campbell California ARESDiscussion group for members of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service in Campbell, California. We are a group of volunteers that is prepared to provide communications support to local government and public service organizations in case of disasters. The Campbell ARES net meets every Tuesday evening at 19:45 on 146.565 MHz simplex, which is also our primary frequency for drills and emergency tactica...Created:
32 Members,
59 Topics,
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Campbell-CERTFor Campbell California CERT participantsCreated:
2 Members,
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Campbell-VillageFor the RESIDENTS of Campbell Village / Cambrian 36Created:
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CampbellCAa group for CampbellCreated:
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CampbellCERTFor Campbell California CERT participantsCreated:
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CampbellCousins / CAMPBELL COUSINS RESEARCH GROUPSince this a closed private family group, membership is restricted. Therefore, in requesting membership, it will be necessary to provide both your name and specific exact lineage in detail to explain how you are related. to the specific Campbells of our family. You will not be considered otherwise. That includes providing every generation of lineage with names, dates and locations. Providing info...Created:
56 Members,
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CampbellFriendsBooksales / Book Sale AnnouncementsThis group is used to notify registered members of upcoming book sales hosted by the Campbell Friends of the Library. This is an announcements only group, no discussions are possible. The sales are held on the patio outside the Campbell Express Library You will receive an email when a book sale is announced. You will receive two reminders - 1 week before the event -1 day before the eventCreated:
295 Members,
56 Topics,
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Campbells-KitchenNLeftoverRecipesCampbells-KitchenNLeftoverRecipes Recipes from Campbell's Kitchen & for using soups and/or leftoversCreated:
27 Members,
70 Topics,
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CampbellSoupRecipes / Campbell Soup RecipesAny recipe using Campbell's or canned soup!Created:
15 Members,
7 Topics,
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CampbellVillageFor the RESIDENTS of Campbell Village / Cambrian 36Created:
11 Members,
1 Topic,
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CamperholicsClosed group for good camping friends to share photos and stories.Created:
1 Member,
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