BarrierFreeBC / Barrier Free BC – advocating for a strong and effective British Columbians with Disabilities ActThis is a Newsletter/notices distribution group list.Created:
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BarrowARC / Barrow Amateur Radio ClubBarrow Amateur Radio Club PO Box 411 Bethlehem, GA, USA 30620Created:
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BarrowCountyGA-ARES / BarrowCountyGA-ARESWelcome to the Barrow County Georgia Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) goups io.Created:
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BarrrettCommunicationsUserGroupThe purpose of this user group is to share operational and technical experience using Barrett Communications Equipment. Member are required to be courteous at all times and refrain from negative on-line behaviors. This is a new group that will evolve over time.Created:
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barryfansNon-profit social club for fans of the entertainer/musician Barry Manilow.Created:
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barrys-emacs / Barry's EmacsBarry's Emacs users groupCreated:
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BARS / BARSBarry Amateur Radio Society We celebrated fifty years of the Society in October 2016, we have a rich history as all our members have walked in the footsteps of Marconi & Kemp. Our Club enjoys a fantastic location, just 500 metres from the shores of the Bristol Channel, 5 miles out is Flat Holm Island, and 2 miles up the road is Lavernock Point, it is based at the heart of radio history....Created:
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barsnpipes / Bars & Pipes MIDI Software Discussion GroupWelcome to the brand new Bars & Pipes discussion group at! There was one over at Yahoo! Groups that as of the end of 2020 will be going away. Of course, we're here to discuss the fantastic MIDI software, that even years after Blue Ribbon stopped producing it, is still used in many a home recording studio., We can also cover Patchmeister, SuperJam!, etc. To cut down on spam, you...Created:
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BART / Border Amateur Radio Team (BART) WD7FBART is a group of Amateur Radio Operators who operate and control the 146.34/.94 VHF Repeater current located in N.E. Tucson with VoIP’s, EchoLink and DMR 310410. You can be a member too. Just use the .94 repeater, DMR 310410, EchoLink and sign up here! “No dues, no fees to pay.” de WD7F (SK)Created:
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BartfanDeze lijst is bedoeld voor leden van de BB-lijst die het slap lullen niet kunnen latenCreated:
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5 Members,
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BartimeusInnovatieTeamHet Bartiméus Innovatie Team (BIT) houdt zich bezig met het testen van o.a. hardware en gadgets eventueel in combinatie met een smartphone of tablet. Zij testen op toegankelijkheid en gebruiksvriendelijkheid. Het is voor en door mensen die slechtziend of blind zijn. Heb jij een toegankelijke gadget aangeschaft, vul dan het testformulier in. Als tip voor anderen. BIT wordt ook ingezet voor eve...Created:
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bartimeuspioniersBartimeus Projectpioniers maken de droom van VBS concreet!Created:
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2 Members,
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Bartlett-Genealogy / Bartlett Genealogy and Family HistoryBartlett genealogy and family history for all spellings, in any time and place. DNA findings are especially welcome. This group succeeds the Bartlett-Roots Rootsweb list which was archived 2 March 2020. Please post queries, questions, and information. Resources: Bartlett-Roots Rootsweb list archives: Bartlett Rootsweb lis...Created:
25 Members,
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bartoncreekgreenbeltDiscussion group for issues involving the Barton Creek Greenbelt in Austin TX.Created:
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bartonhills / Barton Hills Neighborhood AssociationOfficial email list and group for members of the Barton Hills Neighborhood Association in Austin TX Welcome! Barton Hills is a neighborhood in Austin,Texas, in the hills of south Austin along Barton Creek. This group is for the benefit of members of the Barton Hills Neighborhood Association (BHNA). To join, you must first be a member of the association. To join the BHNA, please visit our website a...Created:
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bartonspringsWelcome. This group is dedicated to discussion about the enjoyment and protection of Barton Springs Pool, a natural swimming hole in Zilker Park, Austin, Texas, USA. The BSP Hotline phone number is 512-974-6300. Information on pool closings and pool hours is posted on this hotline.Created:
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BartonTutorsThis group is for teachers and parents who tutor (or want to learn to tutor) kids with dyslexia or other reading and spelling struggles. We encourage you (and help you) to become trained in using the Barton method. The Barton method is based on the Orton-Gillingham method of teaching dyslexics and other children with reading struggles).Created:
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bas-astro / The Birmingham Astronomical Society of Birmingham, AlabamaPlease observe common forum etiquette. Read the forums rules and guidelines before posting for the first time. Search the other posts to see if your topic is already covered. Use a meaningful title for your thread. Do not use a forum to promote your product, service or business. Be civil. Personal differences should be handled through email or IM and not through posts displayed to everyone....Created:
107 Members,
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