Ongoing friendships amongst the Tau Delta Phi pledge class of 1968 at U. of P. and their loved ones
Created: 8/02/09
17 Members, 193 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 10/09/24
Genealogy for the Taulbee surname
Created: 3/01/20
0 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
taunus-astrotreff / Taunus-AstroTreff
-------------------- Herzlich Willkommen im Taunus AstroTreff! Diese Mailingliste soll der Verständigung zwischen Sternfreunden im Naturpark Taunus dienen. Sie soll Amateurastronomen helfen Informationen über den Sternenhimmel auszutauschen und sich bei geplanten Ausflügen zu dunklen Beobachtungsplätzen gegenseitig abzusprechen. Unser beliebtester Treffpunkt liegt im Hochtaunus bei Wehrheim Pf...
Created: 11/30/20
64 Members, 147 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 11
Liddle equestrian group
Created: 10/28/18
65 Members, 1,030 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 2/18/22
Liddle equestrian group
Created: 10/28/18
367 Members, 1,266 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 2/18/22
tav-fl5d12 / Tax Aide Volunteer FL5D12 (Sarasota) Discussion Group
Tax Aide Volunteer FL5D12 (Sarasota) Discussion Group main@tav-fl5d12.groups.ioThis is a private discussion group for AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Volunteers volunteering in the Florida 5 (FL5) District 12 (D12) District. All volunteers in the District are welcome to join. The group exists to exchange ideas, information and best practices related to the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program, focused on th...
Created: 11/16/21
64 Members, 202 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 5
A private group of crafters that meet at the Heathsville Tavern.
Created: 3/24/20
28 Members, 1,045 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 15
Tech support for the blind and visually impaired provided by the Technology Association for Visually Impaired Missourians. Support for adaptive technology devices including but not limited to PC computers, the MAC, iPhones, Blind Shell, Victor Reader Stream, Jaws, Fusion, NVDA, Be My Eyes and many other popular programs. We will also be posting information and updates about new and existing adap...
Created: 3/18/24
28 Members, 8 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 4/06/24
This site is open to all TaxAide Training Specialists (TRS), Training Coordinators (TRC), Lead Instructors, State Coordinators (SC). This site has been created so that training LEADERSHIP across the country, can exchange information regarding training issues within the program. PLEASE keep posts to TRAINING ISSUES. This TRS Group is 'members only' which means that your informa...
Created: 11/06/19
4 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
For accounting / tax professionals to keep in touch and share their wisdom with each other. No spam, no drama.
Created: 10/17/19
85 Members, 187 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Feb 27
TaxJustice4TKPK / Tax Justice for Takoma Park - Stop Municipal Tax Duplation
A group of concerned citizens who actively advocate for ending the tax duplication levied on the City of Takoma Park by the county for services our city provides from the property tax base and creating a fair and regular equation that is applied to all municipalities in Montgomery County experiencing similar double taxation and non-reimbursements. Members agree to do their best to take up action ...
Created: 5/03/21
16 Members, 33 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 4/24/23
This is a special interest group (SIG) for taxonomies and controlled vocabularies affiliated with the American Society for Indexing. This discussion group is for members of the SIG. The purpose is to discuss theoretical, practical, technical, and professional issues involved in working with taxonomies and controlled vocabularies and other topics related to these.
Created: 11/04/19
11 Members, 17 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: 10/02/24
TaxProXchange / TaxProXchange
A group for CPAs, attorneys, EAs and other Tax Professionals to discuss U.S. income taxation, exchange information and suggestions, discuss tax programs and other software,upload excel worksheets and PDF files, . OFF TOPIC REMARKS will generally be acceptable, but should be identified as "OT" to enable those wishing to avoid them to skip them. Use LINKS, FILES AND DATABASE for full benefit...
Created: 2/25/04
950 Members, 13,879 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 2:02am
taxroundtable / Tax Roundtable
To Subscribe: Email main+subscribe@taxroundtable.groups.io The Free Tax Preparation Roundtable, is resource designed and maintained for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE), Direct File and Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITC) practitioners, stakeholders and and all those who advocate for a racially equitable economy. The Roundtable provides: Opportunities f...
Created: 11/21/01
972 Members, 10,689 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 15
TaxTalkNews / TaxTalkNews
This is news on various topics that might be of interest to CPAs, attorneys and any others that may work in the tax area. Previously I issued a weekly newsletter but due to personal time requirements stopped that several years ago. This new email notices are only outgoing announcements of items of news interest to tax practitioners. Subscribers can not post emails to the group.
Created: 3/20/00
1,018 Members, 1,685 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: Mar 14
taylor / TAYLOR of Drayton Parslow, Buckinghamshire, UK - family history discussion
For the sharing of information between descendants and relatives of John TAYLOR / TAYLER of Drayton Parslow, Buckinghamshire, England. John married Mary KIRK in 1825. This group originated as the TAYLOR Yahoo! Group on 20 Dec 2002. Due to the impending reduced functionality of Yahoo! Group, the group was transitioned to Groups.io on 11 Nov 2019. The photograph on the home page of this group is tha...
Created: 11/11/19
2 Members, 1 Topic, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 4/15/20
TaylorGenealogy / Taylor Genealogy
This group is for those of us who are researching our Taylor ancestors in any time and in any place. We want to help each other to find all we can about our families. Please join us!
Created: 5/10/21
3 Members, 6 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 7/17/24
A group for direct and collateral descendants of George Taylor and Selina King of Coventy
Created: 2/13/20
3 Members, 7 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: 5/02/21
taylorsannouncements / taylors accessibility announcements
This group is the group for taylors accessibility consulting and web design business. This group is strictly for announcements and newsletter distribution. I will have a discussion group coming soon. If you want to learn more about my business, you can visit taylorarndt.com. Expect at least one message per week, with important announcements and important accessibility events like conventions or co...
Created: 7/11/20
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
taylorsmorris / Taylor's Morris
Group for members of Taylor's Morris team. Events List See our events list for details of our future events and update with your availability TM's YouTube All the lovely Longborough Practice videos - behind the scenes videos of TM practices, not for public consumption. Bank Details - here in one handy place for when Bagpuss nags you to pay for awesome events'n'stuff: Harry...
Created: 10/05/16
47 Members, 469 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 12