office-access / Office Access for the BlindHave a question about using an MSOffice product with your screen reader? Office Access is here to help. Questions about Word, Outlook, Excell and other office applications are welcome.Created:
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officebreathinglabsschedule and organise work at officeCreated:
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OfficerGroupNFSS / 2019-2020 NFSS OfficersClosed Group - NFSS Board of Director Officers - Quarterly MeetingsCreated:
17 Members,
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OfficersRFCIGroup for RFCI Officers to discuss RFCI businessCreated:
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OfficialAMFPufferGroup / The Official AMF Puffer GroupWelcome to the new AMF Puffer online group - soon to contain all the message archives of the old Yahoo AMF Alcort Puffer Sailboat Group. There is also a Facebook Puffer presence, linked to below. Feel free to post any question or sea stories you've got about your Puffer!Created:
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OfficialAMFSunbirdOwners / The Official AMF Alcort Sunbird Owner's GroupThis group is devoted to people who own, have owned, or are thinking about purchasing an AMF Sunbird sailboat. I started this group over 25 years ago as a simple mailing list off of a private website, and we've grown to over 800 members and have a wealth of knowledge built up regarding the care and feeding of our 'birds. We've had a home on Yahoo for almost 20 years, and are looking ...Created:
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OfficialAquadyneSailbirdGroup / The Official Aquadyne Sailbird GroupWelcome to Sailbirds! This group is for Sailbird owners who want to promote the Aquadyne Sailbird Trimarans while making new friends and share the pleasure of a Sailbird Trimaran. If you own a similar type multihull or just want to share your sailing experiences, welcome aboard... kick back and enjoy. Remember to peruse the archives (after they get transferred from the old Yahoo site - I just have...Created:
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officialbatschool / BAT Instructor Certification CourseThe Official Behavior Adjustment Training School is for anyone interested in Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) and who may be looking to find a Certified BAT Instructor. For professionals, OBATS is the place to become a Certified BAT Instructor (CBATI). This email group will be dedicated to correspondence on the OBATS Certification Courses.Created:
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officialdesignerpublishingThis is our groupCreated:
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offlinecreationsa group where you can be off-lineCreated:
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offtopic / Off Topic, where (most) things that are off-topic in more specialised groups are on topic.Most mailing lists are limited to a particular topic, and even if they cover a fairly broad field, there are always some things that are off-topic. A literary group may be broad or narrow, but at some point the conversation veers into politics or theology, or sport, or cookery, of diseases (Covid-19 is fashionable at the moment). So this forum is for all those topics that are off-topic elsewhere, ...Created:
15 Members,
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OffTopicPleaseForgiveMeA place to continue conversations that are not on topic within your other group. Decorum will be enforced.Created:
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OFHiroThe Vesta Class starship USS Hiroshima is a proud member of Obsidian Fleet. An advanced and powerful explorer, she is ready and willing to enter the vast beyond and support the needs and ideals of the United Federation of Planets. Please see our website ( for more information about this fine vessel.Created:
11 Members,
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oficinacintiaOficina de Criação Literária de Cíntia Moscovich.Created:
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ofisortamiOfis Ortamına hoşgeldiniz!Created:
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OGaraFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - OGaraCreated:
5 Members,
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OgaugescratchbuildSite by Jim Smith showing scratchbuild methods in O gaugeCreated:
3 Members,
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ogdencatholicfamilies / Ogden area Catholic FamiliesEmail group for the Catholic families in the Ogden area. Feel free to share events, schedule meet ups, share prayer request, and use in any way that builds up our Catholic community.Created:
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ogdenundayschoolWelcome to The Ogden Unday School Group! This group is for members specifically of the Weber/Davis Social Coffee Chat held 1pm Sundays at Grounds for Coffee, 111 25th St, Ogden. You know how someone shared extremely useful information at coffee? e.g. The LOLCat Bible Translation. We wanted a place where we could expand our community with the conversations, links to information we’ve discussed an...Created:
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OgenBlikEen mailgroep voor blinden en slechtziendenCreated:
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